flutter_easyrefresh 1.2.4 copy "flutter_easyrefresh: ^1.2.4" to clipboard
flutter_easyrefresh: ^1.2.4 copied to clipboard


A widget provided to the flutter scroll component drop-down refresh and pull up load.

Change log #

V 1.0.0 #

Add: Drop-down refresh and pull-up loading
Add: Rebound effect and halo effect
Add: Custom Headers and Footers
Add: Material and BallPulse style

V 1.0.1 #

Adjustment: Height of trigger loading
Add: BezierCircleHeader
Add: BezierHourGlassHeader
Add: BezierBounceFooter

V 1.0.2 #

Adjustment: Drag coefficient of pull-up loading
Fix: Problem of multiple pull-ups that may get stuck
Fix: Automatic triggering BallPulse without animation problems

V 1.0.3 #

Fix: Using CustomScrollView load error
Fix: Partial view than SafeArea deviation
Add: CustomScrollView usage examples

V 1.0.4 #

Modify: UserProfilePage
Add: limitScroll attribute (scrollable list during refresh or loading)

V 1.0.5 #

Fix: Not setting onRefresh causes more problems without triggering load

V 1.0.6 #

Add: RefreshSafeArea,resolved Sliding Conflict

V 1.0.7 #

Fix: loadMore conflicts with autoLoad
Fix: Drag a list repeatedly triggers a cross-border event

V 1.0.8 #

Add: Header and Footer listeners for quick and easy customization
Add: Header and Footer connectors for placing Header and Footer in any position
Add:Manual control load refresh finish
Fix: Trigger loading problem across borders
Fix: BallPulse animation problem
Fix: Exception when the refresh process exited
Add: ClassicHeader and ClassicFooter animation
Fix: Manually calling refresh or loading does not trigger callbacks

V 1.0.9 #

Fix: Classic style arrow reverse

V 1.1.0 #

Fix: Classic style arrows don't recover
Add: Cupertino style example

V 1.1.1 #

Fix: Pulling down too fast triggers scrolling up and causing slow rebound
Add: Taurus and Phoenix style

V 1.1.2 #

Add: Flare animation - Space
Add: Delivery animation

V 1.1.3 #

Fix: ios repeatedly pull down, the distance becomes longer
Modify: Delivery animation height

V 1.1.4 #

Fix: HeaderListener and FooterListener use both highly updated fusions
Adjustment: Delivery animation speed
Add: Close callback for Header and Footer
Add: First refresh
Add: Empty widget

V 1.1.5 #

Fix: Pull down may get stuck

V 1.1.6 #

Fix: BallPulse sometimes bounces
Fix:Footer float when the pullback list follows the move
Fix:Switch direction when Header floats, list moves slightly
Adjustment: MaterialFooter animation
Fix: callRefresh error

V 1.1.7 #

Fix: Pullback control causes the list to slow down
Modify: Child to Widget type
Adjustment:ClassicsHeader style

V 1.1.9 #

Fix: Pullback exception when loadMore or onRefresh is not set

V 1.2.0 #

Fix: onNoMore callback is not accurate
Add: isRefreshing to determine if it is being refreshed or loaded
Add: Header and Footer status change callbacks
Add: Header and Footer height change callbacks

V 1.2.1 #

Specification code to improve compatibility
Adjustment: part of the style
The library does not have its own space style, transfer to example

V 1.2.2 #

Fix: header is null, onRefresh is not null error #19

V 1.2.3 #

Add: rebound effect when onRefresh and loadMore are null #18

V 1.2.4 #

Add: support for NestedScrollView #7,#11



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A widget provided to the flutter scroll component drop-down refresh and pull up load.

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unknown (license)


cupertino_icons, flutter


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