flutter_hooks_bloc 0.17.0 copy "flutter_hooks_bloc: ^0.17.0" to clipboard
flutter_hooks_bloc: ^0.17.0 copied to clipboard

A flutter_bloc reimplementation based on flutter_hooks with the same API.

[0.17.0] - 2021-11-26 #

  • Upgraded bloc to 8.1.3
  • Upgraded flutter_hooks to 0.20.3

[0.16.0] - 2021-10-20 #

  • Using bloc 7.2
  • Fix rebuild of state
  • breaking: useBloc<B, S> returns S instead of B
  • Updating README docs

[0.15.0+1] - 2021-07-04 #

  • Updating README docs

[0.15.0] - 2021-07-04 #

  • Upgrading dependencies.

[0.14.0] - 2021-03-18 #

  • Removing riverbloc dependece.
  • breaking removing the river constructors

[0.13.0] - 2021-03-18 #

  • Using bloc 7.0.0 and riverbloc 0.2.2.
  • Using BlocBase clase.

[0.12.2] - 2021-03-11 #

  • Fixing typo renaming Nesteable to Nestable.
  • Adding documentation for Nestable.

[0.12.1] - 2021-03-11 #

  • Using last version of flutter_bloc (7.0.0-nullsafety.5) and pedantic (1.11.0)

[0.12.0] - 2021-03-11 #

  • Upgrading to null-safety

[0.11.0] #

  • Adding userRiverBloc() hook function.
  • Adding contructors for using riverbloc with the bloc widgets:
    • BlocListener.river()
    • BlocBuilder.river()
    • BlocConsumer.river()
  • New library flutter_riverbloc:
    import 'package:flutter_hooks_bloc/flutter_riverbloc.dart';

[0.10.0] #

  • Adding documentation for a imaginary MultiBlocBuilder.
  • Refactor class templates to depends on state runtimeType.
  • Protecting HookWidget.use()

[0.9.0] #

  • Renaming BlocListenableBase to NesteableBlocListener.
  • BlocListener is has debugFillProperties.
  • MultiBlocListener is has debugFillProperties.
  • Fix in useBloc documentation.

[0.8.0] #

  • useBloc use onEmitted instead listener and buildWhen

[0.7.0] #

  • Removing BlocListenable in favor of only BlocListener
  • Removing CubitComposer in favor of BlocWidget
  • Dedicating a file flutter_bloc.dart for reexport wished widgets
  • flutter_hooks dependency updated
  • useBloc rebuilds HookWidget by default

[0.6.0] #

  • Unexporting flutter_hooks by default
  • Removing BlocBuilderInterface
  • Fixing useBloc description in README

[0.5.0] #

  • Some documentation added
  • Refactor for reducing the quantity of mixins and extensions
  • Converting some public API to private
  • Optimization in check if all BlocListeners have no child in a MultiBlocListener

[0.4.0] #

  • useBloc
  • BlocConsumer
  • BlocListener
  • BlocBuilder
pub points


unverified uploader

A flutter_bloc reimplementation based on flutter_hooks with the same API.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


MIT (license)


bloc, flutter, flutter_bloc, flutter_hooks


Packages that depend on flutter_hooks_bloc