flutter_pitel_voip 1.0.6+3 copy "flutter_pitel_voip: ^1.0.6+3" to clipboard
flutter_pitel_voip: ^1.0.6+3 copied to clipboard

flutter_pitel_voip is package support for voice-over-IP (VoIP) call. Support VoIP call between 2 extension or outgoing call mobile phone number.


Integrate Voip call to your project #


flutter_pitel_voip is package support for voip call.

Demo #

Register extension call

Pitel Connect Flow #

When user make call from Pitel Connect app, Pitel Server pushes a notification for all user login (who receives the call). When user "Accept" call, extension will re-register to receive call. Pitel Connect Flow

Features #

  • Register Extension
  • Call
  • Hangup
  • Turn on/off micro
  • Turn on/of speaker

Installation #

  1. Install Packages
  • Run this command:
flutter pub add flutter_pitel_voip
  • Add pubspec.yaml:
flutter_pitel_voip: ^1.0.6+3
  1. Get package
flutter pub get
  1. Import
import 'package:flutter_pitel_voip/flutter_pitel_voip.dart';
  1. Configure Project


  • In file android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
    // Request permission
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS"/>
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE"/>


  • Request permission in file Info.plist
<string>Use microphone</string>
  • Make sure platform ios 12.0 in Podfile
platform :ios, '12.0'
  1. Pushkit/ Push notification - Received VoIP and Wake app from Terminated State.

    Note Please check PUSH_NOTIF.md. setup Pushkit (for IOS), push notification (for Android).

Troubleshooting #

[Android only]: If you give a error flutter_webrtc when run app in android. Please update code in file

dependencies {
  // Remove
  // implementation 'com.github.webrtc-sdk:android:104.5112.03'

  // Replace
  implementation 'io.github.webrtc-sdk:android:104.5112.09'

Example #

Please checkout repo github to get example

Usage #

  • In file app.dart, Wrap MaterialApp with PitelVoip widget Please follow example

Note: handleRegisterCall, handleRegister, registerFunc in here

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return PitelVoip(                           // Wrap with PitelVoip
      handleRegister: handleRegister,           // Handle register
      handleRegisterCall: handleRegisterCall,   // Handle register call
      child: MaterialApp.router(
  • In file home_screen.dart. Please follow example. Add WidgetsBindingObserver to handle AppLifecycleState change
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return PitelVoipCall(
        // Wrap with PitelVoipCall
        bundleId: '${bundle_id}',
        appMode: 'dev', // dev or production
        sipInfoData: sipInfoData,
        goBack: () {
            // go back function
        goToCall: () {
            // go to call screen
        onCallState: (callState) {
            // IMPORTANT: Set callState to your global state management. Example: bloc, getX, riverpod,..
            // Example riverpod
            // ref.read(callStateController.notifier).state = callState;
        onRegisterState: (String registerState) {
            // get Register Status in here
      child: ...,


Prop Description Type Default
bundleId bundleId IOS, packageId android String Required
appMode debug mode or release mode String Required
sipInfoData SIP information data () {} Required
goBack goback navigation () {} Required
goToCall navigation, go to call screen () {} Required
onCallState set call status (callState) {} Required
onRegisterState get extension register status (String registerState) {} Required
child child widget Widget Required

Register extension from data of Tel4vn provide. Example: 101, 102,… Create 1 button to fill data to register extension.

        onPressed: () asyns {
          final PushNotifParams pushNotifParams = PushNotifParams(
            teamId: '${apple_team_id}',
            bundleId: '${bundle_id}',
          final sipInfoData = SipInfoData.fromJson({
            "authPass": "${Password}",
            "registerServer": "${Domain}",
            "outboundServer": "${Outbound Proxy}",
            "port": PORT,
            "accountName": "${UUser}",      // Example 101
            "displayName": "${UUser}@${Domain}",
            "wssUrl": "${URL WSS}",
            "apiDomain": "${URL API}"

          final pitelClient = PitelServiceImpl();
          final pitelSetting = await pitelClient.setExtensionInfo(sipInfoData, pushNotifParams);
          // IMPORTANT: Set pitelSetting to your global state management. Example: bloc, getX, riverpod,..
          // Example riverpod
          // ref.read(pitelSettingProvider.notifier).state = pitelSettingRes;
        child: const Text("Register"),),
  • Logout extension
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_pitel_voip/flutter_pitel_voip.dart';
class CallPage extends StatelessWidget {
  const CallPage({super.key});
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    // IMPORTANT: Get callState from your global state management. Example: bloc, getX, riverpod,..
    // Example riverpod
    // final callState = ref.watch(callStateController);

    return CallScreen(
      callState: callState, // callState from state management you set before
      goBack: () {
        // Call your go back function in here
      bgColor: Colors.cyan,


Prop Description Type Default
goBack go back navigation () {} Required
bgColor background color Color Required
txtMute Text display of micro mute String Optional
txtUnMute Text display of micro unmute String Optional
txtSpeaker Text display speaker String Optional
txtOutgoing Text display direction outgoing call String Optional
txtIncoming Text display direction incoming call String Optional
textStyle Style for mic/speaker text TextStyle Optional
titleTextStyle Style for display phone number text TextStyle Optional
timerTextStyle Style for timer text TextStyle Optional
directionTextStyle Style for direction text TextStyle Optional
userName Custom title text String Optional

How to test #

Using tryit to test voip call connection & conversation Link: https://tryit.jssip.net/ Setting:

  1. Access to link https://tryit.jssip.net/
  2. Enter extension: example 102
  3. Click Setting icon
  4. Enter information to input field tryit
  5. Save
  6. Click icon -> to connect
pub points


unverified uploader

flutter_pitel_voip is package support for voice-over-IP (VoIP) call. Support VoIP call between 2 extension or outgoing call mobile phone number.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (license)


crypto, dartz, device_info_plus, eraser, firebase_core, firebase_messaging, flutter, flutter_callkit_incoming, flutter_webrtc, intl, logger, parser_error, path, random_string, recase, rxdart, sdp_transform, shared_preferences, uuid, wakelock


Packages that depend on flutter_pitel_voip