flutter_persian_calendar 0.0.3 copy "flutter_persian_calendar: ^0.0.3" to clipboard
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Flutter package for easy integration of Persian (Jalali) calendar widgets. Customize appearance, filter dates, and simplify date selection.

PersianCalendar #

A lightweight yet powerful Persian (Jalali) date picker widget for Flutter.
Easily allow your users to select years, months, and days in a beautiful, localized, and scrollable Jalali calendar UI. pub package

Features #

  • Jalali Calendar: All you need for selecting Persian (Jalali) dates.
  • Flexible UI: Customizable background, primary, and secondary colors, plus text styles.
  • Configurable: Pass your own onDateChanged callback, a confirmButton, or rely on defaults.
  • Scrolling: Allows navigation across a wide date range via year, month, day views.
  • Built-in Localization: Directionality is set to RTL automatically for Persian.

Installation #

  1. Add this package to your pubspec.yaml:
      persian_calendar: ^0.0.3
  2. Run flutter pub get.
  3. Import it in your Dart code:
    import 'package:persian_calendar/persian_calendar.dart';

Quick Start #

Below is a minimal example showing how to embed the PersianCalendar widget in your app:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:shamsi_date/shamsi_date.dart'; // or your Jalali library
import 'package:persian_calendar/persian_calendar.dart';

class CalendarExample extends StatelessWidget {
  const CalendarExample({super.key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('Persian Calendar Example')),
      body: Center(
        child: PersianCalendar(
          initialDate: Jalali(1402, 12, 25), // Optional: Defaults to Jalali.now()
          startingDate: Jalali(1300, 1, 1), // Optional range start
          endingDate: Jalali(1405, 1, 1), // Optional range end
          onDateChanged: (selectedDate) {
            debugPrint('Selected date: $selectedDate');

This immediately displays a Jalali calendar that defaults to the specified initialDate. When the user taps through the year, month, and day selections, onDateChanged will trigger with the final date.

Screenshot #

Below is an example screenshot (layout and styling may vary based on theme and configuration):

Persian Calendar Banner

Advanced Usage #

1. Custom Height & Colors #

If you need to tweak the height or change the colors:

  height: 350.0,
  backgroundColor: Colors.grey.shade100,
  primaryColor: Colors.pink.shade200,
  secondaryColor: Colors.blue.shade200,
  textStyle: const TextStyle(fontSize: 16, color: Colors.black87),
  onDateChanged: (selectedDate) {
  // do something interesting

2. Custom Confirm Button #

By default, if no confirmButton is provided, we show an ElevatedButton labeled "تایید". To inject your own button:

  onDateChanged: (selectedDate) {
  debugPrint('User picked: $selectedDate');
  confirmButton: ElevatedButton(
  onPressed: () {
  // Close dialog or do something else
  debugPrint('User confirmed date selection');
    child: const Text('Confirm'),

You decide how to handle the chosen date in your own UI flow.

3. Using in a Dialog #

To place the PersianCalendar inside a dialog:

Future<void> _showPersianCalendarDialog(BuildContext context) async {
  return showDialog(
    context: context,
    builder: (dialogCtx) {
      return AlertDialog(
        content: PersianCalendar(
          onDateChanged: (jalaliDate) {
            debugPrint('Dialog - selected date: $jalaliDate');

Then call _showPersianCalendarDialog(context) from anywhere in your widget tree (e.g., a button tap).

Contributing #

  • Feel free to submit pull requests or file issues.
  • Add new features or improve the design.
  • Don’t forget to star the repository if you find it helpful (stars are surprisingly motivating, even for Persian Calendars!).


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Flutter package for easy integration of Persian (Jalali) calendar widgets. Customize appearance, filter dates, and simplify date selection.

Repository (GitHub)


API reference


MIT (license)


flutter, shamsi_date


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