flutter_keyboard_visibility 4.0.2 copy "flutter_keyboard_visibility: ^4.0.2" to clipboard
flutter_keyboard_visibility: ^4.0.2 copied to clipboard


Flutter plugin for discovering the state of the soft-keyboard visibility on Android and iOS.

Flutter Keyboard Visibility #

pub package

React to keyboard visibility changes.

Install #

Add the dependency to your pubspec.yaml

  flutter_keyboard_visibility: ^4.0.0

Usage: React to Keyboard Visibility Changes #

Option 1: Within your Widget tree using a builder #

Build your Widget tree based on whether or not the keyboard is visible by using KeyboardVisibilityBuilder.

import 'package:flutter_keyboard_visibility/flutter_keyboard_visibility.dart';

/// In any of your widgets...
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return KeyboardVisibilityBuilder(
    builder: (context, isKeyboardVisible) {
      return Text(
        'The keyboard is: ${isKeyboardVisible ? 'VISIBLE' : 'NOT VISIBLE'}',

Option 2: Within your Widget tree using a provider #

Build your Widget tree based on whether or not the keyboard is visible by including a KeyboardVisibilityProvider near the top of your tree.

import 'package:flutter_keyboard_visibility/flutter_keyboard_visibility.dart';

// Somewhere near the top of your tree...
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return KeyboardVisibilityProvider(
    child: MyDemoPage(),

// Within MyDemoPage...
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  final bool isKeyboardVisible = KeyboardVisibilityProvider.isKeyboardVisible(context);
  return Text(
    'The keyboard is: ${isKeyboardVisible ? 'VISIBLE' : 'NOT VISIBLE'}',

Option 3: Direct query and subscription #

Query and/or subscribe to keyboard visibility directly with the KeyboardVisibilityController class.

import 'package:flutter_keyboard_visibility/flutter_keyboard_visibility.dart';

void initState() {

  var keyboardVisibilityController = KeyboardVisibilityController();
  // Query
  print('Keyboard visibility direct query: ${keyboardVisibilityController.isVisible}');

  // Subscribe
  keyboardVisibilityController.onChange.listen((bool visible) {
    print('Keyboard visibility update. Is visible: ${visible}');

Usage: Dismiss keyboard on tap #

Place a KeyboardDismissOnTap near the top of your Widget tree. When a user taps outside of the currently focused Widget, the Widget will drop focus and the keyboard will be dismissed.

import 'package:flutter_keyboard_visibility/flutter_keyboard_visibility.dart';

// Somewhere near the top of your tree...
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return KeyboardDismissOnTap(
    child: MyDemoPage(),

Testing #

Call KeyboardVisibility.setVisibilityForTesting(value) to set a custom value to use during flutter test

void main() {
  testWidgets('My Test', (WidgetTester tester) async {
    await tester.pumpWidget(MyApp());