flutter_interfaces_plus 0.0.2 copy "flutter_interfaces_plus: ^0.0.2" to clipboard
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discontinuedreplaced by: network_info_plus

Enhanced Flutter network interface plug-in for multiple platforms.

Flutter Interfaces Plus #

Enhanced Flutter network interface plug-in for multiple platforms.

Platforms will be supported #

  • Android

  • iOS (developing)

  • Windows (developing)

  • Linux (developing)

  • MacOS (developing)

Features will be provided #

  • Lists all network card interfaces for the platform.
  • Get the interface name, index and MAC address.
  • Get the IP address, prefix length, mask and broadcast address.
  • Support IPv4 and IPv6.
  • Output full, compressed or raw address.
  • Can determine the network card type and address type such as isVirtual, isLookBack etc.
  • Can determines whether the address is within a range.
  • Can be converted to the object of DART library.

APP Demo #


How to use #


​ see https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_interfaces_plus/install

Lists network card interfaces:

import 'flutter_interfaces_plus/flutter_interfaces_plus';

  includeLoopback: true,
  includeLinkLocal: true,
  includeIPv4: true,
  includeIPv6: true
).then((interfaces) {									// interfaces is List<InetInterface>
  interfaces.forEach((interface) {
    // Print network card information:
    // Print information of each address of this interface:
    interface.forEach((address) {			// Equal to [interface.addresses.forEach(...)]
    // Print information of specified address:
    var address = interface[0];				// Equal to [interface.addresses[0]]
    // Or you can use the [toString] method to print all informations about this interface:

Create InetAddress object:

// Create IPv4 address
String ipv4 = "";
InetAddress address1 = InetAddress(ipv4);

// Create IPv6 address
String ipv6 = "fe80::1234:5678:ABCD:1";
InetAddress address2 = InetAddress(ipv6);

// Create it by raw address
List<int> rawIpv4 = [192, 168, 1, 1];
InetAddress address3 = InetAddress.fromRawAddress(rawIpv4);

Create InetAddressGroup object:

// Create object by mask:
InetAddress ip = InetAddress("");
InetAddress mask = InetAddress("");
InetAddressGroup group = InetAddressGroup.byMask(ip: ip, mask: mask);

// Create object by prefix length:
InetAddress ip = InetAddress("");
int prefix = 24
InetAddressGroup group = InetAddressGroup.byPrefixLength(ip: ip, prefixLength: prefix);

Class Interfaces #

Properties and methods of InetInterfaces:

/** Instance properties **/
int index;
String name;
Uint8List mac;			// eg. [228, 253, 161, 71, 158, 121]
String macString;		// eg. "E4-FD-A1-47-9E-79"
bool isVirtual;			// Determine if it's a virtual network card.
bool isEmpty;				// Has no address(es).
int length;					// count of addresses.
List<InetAddressGroup> addresses;

/** Instance methods **/
// Formatted output information
String toString();

// Convert to [InternetAddress] of DART library.
NetworkInterface toNetworkInterface();

// Iterate over all the elements of [addresses] property.
void forEach(void Function(InetAddressGroup address) f);

// Equal to "[]" operator of [addresses] property. 
InetAddressGroup operator [] (int index);

/** Static methods **/
// Lists all the filtered network card interfaces.
static Future<List<InetInterface>> list({
  bool includeLoopback: false,
  bool includeLinkLocal: false,
  bool includeIPv4: true,
  bool includeIPv6: true

Properties and methods of InetAddress:

/** Instance properties **/
InetAddressType type;				// IPv4 or IPv6
int bitsLength;							// 32 if IPv4 else 128
bool isAnyLocalAddress;
bool isLoopbackAddress;
bool isLinkLocalAddress;
bool isSiteLocalAddress;
bool isMulticastAddress;
bool isMCGlobal;
bool isMCLinkLocal;
bool isMCNodeLocal;
bool isMCOrgLocal;
bool isMCSiteLocal;
bool isMask;

/** Instance methods **/
// Convert to [InternetAddress] of DART library.
InternetAddress toInternetAddress();

// Concise form. 	eg. "" or "::1"
String toString();

// raw int.		 		eg. [192, 168, 1, 1]
List<int> toRawInt();

// raw string.	 	eg. ["192", "168", "1", "1"] or ["FE80", "0", ..., "FD1"]
List<String> toRawString();

// Tidy form.			eg. ["192", "168", "001", "001"] or ["FE80", "0000", ..., "0FD1"]
List<String> toRawStringTidy();

/** Static methods **/
// Determines whether an IP address is within a given range.
static bool isContains(InetAddress target, InetAddress floor, InetAddress ceiling);

Properties and methods of InetAddressGroup:

/** Instance properties **/
InetAddress ip;					// IP address
InetAddress mask;				// subnet mask
InetAddress broadcast;	// broadcast address
InetAddressType type;		// IPv4 or IPv6
int prefixLength;

/** Instace methods **/
String toString();			// Formatted output information

/** Static methods **/
static InetAddress InetAddressGroup.calcBroadcastAddressByMask(InetAddress ip, InetAddress mask);
static InetAddress InetAddressGroup.calcMaskByPrefixLength(int length, InetAddressType type);
static int InetAddressGroup.calcPrefixLengthByMask(InetAddress mask);
pub points


unverified uploader

Enhanced Flutter network interface plug-in for multiple platforms.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


BSD-2-Clause (LICENSE)




Packages that depend on flutter_interfaces_plus