flutter_foreground_service 0.4.1
flutter_foreground_service: ^0.4.1 copied to clipboard
Foreground service for the Android platform, keeps app running even when in background.
Flutter Foreground Service #
Setup #
Step 1 #
This plugin expects your application icon to be saved as ic_launcher.png
which is the default name.
If you use the package flutter_launcher_icons
to generate a new launcher icon, make sure to name the icon ic_launcher.png
Step 2 #
Add the plugin to your pubspec.yaml file:
sdk: flutter
flutter_foreground_service: ^LATEST_VERSION_HERE
the latest version number as stated on this page.
Step 3 #
Import the package into your project
import 'package:flutter_foreground_service/foreground_service.dart';
Usage #
Check out the example
tab here on pub.dev to view the plugin in action.
In essence, the following line of code will start the foreground service:
await ForegroundService().start();
To stop the service again, use the following line of code:
await ForegroundService().stop();