flutter_fit_utils 2.4.2 flutter_fit_utils: ^2.4.2 copied to clipboard
A flutter package to easily manage data in and out of repositories. This package is the core of it's environement.
A flutter package to easily manage data in and out of repositories. This package is the core of it's environement. To know about other packages related to flutter_fit_utils, see the diagram below.
Features #
Use this package to:
- Get a uniform way of reading and writing data with Models.
- Create a repository and a service for your data with a single line of code.
- Get access to extensions for multiple flutter base classes.
Here are the supported repositories:
- Firebase Firestore
- Hive
- Firebase Remote Config (Read Only)
- shared_preferences
- Firebase Storage (soon)
Getting started #
- Go inside your pubspec.yaml file
- Add this line under the dependencies:
flutter_fit_utils: ^2.0.0
- Get dependencies
flutter pub get
Usage #
Creating a model #
Make a class Modelable so it can be managed by a service and sent to a repository. For example:
import 'package:flutter_fit_utils/flutter_fit_utils.dart';
/// Example user class.
class User extends Modelable {
static const String _nameKey = "name";
/// User's last name.
final String name;
/// Creates a new user.
const User({this.name = "", super.id, super.userId});
/// Creates an invalid user.
const User.invalid() : name = "", super.invalid();
/// Creates a user from a [Model].
User.fromModel(super.model) :
name = model.data[_nameKey].toString(),
User copyWith({String? id, String? userId, bool? invalid, String? name}) => User(
name: name ?? this.name,
id: id ?? this.id,
userId: userId ?? this.userId,
Model toModel() => Model(
id: id,
userId: userId,
data: {
_nameKey: name,
If creating an entire class is too much for your use case, this package offers extensions to convert primitive types to Models:
final int myValue = 1;
/// Write.
final Model model = myValue.toModel();
/// Read.
final int otherValue = intFromModel(model);
Here are the supported types:
- int
- double
- num
- bool
- String
- List (Of Modelable objects)
- Map<String, dynamic>
Managing your model with a service #
You can create a service for your model with a single line of code:
import 'package:flutter_fit_utils/flutter_fit_utils.dart';
final Service<User> service = FirestoreService("my_user_collection", User.fromModel);
This example automatically uses a FirestoreCollection repository. In the case of FirestoreCollection, the only thing you have to do is go to your Firebase project, and create a new collection "my_user_collection" in your database.
If you want more control over your service, you can also create a custom one:
import 'package:flutter_fit_utils/flutter_fit_utils.dart';
final class CustomUserService extends Service<User> {
CustomUserService(super.repositoryId, super.fromModelFactory) {
repository = FirestoreCollection(collectionId: repositoryId);
Future<List<UserData>> getAll({String? userId, Where? where, String? orderBy, bool descending = true}) async {
// Implement your custom logic...
Note that you can override any function of the base Service class.
Additional information #
Feel free to give any feedback ! This package is also open to contributions.