flutter_product_card 0.0.8
flutter_product_card: ^0.0.8 copied to clipboard
A highly customizable and feature-rich Flutter package for creating beautiful and informative product cards in your e-commerce or shopping applications.
flutter_product_card #
is a highly customizable and feature-rich Flutter package for displaying product cards in e-commerce or shopping applications. With this package, you can easily create visually appealing product cards with various customization options.
Features #
- Customizable card design with options for border radius, background color, and text color.
- Displays product image, name, category, description (optional), rating (optional), and price.
- Shows product availability status with icons and labels.
- Displays discount percentage (optional).
- Favorite button to mark products as favorites.
- Tap callback for handling card tap events.
- Error handling for image loading with a placeholder.
- Extracted UI components for better code organization and reusability.
- Comprehensive documentation with examples.
Getting started- Installation #
To use this package, add flutter_product_card
as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml
sdk: flutter
flutter_product_card: ^0.0.2
Then, run flutter pub get
to install the package.
Usage #
Import the package in your Dart file:
import 'package:flutter_product_card/flutter_product_card.dart';
Then, use the ProductCard
widget in your application:
//add your image url here
categoryName: 'Pants',
productName: 'Men Linen Pants',
price: 199.99,
currency: '\$', // Default is '$'
onTap: () {
// Handle card tap event
onFavoritePressed: () {
// Handle favorite button press
'comfortable & airy.', // Optional short description
rating: 4.2, // Optional rating
discountPercentage: 35.0, // Optional discount percentage
isAvailable: true, // Optional availability status
cardColor: Colors.white, // Optional card background color
textColor: Colors.black, // Optional text color
borderRadius: 8.0, // Optional border radius
Customization #
The ProductCard widget offers various properties to customize its appearance and behavior:
- imageUrl: (String) The URL of the product image.
- categoryName: (String) The category name of the product.
- productName: (String) The name of the product.
- price: (double) The price of the product.
- currency: (String, optional) The currency symbol to display with the price (defaults to '$').
- shortDescription: (String, optional) A short description of the product.
- onTap: (VoidCallback, optional) A callback function triggered when the card is tapped.
- onFavoritePressed: (VoidCallback, optional) A callback function triggered when the favorite icon is pressed.
- isAvailable: (bool, optional) A flag indicating whether the product is available (defaults to true).
- textColor: (Color, optional) The color used for text labels and descriptions (defaults to black).
- discountPercentage: (double, optional) A value representing the discount percentage for the product (displays a discounted price).
- rating: (double, optional) The product rating.
Additional information #
Example #
For more detailed usage examples, please refer to the example folder in the package repository.
class MainApp extends StatelessWidget {
const MainApp({super.key});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
home: Scaffold(
body: Center(
child: SizedBox(
height: 400,
width: 300,
child: ProductCard(
categoryName: 'Pants',
productName: 'Men Linen Pants',
price: 199.99,
currency: '\$', // Default is '$'
onTap: () {
// Handle card tap event
onFavoritePressed: () {
// Handle favorite button press
'comfortable & airy.', // Optional short description
rating: 4.2, // Optional rating
discountPercentage: 35.0, // Optional discount percentage
isAvailable: true, // Optional availability status
cardColor: Colors.white, // Optional card background color
textColor: Colors.black, // Optional text color
borderRadius: 8.0, // Optional border radius
Output #

Contributing #
Contributions are welcome! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements (eg. documentation improvement), please open an issue or submit a pull request on the GitHub repository.
Author #
This package is created and maintained by Krishna Gupta.
Contact #
If you want to connect or have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out:
- Email: e[dot]krishnagupta[at]gmail[dot]com
- LinkedIn: @ikrishnag
- Twitter: @krishnagtwts
- GitHub: @ikrishnag
License #
This package is released under the MIT License.