flutter_persistent_queue 6.1.1+1 flutter_persistent_queue: ^6.1.1+1 copied to clipboard
Simple file-based non-volatile persistent queue implementation for flutter. Ideal for in-device sequential buffers that must persist between app runs.
// ignore_for_file: unawaited_futures, public_member_api_docs
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_persistent_queue/flutter_persistent_queue.dart';
Future<List<String>> example() async {
final persistedValues = <String>{};
const int flushAt = 12;
int autoFlushCnt = 0, pushCnt = 0;
List<String> toStrList(List<dynamic> list) =>
list.map<String>((dynamic v) => '${v['μs']}').toList();
// instantiate queue and define implicit flush to fill [persistedValues]
final pq = PersistentQueue('pq', flushAt: flushAt, onFlush: (list) async {
autoFlushCnt += list.length;
print('# of FLUSHED elements: ${list.length}');
return true;
// register # of persisted items from previous run
final initCnt = await pq.length;
// preview old elements before adding new ones, without dequeueing
persistedValues.addAll(toStrList(await pq.toList()));
// enqueue a random-ish amount of values, without awaiting
for (int i = 0; i < 36; ++i) {
final int microseconds = DateTime.now().microsecondsSinceEpoch;
if (microseconds % 10 > 0) {
pq.push({'μs': '$microseconds'});
items reloaded from previous run: $initCnt
items left due to persist until next run: ${await pq.length}
items read from the queue: ${persistedValues.length}
items flushed from the queue: $autoFlushCnt
items written to the queue: $pushCnt
queue configured to flush at: $flushAt
await pq.destroy();
print('the queue is gone');
return persistedValues.toList(growable: false)..sort();
void main() => runApp(ExampleApp());
class ExampleApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(_) => FutureBuilder(future: example(), builder: app);
Widget app(BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<dynamic> snapshot) =>
MaterialApp(home: home(snapshot));
Widget home(AsyncSnapshot<dynamic> snapshot) =>
Scaffold(appBar: AppBar(title: Text('Example')), body: body(snapshot));
Widget body(AsyncSnapshot<dynamic> snapshot) {
if (snapshot.data == null) {
return Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator());
final children = (snapshot.data as List<String>)
.map<Widget>((s) => ListTile(leading: Icon(Icons.grade), title: Text(s)))
return ListView(children: children);