flutter_m1_patcher 1.6.1
flutter_m1_patcher: ^1.6.1 copied to clipboard
Replaces Flutter's bundled Dart SDK with the macOS arm64 version
NOTE: Flutter 3.0.0 includes the arm64 dart sdk by default. This package is no longer needed unless you are using older versions of Flutter.
This script replaces Flutter's bundled Dart SDK with the macOS arm64 version
Getting Started #
Set up Flutter as normal and run flutter doctor
Install Dart form homebrew:
$ brew tap dart-lang/dart
$ brew install dart
copied to clipboard
This script nukes Flutter's bundled Dart SDK, so trying to run this script with Flutter's bundled Dart SDK will fail
Use as an executable #
Installation #
$ dart pub global activate flutter_m1_patcher
copied to clipboard
Usage #
Run flutterpatch
in a terminal
Run with -p
to specify the Flutter root path
Additional Information #
If things go bad, delete flutter/bin/cache
and run flutter doctor
. This will reset the bundled Dart SDK to the one shipped with Flutter.
You will need to run flutterpatch
after every flutter upgrade