flutter_page_view_indicator 0.0.5
flutter_page_view_indicator: ^0.0.5 copied to clipboard
Builds indicators marks for PageView from any widget very customizable.
Flutter PageViewIndicator #
Builds indicators marks for PageView from any widget it's very customizable.
To get started you need to install our plugin and that's very easy
Installation #
- add this to your packages pubspec.yaml file:
flutter_page_view_indicator: ^0.0.5
- Install it You can install it from the command line:
$ flutter pub get
if you use Android Studio or Intellij just click pub get.
- Import it Now in Dart code, you can use:
import 'package:flutter_page_view_indicator/flutter_page_view_indicator.dart';
Using #
You need to use just the following code:
length: screens.length,
currentIndex: currentIndex,
this a default indicators, when you want to customize the indicators you can do it just passing a property which you want.
length: length,
currentIndex: currentIndex,
otherItemWidth: 20,
otherItemHeight: 8,
length: length,
currentIndex: currentIndex,
indicatorMargin: EdgeInsets.all(5),
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(5),
This an Example of a full property :
length: screens.length,
currentIndex: currentIndex,
currentColor: Colors.teal,
otherColor: Colors.grey.shade800,
currentSize: 15,
otherSize: 15,
margin: EdgeInsets.all(5),
borderRadius: 9999.0,
alignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
animationDuration: Duration(milliseconds: 750),
direction: Axis.horizontal,
So how did you see you do not need to write too much code in the first case if you use the default indicators.