flutter_to_pdf 0.2.0 copy "flutter_to_pdf: ^0.2.0" to clipboard
flutter_to_pdf: ^0.2.0 copied to clipboard

A package to export any Flutter widget to a PDF-Document, PDF-Page or PDF-File. Further customization of the export process is possible through the export options.

codecov Pub

The FlutterToPDF package lets you export any Flutter widget to PDF Documents and is written natively in Dart.

Installing #

Depend on it #

Run this command:

$ flutter pub add flutter_to_pdf

This will add a line like this to your package's pubspec.yaml (and run an implicit flutter pub get):

    flutter_to_pdf: ^0.2.0

Alternatively, your editor might support flutter pub get. Check the docs for your editor to learn more.

Import it #

Now in your Dart code, you can use:

import 'package:flutter_to_pdf/flutter_to_pdf.dart';

Features #

  • export to PDF Document
  • export to PDF Page
  • export to PDF Widget
  • export with options
    • Page format options
    • Text field options
    • Checkbox options

Usage #

Create an instance of the ExportDelegate, wrap your widget with a ExportFrame widget and provide a frameId, as well as the exportDelegate.

When you want to export the widget call the desired export function (either exportToPdfDocument, exportToPdfPage or exportToPdfWidget) and pass in the frameId.

// create instance of ExportDelegate
final ExportDelegate exportDelegate = ExportDelegate();

  frameId: 'someFrameId',
  child: SomeWidget(), // the widget you want to export

// export the frame to a PDF Document
final pdf = await exportDelegate.exportToPdfDocument('someFrameId');

// export the frame to a PDF Page
final page = await exportDelegate.exportToPdfPage('someFrameId');

// export the frame to a PDF Widget
final widget = await exportDelegate.exportToPdfWidget('someFrameId');

Note: If you wish to use types on the variables pdf, page and widget, you can use the Document, Page and Widget classes provided by PDF-package.

Custom TTF Fonts #

If the widget you want to export contains any custom TTF fonts, you must provide the used ttfFonts to the ExportDelegate.

final ExportDelegate exportDelegate = ExportDelegate(
  ttfFonts: {
    'SomeFontFamily': 'assets/fonts/someFont.ttf',

TextFields and Checkboxes #

If the widget you want to export contains any TextField, TextFormField or Checkbox, a unique Key must be provided to each TextField, TextFormField and Checkbox.

  key: Key('someUniqueTextFieldKey'),
  controller: TextEditingController(),

  key: Key('someUniqueCheckboxKey'),
  value: false,

Export Options #

The ExportDelegate´s constructor has a named optional parameter options which can be used to customize the export process.

final ExportOptions options = ExportOptions(
  pageFormatOptions: PageFormatOptions.a3(),
  textFieldOptions: TextFieldOptions.uniform(
    interactive: false,
  checkboxOptions: CheckboxOptions.uniform(
    interactive: false,

final ExportDelegate exportDelegate = ExportDelegate(options: options);

The ExportDelegate´s options can also be overriden using the named optional parameter overrideOptions in the export function.

final ExportOptions options = ExportOptions(
  pageFormatOptions: PageFormatOptions.a3(),
  textFieldOptions: TextFieldOptions.uniform(
    interactive: false,
  checkboxOptions: CheckboxOptions.uniform(
    interactive: false,

final ExportDelegate exportDelegate = ExportDelegate(options: options);

final ExportOptions overrideOptions = ExportOptions(
  pageFormatOptions: PageFormatOptions.a4(),
  textFieldOptions: TextFieldOptions.uniform(
    interactive: true,
  checkboxOptions: CheckboxOptions.uniform(
    interactive: true,

// export the frame to a PDF Document, using the override options
final pdf = await exportDelegate.exportToPdfDocument('someFrameId', overrideOptions: overrideOptions);

// export the frame to a PDF Page, using the override options
final page = await exportDelegate.exportToPdfPage('someFrameId', overrideOptions: overrideOptions);

// export the frame to a PDF Widget, using the override options
final widget = await exportDelegate.exportToPdfWidget('someFrameId', overrideOptions: overrideOptions);

Page Format Options #

The PageFormatOptions class can be used to customize the page format of the exported PDF Document.

All constructors have an optional parameter clip which can be used to define if the content of the page should be clipped to the page format. The default value is true.

For the PageFormatOptions class there are several predefined constructors available:

  • PageFormatOptions.a3 - A3 page format
  • PageFormatOptions.a4 - A4 page format
  • PageFormatOptions.a5 - A5 page format
  • PageFormatOptions.a6 - A6 page format
  • PageFormatOptions.letter - Letter page format
  • PageFormatOptions.legal - Legal page format
  • PageFormatOptions.roll57 - Roll57 page format
  • PageFormatOptions.roll80 - Roll80 page format
  • PageFormatOptions.custom - Custom page format

    The custom page format can be used to define a custom page format.
    It therefore requires at least the width parameter, and has the following optional parameters: height, marginTop, marginBottom, marginLeft, marginRight and marginAll.

Text Field Options #

The TextFieldOptions class can be used to customize the text fields of the exported PDF Document.

All constructors have an optional parameter interactive which can be used to define if the text fields should be interactive. The default value is true. If interactive is set to false, the text fields will be rendered as Text.

For the TextFieldOptions class there are several predefined constructors available:

  • TextFieldOptions.uniform - Uniform text field options

    The uniform text field options can be used to define a uniform TextStyle for all text fields.
    It therefore has an optional parameter textstyle which can be used to define a custom TextStyle for all text fields.

  • TextFieldOptions.individual - Individual text field options

    The individual text field options can be used to define an individual TextStyle for each text field.
    It has an optional parameter styleMap which maps the textfield´s Key to a TextStyle.
    Note: The TextField therefore requires a Key to be able to map the TextStyle to the text field.

  • TextFieldOptions.none - No text field options

    The text fields will be interactive and will be styled as found in the widget tree.

Checkbox Options #

The CheckboxOptions class can be used to customize the checkboxes of the exported PDF Document.

All constructors have an optional parameter interactive which can be used to define if the checkboxes should be interactive. The default value is true. If interactive is set to false, the checkboxes will be rendered as a Container and will not be clickable.

For the CheckboxOptions class there are several predefined constructors available:

  • CheckboxOptions.uniform - Uniform checkbox options

    The uniform checkbox options can be used to define a uniform BoxDecoration for all checkboxes.
    It therefore has an optional parameter boxDecoration which can be used to define a custom BoxDecoration for all checkboxes.

  • CheckboxOptions.individual - Individual checkbox options

    The individual checkbox options can be used to define an individual BoxDecoration for each checkbox.
    It has an optional parameter decorationMap which maps the checkbox´s Key to a BoxDecoration.
    Note: The Checkbox therefore requires a Key to be able to map the BoxDecoration to the checkbox.

  • CheckboxOptions.none - No checkbox options

    The checkboxes will be interactive and will be styled as found in the widget tree.

pub points


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A package to export any Flutter widget to a PDF-Document, PDF-Page or PDF-File. Further customization of the export process is possible through the export options.

Repository (GitHub)
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flutter, pdf


Packages that depend on flutter_to_pdf