flutter_nearby_messages_api 0.0.8
flutter_nearby_messages_api: ^0.0.8 copied to clipboard
Google Nearby Message API for Flutter (Cross platforms).
Google Nearby Messages API for Flutter
Installation #
First, add flutter_nearby_messages_api
as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
iOS #
Get and add a google cloud nearby messages API key to your project https://developers.google.com/nearby/messages/ios/get-started
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Add two rows to the ios/Runner/Info.plist
- Privacy - Microphone Usage Description and a usage description. (For example description, "The microphone listens for anonymous tokens from nearby devices.")
For iOS 13 and newer versions
- Privacy - Bluetooth Always Usage Description and a usage description.
For earlier than iOS 13
- Privacy - Bluetooth Peripheral Usage Description and a usage description. (For example description, "An anonymous token is advertised via Bluetooth to discover nearby devices.")
Or in text format add the key:
<string>The microphone listens for anonymous tokens from nearby devices</string>
<string>A message that tells the user why the app needs access to Bluetooth.</string>
<string>An anonymous token is advertised via Bluetooth to discover nearby devices</string>
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Android #
Get and add a google cloud nearby messages API key to your project https://developers.google.com/nearby/messages/android/get-started
<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
package="com.google.sample.app" >
<application ...>
android:value="API_KEY" />
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Example #
import 'package:flutter_nearby_messages_api/flutter_nearby_messages_api.dart';
class main {
// init NearbyMessagesApi
FlutterNearbyMessagesApi nearbyMessagesApi = FlutterNearbyMessagesApi();
Future<void> main() async {
// config for iOS
await nearbyMessagesApi.setAPIKey('API_KEY');
// This callback gets the message when an a nearby device sends one
nearbyMessagesApi.onFound = (message) {
print('~~~onFound : $message');
// This callback gets the message when a nearby device leaves
nearbyMessagesApi.onLost = (message) {
print('~~~onLost : $message');
// Listen status when publish and subscribe
// enum GNSOperationStatus { inactive, starting, active }
nearbyMessagesApi.statusHandler = (status) {
print('~~~statusHandler : $status');
// Use your messages to nearby permission alert
'Your title', 'Your message', 'Deny', 'Grant');
nearbyMessagesApi.permissionHandler = (status) {
nearbyMessagesApi.bluetoothPowerErrorHandler = (args) {
print('~~~ bluetoothPowerErrorHandler');
nearbyMessagesApi.bluetoothPermissionErrorHandler = (args) {
print('~~~ bluetoothPermissionErrorHandler');
nearbyMessagesApi.microphonePermissionErrorHandler = (args) {
print('~~~ microphonePermissionErrorHandler');
* Publishing a message
* @require message
await nearbyMessagesApi.publish('Hello world!');
* Subscribing
await nearbyMessagesApi.backgroundSubscribe();
// Enable debug mode
await nearbyMessageAPi.enableDebugMode();
// Disable debug mode
await nearbyMessageAPI.disableDebugMode();
// Do not use it if you have not learned it carefully
// nearbyMessagesApi.setNearbyAccessPermission(true);
void dispose() {
// unPublish
await nearbyMessagesApi.unPublish();
// backgroundUnsubscribe
await nearbyMessagesApi.backgroundUnsubscribe();
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