flutter_image_utilities 2.1.0
flutter_image_utilities: ^2.1.0 copied to clipboard
Image file related utilities for saving an image as JPEG with the specified quality and size and for getting image properties.
flutter_image_utilities #
Image file related utilities for saving an image as JPEG with the specified quality and size and for getting image properties.
Features #
- Supports Android and iOS.
- Modern plugin implementation based on Kotlin (Android) and Swift (iOS).
- Uses background processing to keep UI responsive.
- Save an image file as JPEG using the specified JPEG quality.
- Resize saved image to a given size.
- Get image width and height.
- Get image orientation (Android).
Examples #
Save image as JPEG #
final jpegFile = await FlutterImageUtilities.saveAsJpeg(
sourceFile: File("source_image_file"),
destinationFilePath: "path/to/dest/file.jpg",
quality: 60,
maxWidth: 1920,
maxHeight: 1080,
canScaleUp: false);
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Get image properties #
final imageProperties =
await FlutterImageUtilities.getImageProperties(File("source_image_file"));
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