flutter_sentry 0.8.1 copy "flutter_sentry: ^0.8.1" to clipboard
flutter_sentry: ^0.8.1 copied to clipboard


Sentry.io error reporting plugin for Flutter, offering tight integration with Flutter and native code.

0.8.1 #

  • Fix "Reply already submitted" error when setting a user or environment on Android.

0.8.0 #

  • Update sentry package to 4.0.6, the latest version compatible with stable Flutter.
  • Drop stack frame filter (not compatible with sentry anymore).
  • Fix value type for device aspect ratio now that sentry supports a float.
  • Change initialization to only accept environment as a String (previous structure is not compatible with sentry anymore).
  • Custom release names are no longer supported.

0.7.0 #

  • Deprecate custom API to set native layer environment tag and instead set it automatically when environment attribute is changed in Dart.
  • Update Sentry library version in native layers for Android and iOS.
  • Carry User changes into native layer.

0.6.0 #

  • Set environment tag for native layer.
  • Actually fallback to current stack trace if the one passed to captureException is empty.
  • Track user sessions using a unique session ID.

0.5.1 #

  • Add meta package to dependencies in pubspec.yaml.

0.5.0 #

  • Deprecate 'enable' and configure reporting either statically, via captureExceptionAction, or dynamically on per-exception basis via captureExceptionFilter (which also allows modifying reported exception).
  • Fallback to current stack trace if the one passed to captureException is empty (previously was only for null stack traces).

0.4.4 #

  • Reliably cause a native crash on Android.
  • Fix #38 kotlin.UninitializedPropertyAccessException in Android plugin.
  • Support release health tracking for iOS. This was previously added for Android in 0.4.0.

0.4.3 #

  • Allow reporting to be disabled with 'enable' parameter.

0.4.2 #

  • Fix Firebase Test Lab detection (was always false negative).

0.4.1 #

  • Update "release" Event field format to reflect changes in the new native Sentry packages.

0.4.0 #

  • Detect Firebase Test Lab, adding it to runtimes context.
  • Bump native Sentry.io dependencies to support Release Health tracking.

0.3.4 #

  • Replace hacky flutter_driver detection with sentry.environment override.

0.3.3 #

  • Always add stackTrace for captureException, using StackTrace.current if unset.
  • Put ErrorSummary.value diagnostics node into message when FlutterError is passed to captureException.

0.3.2 #

  • Fix detection of flutter_driver for events other than the first.
  • Add locale to environmentAttributes in FlutterSentry.wrap().

0.3.1 #

  • Do not report "arguments: null" in breadcrumb for a route without arguments.
  • Add FlutterSentry.initializeWithClient() method to share an existing SentryClient and to use in tests.
  • Add extra to FlutterSentry.captureException() for supplying additional event-related data.

0.3.0 #

  • Add timezone and screen dimensions to report.
  • Do not require FlutterSentry.wrap<T>() template parameter T to be a Future.
  • Intercept print() via ZoneSpecification instead of overriding debugPrint() which is only a wrapper around print().
  • Add userContext on FlutterSentry.instance which allows setting custom context. It does not propagate to platform code (yet), so fatal exceptions will still lack this data.
  • Try to get most recent device parameters (such as screen size) at the time of reporting an error, and fall back to the values fetched at initialize().
  • Use FlutterSentry.instance.breadcrumbs as a breadcrumb tracker for navigator observer, if unspecified.
  • Add "app" context (including app name and version) to events reported via captureException().
  • Add "os" context to events reported via captureException().
  • Detect "driver" environment for flutter_driver.

0.2.1 #

  • Update README with new flutter_sentry version.
  • Filter package:flutter stack trace frames by default.
  • Remove the use of deprecated method getFlutterEngine.

0.2.0 #

  • Intercept debugPrint() in wrap() and add the message to breadcrumbs for the next event to upload.
  • Enable environment attributes in Dart exceptions.

0.1.0 #

  • Remove pubspec.lock from version control.
  • Add FlutterSentry.breadcrumbs tracker to save a limited number of most recent breadcrumbs, which will be sent to Sentry.io with the next error report.
  • Add FlutterSentryNavigatorObserver allowing to track navigation events in application.
  • Send device information to Sentry.io when reporting an event.

0.0.2 #

  • Add initilize method with dsn to init SentryClient.
  • Make FlutterSentry a Singleton.

0.0.1+2 #

  • Update examples in README.
  • Update plugin description.
  • Add API documentation.

0.0.1+1 #

  • Add badges to README.

0.0.1 #

  • Initial release.
pub points


verified publisherfutureware.dev

Sentry.io error reporting plugin for Flutter, offering tight integration with Flutter and native code.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


MIT (license)


device_info, flutter, http, meta, package_info, sentry, uuid


Packages that depend on flutter_sentry