flutter_map_tile_caching 10.0.0-dev.3 copy "flutter_map_tile_caching: ^10.0.0-dev.3" to clipboard
flutter_map_tile_caching: ^10.0.0-dev.3 copied to clipboard

Plugin for 'flutter_map' providing advanced caching functionality, with ability to download map regions for offline use.

Sponsors #

Many thanks to my sponsors, no matter how much or how little they donated. Sponsorships & donations allow me to continue my projects and upgrade my hardware/setup, as well as allowing me to have some starting amount for further education and such-like.

  • @tonyshkurenko
  • @Mmisiek
  • @huulbaek
  • @andrewames
  • @ozzy1873
  • @eidolonFIRE
  • @weishuhn
  • @mohammedX6
  • @quentinchaignaud
  • @Mayb3Nots
  • @T-moz
  • @micheljung
  • + more anonymous or private donors

Changelog #

[10.0.0] - 2024/XX/XX #

This update builds on v9 to fully embrace the new many-to-many relationship between tiles and stores, which allows for more flexibility when constructing the FMTCTileProvider.
This allows a new paradigm to be used: stores may now be treated as bulk downloaded regions, and all the regions/stores can be used at once - no more switching between them. This allows huge amounts of flexibility and a better UX in a complex application.

Additionally, vector tiles are now supported in theory, as the internal caching/retrieval logic of the specialised ImageProvider has been exposed, although it is out of scope to fully implement support for it.

  • Improvements to the browse caching logic and customizability
    • Added support for using multiple stores simultaneously in the FMTCTileProvider, and exposed constructor directly
    • Added StoreReadWriteBehavior for increased control over caching behaviour
    • Added toggle for hit/miss stat recording, to improve performance where these statistics are never read
    • Added Tile Loading Debug system (FMTCTileProvider.tileLoadingDebugger) to provide a method to debug internal tile loading mechanisms and perform advanced custom logging
    • Replaced FMTCTileProviderSettings.maxStoreLength with a maxLength property on each store individually
    • Refactored and exposed tile provider logic into seperate getBytes method
  • Replaced obscureQueryParams with more flexible urlTransformer (and static urlTransformerOmitKeyValues utility method to provide old behaviour)
  • Removed deprecated remnants from v9.*
  • Other generic improvements

[9.1.1] - 2024/07/16 #

  • Fixed bug where errors within the import functionality would not be catchable by the original invoker
  • Minor other improvements

[9.1.0] - 2024/05/27 #

  • Upgraded to flutter_map v7 to support Flutter 3.22 (also upgraded other dependencies)
  • Deprecated BaseRegion.toDrawable, and all implementations

[9.0.1] - 2024/04/29 #

  • Fixed bug on initialisation, where using multiple/background FlutterEngines would attempt to re-open a single ObjectBox Store (aka. root) multiple times

[9.0.0] - "Just Another Rewrite" - 2024/04/11 #

This update has essentially rewritten FMTC from the ground up, over hundreds of hours. It focuses on:

  • improving future maintainability by improving modularity and seperation of concerns
  • improving stability & performance across the board
  • supporting a many-to-many relationship between tiles and stores to reduce duplication

I would hugely appricate any donations - please see the documentation site, GitHub repo, or pub.dev package.

I would also like to thank all those who have been waiting and contributing their feedback throughout the process: it means a lot to me that FMTC is such a crucial component to your application.

And without further ado, let's get the biggest changes out of the way first:

  • Added support for modular storage/root backends through FMTCBackend

    • Removed Isar support
      Isar unfortunately caused too many stability issues, and is not as actively maintained as I would like (I can sympathise :D).
    • Added ObjectBox as the default backend (FMTCObjectBoxBackend)
      ObjectBox uses the same underlying database technology as Isar (MBDX), but is more maintained, and I'm hoping, more stable. Note that ObjectBox declares it only supports 64-bit systems, whereas Isar was just 'mostly unstable' on 32-bit systems until recently (where is also became 64-bit only): it's time for the future!
    • It is expected that backends support a many-to-many relationship between tiles and stores
      This has reduced duplication between stores and tiles massively, and now allows for smaller, fine-grained region control. The default backend supports this with as minimal hit to performance as possible, although of course, database operations are now considerably more complex than in previous versions, and so therefore will take slightly longer. In practise, there is no noticeable performance difference.
    • It is expected that backends cache statistics instead of calculating them at get time
      This has decreased the time spent fetching basic statistics, and allowed for increased efficiency when getting multiple stats at once. Of course, there is some impact on performance at write time: it must all be accurately tracked, else it will be inaccacurate/out-of-sync.
  • Restructured top-level access APIs

    • Deprecated StoreDirectory & RootDirectory in favour of FMTCStore and FMTCRoot
      The term 'directory' has been misleading for a couple of years now, as it hasn't been actual filesystem directories storing information since the introduction of v7.
    • Removed the FlutterMapTileCaching/FMTC access object, in favour of FMTCStore and FMTCRoot direct constructors
      Much of the configuration and state management performed by this top-level object and it's close relatives were transferred to the backend, and as such, there is no longer a requirement for these objects.
    • Removed support for synchronous operations (and renamed asynchronous operations to reflect this)
      These were incompatible with the new Isolated FMTCObjectBoxBackend, and to keep scope reasonable, I decided to remove them, in favour of backends implementing their own Isolateion as well.
  • Reimplemented bulk downloading

    • Added CustomPolygonRegion, a BaseRegion that is formed of any* outline
    • Added pause and resume functionality
    • Added rate limiting functionality
    • Added support for multiple simultaneous downloads
    • Improved developer experience by refactoring DownloadableRegion and startForeground
    • Improved download speed significantly
    • Fixed instability and bugs when cancelling buffering downloads
    • Fixed generation of LineRegion tiles by reducing number of redundant duplicate tiles
    • Fixed usage of obscuredQueryParams
    • Removed support for bulk download buffering by size capacity
    • Removed support for custom HttpClients
  • Deprecated plugins

    • Transfered support for import/export operations to core (RootExternal)
    • Deprecated support for background bulk downloading
  • Migrated to Flutter 3.19 and Dart 3.3

  • Migrated to flutter_map v6

With those out of the way, we can take a look at the smaller changes:

  • Improved recovery system to monitor which tiles can be skipped on re-downloading (via DownloadableRegion.start)
  • Improved error handling (especially in backends)
  • Added StoreManagement.pruneTilesOlderThan method
  • Added shortcut for getting multiple stats: StoreStats.all
  • Added secondary check to FMTCImageProvider to ensure responses are valid images
  • Replaced public facing RegionType/type with Dart 3 exhaustive switch statements through BaseRegion/DownloadableRegion.when & RecoverableRegion.toRegion
  • Removed HTTP/2 support
  • Fixed a whole bunch of bugs

In addition, there's been more action in the surrounding enviroment:

  • Created a miniature testing tile server
  • Created automated tests for tile generation
  • Improved & simplified example application
    • Removed update mechanism
    • Added tile-by-tile/live download following

[8.0.1] - 2023/07/29 #

  • Fixed bugs when generating tiles for LineRegion

[8.0.0] - 2023/05/05 #

  • Bulk downloading has been rewritten to use a new implementation that generates tile coordinates at the same time as downloading tiles
    • checking the number of tiles in a region now uses a significantly faster and more efficient implementation
    • Starting a download no longer causes significant memory bloat, which could crash the app on large regions
    • Starting a download is now much quicker and closer to constant time, as tile coordinates don't need to be pre-generated
    • Cancelling a download no longer causes many QueueCancelledExceptions to be thrown, which could crash the app
    • Removed reliance on 'queue' dependency in order to squeeze as much speed as possible out of the new implementation
  • Other improvements
    • initialise now automatically renames databases if their filename ID doesn't match their name hash
    • initialise can now throw a more useful FMTCInitialisationException with improved clarity
    • Methods that require a valid store descriptor object to be present now throw FMTCDamagedStoreException if it is not present
  • Other bug fixes
    • FMTCImageProvider's oldest tile deleter & bulk downloading now respects custom root directories
    • FMTCImageProvider now evicts failed images from Flutter's ImageCache to prevent errors
  • Added support for custom HttpClients/BaseClients
  • Added support for Isar v3.1 (bug fixes & stability improvements)

Version 7 was made unstable due to a non-semantic versioning compliant update of a dependency.
This means the pub version resolver can never resolve FMTC v7 without introducing compilation errors.

[7.2.0] - 2023/03/03 #

  • Stability improvements
    • Starting multiple downloads no longer causes LateInitializationErrors
    • Migrator storage and memory usage no longer spikes as significantly as previously, thanks to transaction batching
    • Opening and processing of stores on initialisation is more robust and less error-prone to filename variations
    • Root statistic watching now works on all platforms
  • Multiple minor bug fixes and documentation improvements
  • Added maxStoreLength config to example app

[7.1.2] - 2023/02/18 #

  • Minor bug fixes

[7.1.1] - 2023/02/16 #

  • Major bug fixes
  • Added debug mode

[7.1.0] - 2023/02/14 #

  • Added URL query params obscurer feature
  • Added headers and httpClient parameters to getTileProvider
  • Minor documentation improvements
  • Minor bug fixes

[7.0.2] - 2023/02/12 #

  • Minor changes to example application

[7.0.1] - 2023/02/11 #

  • Minor bug fixes
  • Minor improvements

[7.0.0] - 2023/02/04 #

  • Migrated to Isar database
  • Major performance improvements, thanks to Isar
  • Added buffering to bulk tile downloading
  • Added method to catch tile retrieval errors
  • Removed v4 -> v5 migrator & added v6 -> v7 migrator
  • Removed some synchronous methods from structure management
  • Removed 'fmtc_advanced' import file

Plus the usual:

  • Minor performance improvements
  • Bug fixes
  • Dependency updates
  • Documentation improvements

[6.2.0] - 2022/10/25 #

  • Performance improvements
  • Changed license to GPL v3
  • Updated dependencies

[6.1.0] - 2022/09/23 #

  • Fixed bugs within import functionality
  • Added support for notifications on Android 13+
  • Improved performance
  • Updated dependencies

[6.0.1] - 2022/09/11 #

  • Improved stability
  • Updated dependencies

[6.0.0] - 2022/09/05 #

  • Added support for flutter_map v3
  • Fixed bugs
  • Improved example application

[5.1.1] - 2022/08/12 #

  • Fixed bugs
  • Updated dependencies
  • Improved example application

[5.1.0] - 2022/08/09 #

  • Added import/export functionality
  • Improved example application
  • Improved documentation
  • Fixed bugs

[5.0.0] - 2022/08/03 #

  • Renamed and refactored internal and public APIs, ready for release
  • Added successfulSize statistic to DownloadProgress
  • Improved example application
  • Improved documentation
  • Fixed bugs

[5.0.0-dev.6] - 2022/07/29 #

  • Polish and preparations for full v5 release
  • Moved migrator into rootDirectory to fix bugs
  • Converted DownloadManagement to a singleton object
  • Finished example application
  • Improved documentation
  • Fixed bugs

[5.0.0-dev.5] - 2022/07/25 #

  • Improved download time estimates and added tiles per second statistic
  • Added custom filesystem string sanitiser setting to FMTCSettings
  • Improved statistic watchers
  • Improved example application
  • Improved documentation
  • Fixed bugs

[5.0.0-dev.4] - 2022/07/19 #

  • Added cache hits and misses statistics
  • Added v4 to v5 file structure migration methods
  • Reworked invalidateCachedStatistics
  • Improved documentation
  • Fixed bugs

[5.0.0-dev.3] - 2022/07/17 #

  • Improved example application
  • Updated Gradle for example application
  • Improved documentation
  • Improved background downloading implementation
  • Added support for 'flutter_map' v2.0.0
  • Added Windows support to example application
  • Fixed multiple bugs

[5.0.0-dev.2] - 2022/06/13 #

  • Example application improvements
  • README documentation improvements
  • Deprecated preDownloadChecksCallback
  • Added checkTileCached to tile provider
  • Refactored and reorganised public APIs (eg. moved tileImage from stats to manage)

[5.0.0-dev.1] - 2022/06/01 #

  • Widespread syntax changes
  • Added custom metadata storage functionality
  • Added statistic caching to improve performance somewhat
  • Start of new example application for better performance and Material 3 support
  • Documentation improvements
  • Specification of platform support
  • Internal refactoring and reorganization

[4.0.1] - 2022/02/28 #

  • Fix bug #45 (on GitHub)

[4.0.0] - 2022/02/26 #

  • Miscellaneous changes
  • Check file system watching is supported before usage
  • Incorporate all pre-releases

[4.0.0-dev.11] - 2022/02/20 #

  • Example improvements - new example app still in progress
  • Improve estimations for downloading durations (still needs tweaking)
  • Upgraded Dart and Flutter versions
  • Fix bug #41 (on GitHub)

[3.0.4] - 2022/02/10 #

  • Fix bug #41 (on GitHub)
  • Bumped 'flutter_local_notifications' version to v9.2.0

[4.0.0-dev.10] - 2022/01/26 #

  • Fixed major performance issues
  • Example improvements - new example app still in progress
  • Tweaked AsyncMapCachingManager & MapCachingManager
  • Replaced assertions with throws
  • Internal refactoring
  • Added build tools
  • Recovery system reworked - needs testing
  • Added linter

[4.0.0-dev.9] - 2021/12/27 #

  • Added new functionality: AsyncMapCachingManager (extension methods)
  • Added new functionality: debouncing for watch... methods in MapCachingManager
  • Added new functionality: emptyStore() in MapCachingManager
  • Fixed inaccurate size reporting
  • Example improvements - new example app still in progress
  • General changes to README

[4.0.0-dev.8] - 2021/12/09 #

  • New example app (in progress)
  • Added coverImage() functionality
  • General improvements
  • Fixed issues for web compilation (needs more testing)
  • Acknowledged issue with dynamic tile source swapping (see #31 on GitHub), still needs resolving

[4.0.0-dev.7] - 2021/11/06 #

  • Major performance improvements through custom ImageProvider
  • Automatic cache store creation on initialization of StorageCachingTileProvider and MapCachingManager
  • Added watchable stream to MapCachingManager to listen to changes in statistics
  • Removed 'network_to_file_image' dependency
  • Fixed and improved 'browse caching' logic
  • Better hidden internal constructors
  • Deprecated and removed some functionality

[4.0.0-dev.6] - 2021/10/10 #

  • Added pre-download check functionality
  • Added ability to change caching behaviour
  • Rewritten tile provider part to be smaller and more efficient
  • Updated & fixed example
  • Project reorganisation
  • Updated tests

[4.0.0-dev.5+1] - 2021/10/08 #

  • Deprecated circle extensions to match new 'standard'
  • Pleased Flutter formatter
  • Updated example
  • Fixed serious Isolate bugs that prevented downloads by removing the isolate system
  • Added 'prettyPaint'ing to LineRegion
  • Some performance improvements and internal refactoring
  • Added more Installation instructions
  • BUG LineRegion does not report an estimated amount of tiles in the example
  • Updated tests

[4.0.0-dev.5] - 2021/09/27 #

  • Added multithreading to download loop (thanks to GitHub contributor Abdelrahman-Sherif)
  • Add line tile loop (not complete, some bugs)
  • Added precise recovery mode (requires testing)
  • Changed tests to only use one thread
  • Edited README
  • Taken some features out of experimental
  • Removed broken compressionQuality
  • Removed encoded polyline conversion functionality
  • ... and more

[3.0.3] - 2021/09/12 #

  • Fix bug #32 (on GitHub)
  • Update .gitignore
  • Update README to recommend v4

[4.0.0-dev.4] - 2021/09/02 #

  • Created recovery system
  • Added new examples
  • Improved automated tests
  • Deprecated shape chooser
  • Deprecated some extension methods
  • Working on example app
  • Add more customization to background download notifications
  • Some testing and bug fixes still required
  • Update to documentation README still required

[4.0.0-dev.3] - 2021/08/29 #

  • Created automated tests
  • Reworked DownloadProgress(), adding many more statistics
  • Add way to rename existing store
  • Large refactoring and reduction of code duplication
  • Performance improvements
  • Marked some experimental functionality as experimental, ready for release
  • Added re-download prevention option
  • Added sea tile removal
  • Added compression option (needs manual testing)

[3.0.2] - 2021/07/25 #

  • Fix bug #20 (on GitHub)
  • Updated README

[4.0.0-dev.2] - 2021/07/20 #

  • Bug fixes
  • Re-introduction of tile count limiter
  • Improve documentation

[4.0.0-dev.1] - 2021/07/20 #

  • Migrate to filesystem API
  • Add basic preload surroundings widgets
  • Fix bugs
  • Improve documentation
  • Allow manual control over forceAlarmManager, off by default
  • Remove very old APIs
  • Deprecate old APIs
  • Removal of tile count limiter

[3.0.1] - 2021/07/20 #

  • Fix bug #17 (on GitHub)
  • Removed an invalid example
  • Updated README

[3.0.0] - 2021/07/04 #

  • Last quick fixes
  • Publish to pub.dev
  • Use AlarmManager for background tasks to resolve issues
  • Deprecate old APIs

[3.0.0-dev.2] - 2021/07/01 #

  • Move to more appropriate date system for changelog
  • Rewritten documentation
  • Improved examples
  • Improved easy shape chooser

[3.0.0-dev.1] - 30/06/2021 #

  • Huge refactoring to make methods easier to use and more flexible
  • Addition of circle region
  • Refactoring of square region
  • Removal of tuple from main methods
  • Addition of ability to exclude pure sea tiles
  • Addition of multiple caching tables
  • Performance improvements
  • Add donation method
  • Add GitHub actions
  • Added easy shape chooser

[2.0.2] - 04/06/2021 #

  • Publish to pub.dev
  • Null safety finalised

[2.0.1] - 04/06/2021 #

  • Attempt to publish (failed)

[2.0.0] - 23/05/2021 #

  • Increased default values (increased default cache limit (tiles) to 20000 and default cache duration to 31 days)
  • Improved readme (added badges, simplified a calculation and increased detail on how to install and import)
  • Re-organised file structure to match recommended layout
  • Added changelog heading to please linter
  • Fixed issues with WMS tile layer options

[1.1.0] - 23/05/2021 #

  • DO NOT UPDATE TO THIS VERSION as there is a full new release coming soon
  • Enable sound null-safety (Breaking Change: Only SDK >= 2.12.0 allowed)

[1.0.1] - 09/04/2021 #

  • Initial release
  • First publish to pub.dev
pub points


verified publisherjaffaketchup.dev

Plugin for 'flutter_map' providing advanced caching functionality, with ability to download map regions for offline use.

Repository (GitHub)
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#flutter-map #map #fmtc




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async, collection, dart_earcut, flat_buffers, flutter, flutter_map, http, latlong2, meta, objectbox, objectbox_flutter_libs, path, path_provider


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