flutter_plugin_tools 0.1.0+1 copy "flutter_plugin_tools: ^0.1.0+1" to clipboard
flutter_plugin_tools: ^0.1.0+1 copied to clipboard


Productivity utils for flutter/plugins and flutter/packages

Flutter Plugin Tools #

This is a set of utilities used in the flutter/plugins and flutter/packages repositories. It is no longer explictily maintained as a general-purpose tool for multi-package repositories, so your mileage may vary if using it in other repositories.

Note: The commands in tools are designed to run at the root of the repository or <repository-root>/packages/.

To run the tool (in flutter/plugins):

cd <path_to_plugins>/script/tool && dart pub get && cd ../../
dart run ./script/tool/lib/src/main.dart <args>

Format Code #

cd <path_to_plugins>
dart run /script/tool/lib/src/main.dart format --plugins plugin_name

Run static analyzer #

cd <path_to_plugins>
pub run ./script/tool/lib/src/main.dart analyze --plugins plugin_name

Run Dart unit tests #

cd <path_to_plugins>
pub run ./script/tool/lib/src/main.dart test --plugins plugin_name

Run XCTests #

cd <path_to_plugins>
dart run lib/src/main.dart xctest --target RunnerUITests --skip <plugins_to_skip>

Publish and tag release #

sh cd <path_to_plugins> git checkout <commit_hash_to_publish> dart run ./script/tool/lib/src/main.dart publish-plugin --package <package>

By default the tool tries to push tags to the upstream remote, but some additional settings can be configured. Run dart run ./script/tool/lib/src/main.dart publish-plugin --help for more usage information.

The tool wraps pub publish for pushing the package to pub, and then will automatically use git to try to create and push tags. It has some additional safety checking around pub publish too. By default pub publish publishes everything, including untracked or uncommitted files in version control. publish-plugin will first check the status of the local directory and refuse to publish if there are any mismatched files with version control present.

There is a lot about this process that is still to be desired. Some top level items are being tracked in flutter/flutter#27258.