flutter_tf_idf 0.0.3 copy "flutter_tf_idf: ^0.0.3" to clipboard
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A collection of TF IDF processing including TF-IDF, Cosine similarity, etc.

flutter_tf_idf #

A Dart package for calculating TF-IDF (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency) and performing text analysis tasks in Flutter applications.

Features #

  • Calculate TF-IDF matrix for a collection of documents
  • Compute cosine similarity and distance between documents
  • Retrieve top terms for a specific document
  • Search documents based on a query
  • Get TF-IDF scores for specific terms and documents
  • Find the highest-scoring document for a given term

Getting Started #

Add flutter_tf_idf to your pubspec.yaml:

  flutter_tf_idf: ^1.0.0

Then run: #

flutter pub get

Import: #

import 'package:flutter_tf_idf/flutter_tf_idf.dart';

Usage: #

Create a TfIdf instance with a list of documents: #

  var documents = [
    Document('doc1', 'This is a sample document'),
    Document('doc2', 'Another example document'),
    Document('doc3', 'A third document for demonstration'),
  final tfIdf = TfIdf(documents);

Calculate Cosine Similarity: #

    double similarity = tfIdf.calculateCosineSimilarity('doc1', 'doc2');
    print('Cosine similarity between doc1 and doc2: $similarity');

Calculate Cosine Distance #

    double distance = tfIdf.calculateCosineDistance('doc1', 'doc2');
    print('Cosine distance between doc1 and doc2: $distance');

Get Top Terms for a Document #

    List<String> topTerms = tfIdf.getTopTerms('doc1', 5);
    print('Top 5 terms in doc1: $topTerms');

Search Documents #

    List<String> searchResults = tfIdf.searchDocuments('first document', 2);
    print('Top 2 documents matching "first document": $searchResults');

Get TF-IDF Score #

    double score = tfIdf.getTfIdfScore('document', 'doc2');
    print('TF-IDF score of "document" in doc2: $score');

Get Highest Scoring Document for a Term #

    String docId = tfIdf.getHighestScoringDocument('third');
    print('Document with highest score for "third": $docId');

Additional information #

For more information on how to use this package, please refer to the API documentation and the example provided in the example/main.dart file.

Author #

This package is developed and maintained by Jahangir Jehad.

Show Your Support #

If you find this package helpful, please consider giving it a star on GitHub. Your support helps to make this project more visible to others who might benefit from it. Star on GitHub

pub points


unverified uploader

A collection of TF IDF processing including TF-IDF, Cosine similarity, etc.


API reference


MIT (license)




Packages that depend on flutter_tf_idf