flutter_timeline 0.3.0
flutter_timeline: ^0.3.0 copied to clipboard
a fully customizable & general timeline widget, based on real-world application references
framework: flutter platform: Android, iOS, Web, macOS, Linux, Windows tags: flutter, timeline, flutter timeline, timeline tile title: flutter timeline #
a fully customizable & general timeline widget, based on real-world application references
- ✅ fully customizable indicator dot
- ✅ support spacing between indicator dot and lines
- ✅ support spacing between event (items) but leaving the line connected
- ✅ uses custom paint, but yet, indicator and body are fully customizable.
- ✅ 2 real-world demos
- ✅ L2R support
- ✅ anchor support
- ✅ global offset support
- ✅ item offset support
- ✅ supported & used by enterprise, constantly updated, used on production application.
Installation #
flutter_timeline: latest
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usage #
TimelineEventDisplay get plainEventDisplay {
return TimelineEventDisplay(
child: TimelineEventCard(
title: Text("just now"),
content: Text("someone commented on your timeline ${DateTime.now()}"),
indicator: TimelineDots.of(context).circleIcon);
List<TimelineEventDisplay> events;
Widget _buildTimeline() {
return TimelineTheme(
data: TimelineThemeData(lineColor: Colors.blueAccent),
child: Timeline(
indicatorSize: 56,
events: events,
void _addEvent() {
setState(() {
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using offset
Widget _buildTimeline() {
return Timeline(
indicatorSize: 56,
events: events,
altOffset: Offset(0, -24) // set offset
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using anchor & offset
TimelineEventDisplay get plainEventDisplay {
return TimelineEventDisplay(
anchor: IndicatorPosition.top,
indicatorOffset: Offset(0, 24),
child: TimelineEventCard(
title: Text("multi\nline\ntitle\nawesome!"),
content: Text("someone commented on your timeline ${DateTime.now()}"),
indicator: randomIndicator);
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complex example #

simple example (run it now!) #

more documentation available at github
Sponsors #
Also check out... #
references #