flutter_super_state 0.2.0 copy "flutter_super_state: ^0.2.0" to clipboard
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A simple super state management library for Flutter (with async support).

flutter_super_state pub package #

A simple super state management library for Flutter (with async support).

Super State uses a central store, while holds your modules. Modules are similar to Flutter's StatefulWidgets.

Pub - API Docs - GitHub

Read the Medium article.

Setup #

Add the package to your pubspec.yaml to install:

  flutter_super_state: ^0.2.0

See Flutter example for a full overview.

Modules #

First, let's create your modules. Modules hold both state (which can be changed inside setState) and actions.

Actions are simply class methods which can call setState, do other async operations, or call actions in other modules.

import 'package:flutter_super_state/flutter_super_state.dart';

// Modules extend `StoreModule`
class CounterModule extends StoreModule {
  // Read only property, to avoid accidentally setting `counter` without calling `setState`
  int get counter => _counter;

  var _counter = 0;

  // This automatically registers your module to your store
  CounterModule(Store store): super(store);

  // Synchronous actions
  void increment() {
    setState(() {

  void decrement() {
    setState(() {

  // Asynchronous actions
  Future<void> incrementAsync() async {
    await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 10));

    setState(() {

  Future<void> decrementAsync() async {
    await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 10));

    setState(() {

// Another module, which uses the CounterModule
class UserModule extends StoreModule {
  bool get isLoggedIn => _isLoggedIn;

  var _isLoggedIn = false;

  UserModule(Store store): super(store);

  // Synchronous actions
  Future<void> login() async {
    // Do network request...
    await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 100));
    // Always set state inside `setState`, or else it will not update!
    setState(() {
      _isLoggedIn = true;

    // Trigger action in another module
    await store.getModule<CounterModule>().incrementAsync();

The read-only properties are optional but strongly recommended to prevent accidentally changing the state of a module without updating it, which would not update your views.

Always do state changes inside setState (same as a StatefulWidget)

Store #

Creating a store is very simple.

import 'package:flutter_super_state/flutter_super_state.dart';

final store = Store();

// Register modules. Order does not matter. You should register all modules on initialization

// Trigger an action
await store.getModule<UserModule>().login();

Store Provider #

For Flutter, simply wrap your application inside a StoreProvider:

  // Previously created store
  store: store,
  child: MyApp(),

This will make the store accessibly anywhere in your application using StoreProvider.store(context), or using the builders.

Module Builder #

To get a module in Flutter views, you can use ModuleBuilder:

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return ModuleBuilder<CounterModule>(
    builder: (context, counterModule) {
      return Text(counterModule.counter.toString());

The builder will rebuild when the module calls setState.

Child builder #

If you have a large part of the state which doesn't update, you can pass it as child to the ModuleBuilder and use childBuilder:

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return ModuleBuilder<CounterModule>(
    // Will not rebuild on update
    child: Container(),
    childBuilder: (context, counterModule, child) {
      return Row(
        children: <Widget>[
          child, // Container()

Store Builder #

To get your store in Flutter views, you can use StoreBuilder:

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return StoreBuilder(
    builder: (context, store) {
      return Text(store.getModule<CounterModule>().counter.toString());

The builder will rebuild when any module calls setState. It is preferable to use ModuleBuilder which only updates when the listened module updates.

Child builder #

If you have a large part of the state which doesn't update, pass it as child to the StoreBuilder and use childBuilder:

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return StoreBuilder(
    // Will not rebuild on update
    child: Container(),
    childBuilder: (context, store, child) {
      return Row(
        children: <Widget>[
          child, // Container()

Hooks (Persistance) #

You can add hooks per module for pre- and post-update. This can be useful for persisting state.

class PersistCounterModule extends StoreModule {
  int get counter => _counter;
  var _counter = 0;

  PersistCounterModule(Store store, int initialCounter = 0):
    // Initial state
    _counter = initialCounter,

  void increment() {
    setState(() {
      // Will call preSetState here
      // Will call postSetState here

  void postSetState() {
    // Use whatever storage mechanism you want
    storage.set("counter", counter);

// During initialization
PersistCounterModule(store, storage.get("counter"));

You can also use the preSetState which is called before setState is done.

It a a convention that the store parameter should come first in a module's constructor.

Streams #

Both store and module expose onChange streams which are called whenever:

  • Module: The module updates
  • Store: Any module updates

Both of these only dispatch null, indicating that an update was done.

Dispose #

Both the store (if extended) and modules have a dispose method that is available. You can do cleanup of any value here (don't forget to call super.dispose() though).

This method isn't usually called, as your store is active for the lifetime of your application.

Features and bugs #

Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.



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A simple super state management library for Flutter (with async support).

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