flutter_neat_and_clean_calendar 0.2.2+10 copy "flutter_neat_and_clean_calendar: ^0.2.2+10" to clipboard
flutter_neat_and_clean_calendar: ^0.2.2+10 copied to clipboard


Simple and clean flutter calendar with ability to slide up/down to show weekly/monthly calendar. Fork of [flutter_clean_calender](https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_clean_calendar)

[0.2.2+10] - 2021-05-06 #

  • Issue #12 was fixed in this release
  • Now it's possible to use the parameter isExpandedto decide, if the widget should be shown in expanded mode

[0.2.1+9] - 2021-04-26 #

  • This release fixes a bug, that appeared, if the user selected a day in next month, when this date fell into next year or a day in previous month, when this date fell into previous year

[0.2.0+8] - 2021-04-12 #

  • Project converted to null safety

[0.1.5+7] - 2021-04-11 #

  • There was a bug in the calculations for the first day of week. This bug was corrected in this release

[0.1.4+6] - 2021-03-05 #

  • Dependency on date_utils package resolved
  • The Utils class is now directly embedded in the package
  • This reduces the chance of possible dependency problems

[0.1.3+5] - Layout of event list improved #

  • The event list is now built of a Row of Expanded widgets instead of the ListTile

[0.1.2+4] - Export of NeatCleanCalendarEvent class #

  • NeatCleanCalendarEvent now is exported, so that the separate import is no longer necessary

[0.1.1+3] - Corrected README #

  • README - style corrected

[0.1.1+2] - Corrected README #

  • README - style corrected

[0.1.0+1] - First public release #

  • Moved the method to render the event list into the package
  • New parameters onEventSelected and eventListBuilder
pub points


verified publisherralfweinbrecher.de

Simple and clean flutter calendar with ability to slide up/down to show weekly/monthly calendar. Fork of [flutter_clean_calender](https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_clean_calendar)

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (license)


flutter, intl


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