flutter_sound_lite 4.0.5 copy "flutter_sound_lite: ^4.0.5" to clipboard
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discontinuedreplaced by: flutter_sound

Flutter plugin that relates to sound like audio and recorder.

Flutter Sound #

pub version

This plugin provides simple recorder and player functionalities for both `android` and `ios` platforms. This plugin handles file from remote url. This plugin can handle playback stream from native (To sync exact time with bridging).


Migration Guide #

To migrate to 4.0.0from 3.x.x you must do some minor changes in your configurations files. Please refer to the FFmpeg section below.

Free Read #

Medium Blog

Install #

For help on adding as a dependency, view the documentation.

Flutter Sound comes in two flavors :

  • the FULL flavor : flutter_sound
  • the LITE flavor : flutter_sound_lite

The big difference between the two flavors is that the LITE flavor does not have mobile_ffmpeg embedded inside. There is a huge impact on the memory used, but the LITE flavor will not be able to do some codecs :

  • Playback OGG/OPUS on iOS
  • Record OGG_OPUS on iOS And will not be able to offer some helping functions, like FlutterSoundHelper.FFmpegGetMediaInformation() or FlutterSoundHelper.duration()

Add flutter_sound or flutter_sound_lite as a dependency in pubspec.yaml. The actual versions are ^flutter_sound: 4.0.0 and ^flutter_sound_lite: 4.0.0

    sdk: flutter
  flutter_sound: ^4.0.0


    sdk: flutter
  flutter_sound_lite: ^4.0.0

The Flutter-Sound sources are here.

FFmpeg #

flutter_sound makes use of flutter_ffmpeg. In contrary to Flutter Sound Version 3.x.x, in Version 4.0.x your App can be built without any Flutter-FFmpeg dependency.

If you come from Flutter Sound Version 3.x.x, you must remove this dependency from your pubspec.yaml. You must also delete the line ext.flutterFFmpegPackage = 'audio-lts' from your android/build.gradle and the special line pod name+'/audio-lts', :path => File.join(symlink, 'ios') in your Podfile. If you do not do that, you will have duplicates modules during your App building.

flutter_ffmpeg audio-lts is now embedding inside flutter_sound. If your App needs to use FFmpeg, you must use the embedded version inside flutter_sound instead of adding a new dependency in your pubspec.yaml.

Post Installation #

  • On iOS you need to add a usage description to info.plist:

      <string>This sample uses the microphone to record your speech and convert it to text.</string>
  • On Android you need to add a permission to AndroidManifest.xml:

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE" />

Methods #

Func Param Return Description
initialize void Initializes the media player and all the callbacks for the player and the recorder. This procedure is implicitely called during the Flutter Sound constructors. So you probably will not use this function yourself.
releaseMediaPlayer void Resets the media player and cleans up the device resources. This must be called when the player is no longer needed.
setSubscriptionDuration double sec String message Set subscription timer in seconds. Default is 0.010 if not using this method.
startRecorder String uri, int sampleRate, int numChannels, t_CODEC codec String uri Start recording. This will return uri used.
stopRecorder String message Stop recording.
pauseRecorder String message Pause recording.
resumeRecorder String message Resume recording.
startPlayer String fileUri, t_CODEC codec, whenFinished() Starts playing the file at the given URI.
startPlayerFromBuffer Uint8List dataBuffer, t_CODEC codec, whenFinished() String message Start playing using a buffer encoded with the given codec
stopPlayer String message Stop playing.
pausePlayer String message Pause playing.
resumePlayer String message Resume playing.
seekToPlayer int milliSecs position to goTo String message Seek audio to selected position in seconds. Parameter should be less than audio duration to correctly placed.
iosSetCategory SESSION_CATEGORY, SESSION_MODE, options Boolean Set the session category on iOS.
androidAudioFocusRequest int focusGain Boolean Define the Android Focus request to use in subsequent requests to get audio focus
setActive bool enabled Boolean Request or Abandon the audio focus

Subscriptions #

Subscription Return Description
onRecorderStateChanged <RecordStatus> Able to listen to subscription when recorder starts.
onPlayerStateChanged <PlayStatus> Able to listen to subscription when player starts.

Default uri path #

When uri path is not set during the function call in startRecorder or startPlayer, records are saved/read to/from a temporary directory depending on the platform.

Codec compatibility #

Actually, the following codecs are supported by flutter_sound:

AAC OGG/Opus CAF/Opus MP3 OGG/Vorbis PCM
iOS encoder Yes Yes Yes No No Yes
iOS decoder Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Android encoder Yes No No No No No
Android decoder Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes

This table will eventually be upgrated when more codecs will be added.

FlutterSoundRecorder Usage #

Creating instance.

In your view/page/dialog widget's State class, create an instance of FlutterSoundRecorder. Before acessing the FlutterSoundRecorder API, you must initialize it with initialize(). When finished with this FlutterSoundRecorder instance, you must release it with release().

FlutterSoundRecorder flutterSoundRecorder = new FlutterSoundRecorder().initialize();



Starting recorder with listener.

Future<String> result = await flutterSoundRecorder.startRecorder(codec: t_CODEC.CODEC_AAC,);

result.then(path) {
	print('startRecorder: $path');

	_recorderSubscription = flutterSoundRecorder.onRecorderStateChanged.listen((e) {
	DateTime date = new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(e.currentPosition.toInt());
	String txt = DateFormat('mm:ss:SS', 'en_US').format(date);

The recorded file will be stored in a temporary directory. If you want to take your own path specify it like below. We are using path_provider in below so you may have to install it.

Directory tempDir = await getTemporaryDirectory();
File outputFile = await File ('${tempDir.path}/flutter_sound-tmp.aac');
String path = await flutterSoundRecorder.startRecorder(outputFile.path, codec: t_CODEC.CODEC_AAC,);

If the App does nothing special, startRecorder() will take care of controlling the permissions, and request itself the permission for Recording, if necessary. If the Application wants to control itself the permissions, without any help from flutter_sound, it must specify :

myFlutterSoundModule.requestPermission = false;
await myFlutterSoundModule.startRecorder(...);

Actually on iOS, you can choose from four encoders :

  • AAC (this is the default)
  • PCM

For example, to encode with OPUS you do the following :

await flutterSoundRecorder.startRecorder(foot.path, codec: t_CODEC.CODEC_OPUS,)

Note : On Android the OPUS codec and the PCM are not yet supported by flutter_sound Recorder. (But Player is OK on Android)

Stop recorder

Future<String> result = await flutterSoundRecorder.stopRecorder();

result.then(value) {
	print('stopRecorder: $value');

	if (_recorderSubscription != null) {
		_recorderSubscription = null;

You MUST ensure that the recorder has been stopped when your widget is detached from the ui. Overload your widget's dispose() method to stop the recorder when your widget is disposed.

void dispose() {

Pause recorder

On Android this API verb needs al least SDK-24.

Future<String> result = await flutterSoundRecorder.pauseRecorder();

Resume recorder

On Android this API verb needs al least SDK-24.

Future<String> result = await flutterSoundRecorder.resumeRecorder();

Using the amplitude meter

The amplitude meter allows displaying a basic representation of the input sound. When enabled, it returns values ranging 0-120dB.

//// By default this option is disabled, you can enable it by calling
//// You can tweak the frequency of updates by calling this function (unit is seconds)
//// You need to subscribe in order to receive the value updates
_dbPeakSubscription = flutterSoundRecorder.onRecorderDbPeakChanged.listen((value) {
  setState(() {
    this._dbLevel = value;

FlutterSoundPlayer Usage #

Creating instance.

In your view/page/dialog widget's State class, create an instance of FlutterSoundPlayer. Before acessing the FlutterSoundPlayer API, you must initialize it with initialize(). When finished with this FlutterSoundPlayer instance, you must release it with release().

FlutterSoundPlayer flutterSoundPlayer = new FlutterSoundPlayer().initialize();



Start player

  • To start playback of a record from a URL call startPlayer.
  • To start playback of a record from a memory buffer call startPlayerFromBuffer

You can use both startPlayer or startPlayerFromBuffer to play a sound. The former takes in a URI that points to the file to play, while the latter takes in a buffer containing the file to play and the codec to decode that buffer.

Those two functions can have an optional parameter whenFinished:() for specifying what to do when the playback will be finished.

// An example audio file
final fileUri = "https://file-examples.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/file_example_MP3_700KB.mp3";

String result = await flutterSoundPlayer.startPlayer
		whenFinished: ()
			 print( 'I hope you enjoyed listening to this song' );
// Load a local audio file and get it as a buffer
Uint8List buffer = (await rootBundle.load('samples/audio.mp3'))

Future<String> result = await flutterSoundPlayer.startPlayerFromBuffer
		whenFinished: ()
			 print( 'I hope you enjoyed listening to this song' );

You must wait for the return value to complete before attempting to add any listeners to ensure that the player has fully initialised.

Directory tempDir = await getTemporaryDirectory();
File fin = await File ('${tempDir.path}/flutter_sound-tmp.aac');
Future<String> result = await flutterSoundPlayer.startPlayer(fin.path);

result.then(path) {
	print('startPlayer: $path');

	_playerSubscription = flutterSoundPlayer.onPlayerStateChanged.listen((e) {
		if (e != null) {
			DateTime date = new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(e.currentPosition.toInt());
			String txt = DateFormat('mm:ss:SS', 'en_US').format(date);
			this.setState(() {
				this._isPlaying = true;
				this._playerTxt = txt.substring(0, 8);

Start player from buffer

For playing data from a memory buffer instead of a file, you can do the following :

Uint8List buffer =  (await rootBundle.load(assetSample[_codec.index])).buffer.asUint8List();
String result = await flutterSoundPlayer.startPlayerFromBuffer
		codec: t_CODEC.CODEC_AAC,
		whenFinished: ()
			 print( 'I hope you enjoyed listening to this song' );

Stop player

Future<String> result = await flutterSoundPlayer.stopPlayer();

result.then(value) {
	print('stopPlayer: $result');
	if (_playerSubscription != null) {
		_playerSubscription = null;

You MUST ensure that the player has been stopped when your widget is detached from the ui. Overload your widget's dispose() method to stop the player when your widget is disposed.

void dispose() {

Pause player

Future<String> result = await flutterSoundPlayer.pausePlayer();

Resume player

Future<String> result = await flutterSoundPlayer.resumePlayer();

iosSetCategory(), androidAudioFocusRequest() and setActive() - (optional)

Those three functions are optional. If you do not control the audio focus with the function setActive(), flutter_sound will require the audio focus each time the function startPlayer() is called and will release it when the sound is finished or when you call the function stopPlayer().

Before controling the focus with setActive() you must call iosSetCategory() on iOS or androidAudioFocusRequest() on Android. setActive() and androidAudioFocusRequest() are useful if you want to duck others. Those functions are probably called just once when the app starts. After calling this function, the caller is responsible for using correctly setActive() probably before startRecorder or startPlayer, and stopPlayer and stopRecorder.

You can refer to iOS documentation to understand the parameters needed for iosSetCategory() and to the Android documentation to understand the parameter needed for androidAudioFocusRequest().

Remark : those three functions does work on Android before SDK 26.

if (_duckOthers)
	if (Platform.isIOS)
	else if (Platform.isAndroid)
		await flutterSoundPlayer.androidAudioFocusRequest( ANDROID_AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN_TRANSIENT_MAY_DUCK );
} else
	if (Platform.isIOS)
	else if (Platform.isAndroid)
		await flutterSoundPlayer.androidAudioFocusRequest( ANDROID_AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN );
flutterSoundPlayer.setActive(true); // Get the audio focus
flutterSoundPlayer.setActive(false); // Release the audio focus

Seek player

To seek to a new location the player must already be playing.

String Future<result> = await flutterSoundPlayer.seekToPlayer(miliSecs);

Setting subscription duration (Optional). 0.010 is default value when not set.

/// 0.01 is default

Setting volume.

/// 1.0 is default
/// Currently, volume can be changed when player is running. Try manage this right after player starts.
String path = await flutterSoundPlayer.startPlayer(fileUri);
await flutterSoundPlayer.setVolume(0.1);

Release the player

You MUST ensure that the player has been released when your widget is detached from the ui. Overload your widget's dispose() method to release the player when your widget is disposed. In this way you will reset the player and clean up the device resources, but the player will be no longer usable.

void dispose() {

TrackPlayer #

TrackPlayer is a new flutter_sound module which is able to show controls on the lock screen. Using TrackPlayer is very simple : just use the TrackPlayer constructor instead of the regular FlutterSoundPlayer.

trackPlayer = TrackPlayer();

You call startPlayerFromTrack to play a sound. This function takes in 1 required argument and 4 optional arguments:

  • a Track, which is the track that the player is going to play;
  • whenFinished:() : A call back function for specifying what to do when the song is finished
  • onPaused: (boolean) : A call back function for specifying what to do when the user press the pause/resume button on the lock screen.
  • onSkipBackward:(), A call back function for specifying what to do when the user press the skip-backward button on the lock screen
  • onSkipForward:(), A call back function for specifying what to do when the user press the skip-forward button on the lock screen

If onSkipBackward:() is not specified then the button is not shown on the lock screen. If onSkipForward:() is not specified, then the button is not shown on the lock screen. If onPaused: (boolean) is not specified, then flutter_sound will handle itself the pause/resume function. There is actually no way to hide the pause button on the lock screen.

If onPaused: (boolean) is specified, then flutter_sound will not handle itself the pause/resume function and it will be the App responsability to handle correctly this function. The boolean argument is true if the playback is playing (and probably must me paused). The boolean argument is false if the playback is in 'pause' state (and probably must be resumed).

path = await trackPlayer.startPlayerFromTrack
	whenFinished: ( )
		print( 'I hope you enjoyed listening to this song' );

	onSkipBackward: ( )
		print( 'Skip backward' );
		stopPlayer( );
		startPlayer( );
	onSkipForward: ( )
		print( 'Skip forward' );
		stopPlayer( );
		startPlayer( );
        onPaused: ( boolean mustBePaused)
                if( mustBePaused )


Create a Track object

In order to play a sound when you initialized the player with the audio player features, you must create a Track object to pass to startPlayerFromTrack.

The Track class is provided by the flutter_sound package. Its constructor takes in 1 required argument and 3 optional arguments:

  • trackPath (required): a String representing the path that points to the audio file to play. This must be provided if dataBuffer is null, but you cannot provide both;
  • dataBuffer (required): a Uint8List, a buffer that contains an audio file. This must be provided if trackPath is null, but you cannot provide both;
  • trackTitle: the String to display in the notification as the title of the track;
  • trackAuthor the String to display in the notification as the name of the author of the track;
  • albumArtUrl a String representing the URL that points to the image to display in the notification as album art.
  • albumArtFile a String representing a local file that points to the image to display in the notification as album art.
  • or albumArtAsset : the name of an asset to show in the nofitication
// Create with the path to the audio file
Track track = new Track(
	trackPath: "https://file-examples.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/file_example_MP3_700KB.mp3", // An example audio file
        trackTitle: "Track Title",
        trackAuthor: "Track Author",
        albumArtUrl: "https://file-examples.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/file_example_PNG_1MB.png", // An example image

// Load a local audio file and get it as a buffer
Uint8List buffer = (await rootBundle.load('samples/audio.mp3'))
// Create with the buffer
Track track = new Track(
	dataBuffer: buffer,
        trackTitle: "Track Title",
        trackAuthor: "Track Author",
        albumArtUrl: "https://file-examples.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/file_example_PNG_1MB.png", // An example image

You can specify just one field for the Album Art to display on the lock screen. Either :

  • albumArtUrl
  • albumArtFile
  • albumArtFile

If no Album Art field is specified, Flutter Sound will try to display the App icon.

Informations on a record #

There are two utilities functions that you can use to have informations on a file.

  • FlutterSoundHelper.FFmpegGetMediaInformation(<A_file_path>);
  • FlutterSoundHelper.duration(<A_file_path>)

The informations got with FFmpegGetMediaInformation() are documented here. The integer returned by flutterSound.duration() is an estimation of the number of milli-seconds for the given record.

int duration = await flutterSoundHelper.duration( this._path[_codec.index] );
Map<dynamic, dynamic> info = await flutterSoundHelper.FFmpegGetMediaInformation( uri );


  • Seeking example in Example project
  • Volume Control
  • Sync timing for recorder callback handler
  • Record PCM on Android
  • Record OPUS on Android
  • Streaming records to speech to text


When you face below error,

* What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating project ':app'.
> versionCode not found. Define flutter.versionCode in the local.properties file.

Please add below to your example/android/local.properties file.


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Flutter plugin that relates to sound like audio and recorder.

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Packages that depend on flutter_sound_lite