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Flutter package for all sorts of menus from dropdowns to sliding to resizable to navigation menus

Flutter SMenus

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Custom menus designed to your imagination!

A Flutter package for dropdown menus, many types of side menus, sliding menus, resizable menus, three dot menus, and popup menus. Almost any kind of menu can be created with this package with almost any style. The basic types of menu and their customizability is shown below. This package is super easy to use and includes the ability to customize the menus to the your imagination. All menus support custom menu pages or custom menu items. There are animated resizable menus, dropdown menus, and traditional menus.

Features #

See Showcase for visual on all types of menus and examples I've created.

These are the main menus included in this package. Each support custom menu items, see below.

Name Description
SResizableMenu A menu that can be resized programatically or phsyically
SSlideMenu A menu that either slides in, slides in while body slides away, or body slides away to reveal menu
SDropdownMenuCascade Classic dropdown menu
SDropdownMenuMorph Dropdown popup menu using Hero. This is a WIP, mostly works but there may be some glitches.

Getting started #

Install #

Visit the Install tab for more information

Add this line to your pubspec.yaml

    flutter_smenus: ^2.0.0
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or run this in your project's terminal

$ flutter pub add flutter_smenus
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Remember to run flutter pub get

Import #

import 'package:flutter_smenus/flutter_smenus.dart'
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Use #

Once you have done all of the above, you are ready to use this package!

Have a look below to see how to implement the custom menus.

Showcase #

Simple App Using All Menus #

All Menu Showcase

Code #

SResizableMenu #

    controller: SMenuController(),
    position: SMenuPosition.left,
    items: [],
    body: Container(),
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Either items or builder must not be null

Parameter Object Type Default Description
style SMenuStyle SMenuStyle() Color, border radius, size, padding, alignment. See SMenuStyle
controller SMenuController? SMenuController() Controller to open, close, or toggle menu
items List< SMenuItem>? null List of SMenuItem types that make the menu
builder Widget Function(BuildContext context, List null Builder function for custom menu
header Widget? null The widget at the top of the menu
footer Widget? null The widget at the bottom of the menu
scrollPhysics ScrollPhysics? null How the menu should scroll
scrollDirection Axis Axis.vertical Scroll direction, this is set automatically. Do not change this unless you know what you are doing.
duration Duration const Duration (milliseconds: 250) The duration for the animation of openning and closing the menu
position SMenuPosition SMenuPosition.left Which side of the screen the menu will be location
openSize double 250.0 The size of the menu when it is open. Sets width for left or right position or height for top and bottom.
closedSize double 50.0 The size of the menu when it is closed. Sets width for left or right position or height for top and bottom.
body Widget? Container() The widget that is the contents, or page. This is whatever you want the menu to open over.
resizable bool true If resizing bar should show
barColor Color? null Color of resizing bar
barHoverColor Color? null Color of resizing bar when hovered
barSize double? 3 Size of resizing bar
barHoverSize double? 5 Size of resizing bar when hovered
enableWrapper bool true If true, wraps the menu in a Flex widget with children being this menu and an Expanded widget that contains the body.
performanceMode bool false When turned on, the scrollable will be a ListView, thus enabling lazy loading. Otherwise it is a SingleChildScrollView which renders all items at once. If using a builder, this is not applicable

SSlideMenu #

    controller: SMenuController(),
    position: SMenuPosition.left,
    items: [],
    isBodyMovable = false,
    body: Container(),
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Either items or builder must not be null

Parameter Object Type Default Description
style SMenuStyle SMenuStyle() Color, border radius, size, padding, alignment. See SMenuStyle
controller SMenuController? SMenuController() Controller to open, close, or toggle menu
items List< SMenuItem>? null List of SMenuItem types that make the menu
builder Widget Function(BuildContext context, List null Builder function for custom menu
header Widget? null The widget at the top of the menu
footer Widget? null The widget at the bottom of the menu
scrollPhysics ScrollPhysics? null How the menu should scroll
scrollDirection Axis Axis.vertical Scroll direction, this is set automatically. Do not change this unless you know what you are doing.
duration Duration const Duration (milliseconds: 250) The duration for the animation of openning and closing the menu
position SMenuPosition SMenuPosition.left Which side of the screen the menu will be location
openSize double 250.0 The size of the menu when it is open. Sets width for left or right position or height for top and bottom.
closedSize double 50.0 The size of the menu when it is closed. Sets width for left or right position or height for top and bottom.
offset Offset Offset.zero The offset to apply when determining the start position of the menu
body Widget? null The widget which contains the contents, or page
enableGestures bool? null If gestures can open, close, or toggle the menu [WIP]
isBodyMovable bool true Whether the body moves in the animation or not
isMenuMovable bool true Whether the menu moves in the animation or not
performanceMode bool false When turned on, the scrollable will be a ListView, thus enabling lazy loading. Otherwise it is a SingleChildScrollView which renders all items at once. If using a builder, this is not applicable

SDropdownMenuCascade #

Cascade Dropdown Menu Showcase
    controller: SMenuController(),
    items: [],
    child: Container(),
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Parameter Object Type Default Description
items List< SMenuItem< T>>? required List of SMenuItem types, with a value, that make the menu
style SDropdownMenuStyle SDropdownMenuStyle() Color, border radius, size, padding, alignment. See SDropdownMenuStyle
controller SMenuController? SMenuController() Controller to open, close, or toggle menu
header Widget? null The widget at the top of the menu
footer Widget? null The widget at the bottom of the menu
duration Duration const Duration (milliseconds: 250) The duration for the animation of openning and closing the menu
child Widget? null Initial widget to display as the dropdown menu button
icon Widget? null Icon to display next to the child
onChange void Function(T value, int index)? null Function to call when the currently picked value of the dropdown is changed
buttonStyle SMenuItemStyle SMenuItemStyle() The style of each item of the dropdown
height double 250.0 The height of the popup menu
width double 350.0 The width of the popup menu
curve Curve Curves.easeInOutCirc The animation curve to use when animating this menu
position SDropdownMenuPosition? SDropdownMenuPosition. bottomCenter The location, relative to the dropdown button, that the menu will open at
builder Widget Function(BuildContext context, List null Builder function for custom menu
performanceMode bool false When turned on, the scrollable will be a ListView, thus enabling lazy loading. Otherwise it is a SingleChildScrollView which renders all items at once. If using a builder, this is not applicable

SDropdownMenuMorph #


    controller: SMenuController(),
    items: [],
    child: Container(),
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Parameter Object Type Default Description
items List< SMenuItem< T>>? required List of SMenuItem types, with a value, that make the menu
style SDropdownMenuStyle SDropdownMenuStyle() Color, border radius, size, padding, alignment. See SDropdownMenuStyle
controller SMenuController? SMenuController() Controller to open, close, or toggle menu
header Widget? null The widget at the top of the menu
footer Widget? null The widget at the bottom of the menu
duration Duration const Duration(milliseconds: 250) The duration for the animation of openning and closing the menu
child Widget? null Initial widget to display as the dropdown menu button
icon Widget? null Icon to display next to the child
onChange void Function(T value, int index)? null Function to call when the currently picked value of the dropdown is changed
buttonStyle SMenuItemStyle SMenuItemStyle() The style of each item of the dropdown
height double 250.0 The height of the popup menu
width double 350.0 The width of the popup menu
curve Curve Curves.easeInOutCirc The animation curve to use when animating this menu
position SDropdownMenuPosition? SDropdownMenuPosition. bottomCenter The location, relative to the dropdown button, that the menu will open at
builder Widget Function(BuildContext context, List null Builder function for custom menu
performanceMode bool false When turned on, the scrollable will be a ListView, thus enabling lazy loading. Otherwise it is a SingleChildScrollView which renders all items at once. If using a builder, this is not applicable

SMenuItem #

    value: 'one',
    builder: (context, style, child, onPressed) {
        return Text('Menu Item');
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Create a custom item.

Parameter Object Type Default Description
child Widget? Container() The widget that makes up the menu item
style SMenuItemStyle SMenuItemStyle() Color, border radius, size, padding, alignment. See SMenuItemStyle
builder Widget Function(BuildContext context, SMenuItemStyle style, Widget? child, void Function()? onPressed)? null If builder is not null, then the builder function will be used to make the menu item rather than the child. A builder function has parameters context, style, and child. This function should return a widget.
preview Widget? self If showSelected is enabled on a dropdown menu, then this widget is shown as the selected item on the dropdown menu button

    value: 1,
    title: Text("Option 1"),
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An items that can have a value. Useful for dropdown menus where onChanged will be updated with clicked item's value. Can use onPressed to add functionality in other menus.

Parameter Object Type Default Description
title Widget? Container() The widget that makes up the middle of the menu item
trailing Widget? Container() The widget that makes up the end of the menu item
leading Widget? Container() The widget that makes up the start of the menu item
style SMenuItemStyle SMenuItemStyle() Color, border radius, size, padding, etc.. See SMenuItemStyle
value T? null Value of this item, could be string, int, double, etc.
preview Widget? self If showSelected is enabled on a dropdown menu, then this widget is shown as the selected item on the dropdown menu button
onPressed void Function()? null This allows an action to be done by the item. For dropdown menus, this is in addition to the onChange function being called.

    title: Text("Option 1"),
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A customizable label. Can be any widget. Is not clickable by default.

Parameter Object Type Default Description
title Widget? Container() The widget that makes up the middle of the menu item
trailing Widget? Container() The widget that makes up the end of the menu item
leading Widget? Container() The widget that makes up the start of the menu item
style SMenuItemStyle SMenuItemStyle() Color, border radius, size, padding, etc.. See SMenuItemStyle
preview Widget? self If showSelected is enabled on a dropdown menu, then this widget is shown as the selected item on the dropdown menu button

    value: 1,
    title: Text("Option 1"),
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(THIS IS A WIP) An item that can be toggled on and off.

Parameter Object Type Default Description
toggled bool? Container() The current toggle state of the switch
onToggle Widget? Container() Function that handles a change in value
style SMenuItemStyle SMenuItemStyle() Color, border radius, size, padding, etc.. See SMenuItemStyle
preview Widget? self If showSelected is enabled on a dropdown menu, then this widget is shown as the selected item on the dropdown menu button

SMenuStyle #

var style = SMenuStyle(
    borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(7),
// You can copy any style
var style2 = style.copyWith(
    barrierColor: Colors.black12,
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Parameter Object Type Default Description
borderRadius BorderRadius BorderRadius.circular(15) The amount and style of the border radius around the menu
padding EdgeInsets? null The padding around the menu
border BoxBorder? null The border to apply around the menu.
alignment CrossAxisAlignment? null (WIP) Aligns the column that makes up the menu's cross axis
barrierColor Color Colors.black26 For slide menu, the color that is the background of the screen when the menu opens. Usually is translucent so the app can still be seen. This is the same region where "clicking off" the menu will close it. Below menu but on top of menu body.
backgroundColor Color? null Color of the background of the menu

SDropdownMenuStyle #

var style = SDropdownMenuStyle(
    borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(7),
// You can copy any style
var style2 = style.copyWith(
    barrierColor: Colors.black12,
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Parameter Object Type Default Description
borderRadius BorderRadius BorderRadius.circular(15) The border radius to apply to the menu
elevation double? null The elavation to apply to the menu background
color Color? Colors.transparent The color of the menu background
padding EdgeInsets? null The padding around the menu
border BoxBorder? null The border of the menu
constraints BoxConstraints? null The constraints on the size of the dropdown menu
barrierColor Color Colors.black26 For dropdown menus or slide menus, the color that is the background of the screen when the menu opens. Usually is translucent so the app can still be seen. This is the same region where "clicking off" the menu will close it. Below menu but on top of menu body.
offset Offset? null Add an offset to the position of the menu that has been calculated from SDropdownMenuPosition. Moves the top left of the dropdown relative to the top left of the button after the calculation.
hideIcon bool false If true, the icon provided will not show
leadingIcon bool false If true, the icon will move to left of text
showSelected bool false If true, the selected object's preview widget will replace the text and icon on the dropdown button to show what is selected, default is false.
isSmall bool true If true, doesn't show the selected item, doesn't show the child, only shows the icon. If hideIcon is also true the dropdown button will be an empty button according to the SMenuItemStyle that it might have been given.

SMenuItemStyle #

var style = SMenuItemStyle(
    borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(7),
// You can copy any style
var style2 = style.copyWith(
    accentColor: Colors.amber,
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Parameter Object Type Default Description
alignment MainAxisAlignment MainAxisAlignment.start The alignment of the flex widget the makes up the item
borderRadius BorderRadius BorderRadius.circular(15) The border radius to apply to the menu item
shape OutlinedBorder? null The shape of the item, overwrites border radius for the item (contained in shape)
elevation double? null The elavation to apply to the item
padding EdgeInsets? null The padding around the menu item
width double? null The width of the menu item
height double? null The height of the menu item
accentColor Color? null The accent, or primary, color of the item. This is applied to things like icons and text
bgColor Color? null The background color
mouseCursor MouseCursor? null The cursor of the mouse when hovering over the item

SMenuPosition #

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More Information
Value Value Type Description
SMenuPosition.top Enum Position the menu at the top of a screen
SMenuPosition.bottom Enum Position the menu at the bottom of a screen
SMenuPosition.left Enum Position the menu to the left of a screen
SMenuPosition.right Enum Position the menu to the right of a screen
SMenuPosition.isVertical bool True if position is currently set to top or bottom
SMenuPosition.isHorizontal bool True if position is currently set to left or right

SDropdownMenuPosition #

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More Information

Imagine the dropdown button is located at the center of a 2D space. The dropdown will open in these directions as specificed by the position:

Top Left Top Center Top Right
Center Left Center Center Right
Bottom Left Bottom Center Bottom RIght

The center is where the dropdown menu button is, so if position is set to that the button will be covered.

SMenuController #

    -> SMenuController.state.addListenter()
    -> SMenuController.state.removeListenter()
    -> SMenuController.state.value = <SMenuState>
    -> ... other ValueNotifier methods
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More Information
Name Type Description
SMenuController.open() Method Open the menu that this controller is assigned to
SMenuController.close() Method Close the menu that this controller is assigned to
SMenuController.toggle() Method Toggle the menu that this controller is assigned to
SMenuController.state ValueNotifier< SMenuState> A value notifier that will send an update when the state of the menu changes. The value of this notifier is SMenuState

SMenuState #

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More Information
Value Description
SMenuState.open The menu is currently not fully closed
SMenuState.closed The menu is currently fully closed
SMenuState.opening The menu is currently in the process of opening. The animation to open is still playing
SMenuState.closing The menu is currently in the process of closing. The animation to close is still playing

Additional information #

More: #

Additional Classes

Class Object Type
SBaseMenu Abstract Stateful Widget Class
SBaseMenuState Abstract Stateful Widget State Class
SBaseDropdownMenu Abstract Stateful Widget Class
SBaseDropdownMenuState Abstract Stateful Widget State Class

Contribute: - #

Issues: - #

Note: Some features may not work with custom children, this includes but is not limited to dropdown menus having nuances with values, having picked item displayed, or even the inkwell to display clicking. These work fine with SMenuItem, but custom items may have issues. Use at your own risk.



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Flutter package for all sorts of menus from dropdowns to sliding to resizable to navigation menus

Repository (GitHub)


API reference


GPL-3.0 (license)




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