flutter_ume 1.1.2
flutter_ume: ^1.1.2 copied to clipboard
UME is an in-app debug kits platform for Flutter apps. Produced by Flutter Infra team of ByteDance.
Changelog #
[1.1.2] #
- #82 Fix flutter_logo.dart error in Flutter 3.0.5
[1.1.1+1] #
- Update latest dependencies.
[1.1.1] #
- #66 [fix] toolbar initial position is incorrect
[1.1.0+3] #
- Fix static analyze issues.
[1.1.0+2] #
- Fix static analyze issues.
[1.1.0] #
- #76 Introduce
. Issue #35 - #75 Remove overlay entry only when it's been inserted. Issue #65
- #72 [Android] Migrate the example to the v2 embedding
[1.0.2+1] #
- Dart format.
[1.0.2] #
- Fix error in code static analysis.
[1.0.1] #
- Fix error in pubspec.yaml in example
[1.0.0] #
- Normal version with adaption of Flutter 3.
- Feature: Anywhere door (Route)
[1.0.0-dev.0] #
- Adapt Flutter 3.
[0.3.0+1] #
- Fix the version error
[0.3.0] #
- Remove static function. Use the
. - Allow insert
into Widget tree, in order to access new plugin easily. - Fix the issue of multiple instances of FloatingWidget caused by the refresh state.
- Fix the isseue that the plugin is not displayed due to the first layout exception in AOT mode
[0.3.0] #
- 移除静态方法,更换为壳 Widget
- 允许在 Widget tree 增加自定义嵌套结构组件,从而快速接入新插件
- 修复刷新状态引发的浮窗组件出现多实例的问题
- 修复在 AOT 模式下首次布局异常导致插件不展示的问题
[0.2.1] #
- Remove the extra MaterialApp Widget
[0.2.0-dev.0] #
- Adapted Null-Safety.
[0.1.0+1] #
- Add some docs comments, modify description in pubspec.yaml.
[0.1.0] #
- Open source.