flutter_cli_tool 1.0.0+1 copy "flutter_cli_tool: ^1.0.0+1" to clipboard
flutter_cli_tool: ^1.0.0+1 copied to clipboard

A Dart CLI tool to generate features and models for Flutter apps (currently works with bloc and go router).

Flutter Feature and Model Generator CLI #

A command-line tool to help you quickly generate features and models for your Flutter projects using Bloc and GoRouter structures.

Features #

  • Initialize project structure with core and config directories.
  • Generate new features with a Bloc, pages, widgets, and models.
  • Generate Dart models from JSON data or files.
  • Automatically add routes to routes.dart.
  • Handles PascalCase and snake_case conversions for feature names.

Installation #

Clone the repository:

dart pub global activate flutter_cli_tool

Usage #

1. Initialize the Project #

This command initializes the project with the core and config directories and creates a main.dart file.

flutter_cli_tool --init
  • This creates a feature named home in the lib/features/home folder with the following structure:
    |__ config/routes.dart
    |__ core/
    └── features/
        └── home/
            ├── bloc/
            ├── pages/
            ├── widgets/
            └── models/

2. Create a Feature #

To generate a new feature, use the --feature (or -f) flag. The feature name will be converted to PascalCase for internal usage and snake_case for folder names.

flutter_cli_tool --feature "hello world"
  • This creates a feature named HelloWorld in the lib/features/hello_world folder with the following structure:
    └── features/
        └── hello_world/
            ├── bloc/
            ├── pages/
            ├── widgets/
            └── models/

3. Create a Model from JSON #

To generate a model, you can provide JSON data or the path to a JSON file using the --model (or -m) and --json (or -j) flags.

Example 1: Create a User model from JSON data:

flutter_cli_tool_tool --model User --json ./path/to/user.json

Example 2: Create a Profile model from a JSON file and place it inside a specific feature folder:

flutter_cli_tool_tool --model Profile --json ./path/to/user.json --featureModel profile

4. Help #

To see a list of available commands and options:

flutter_cli_tool_tool --help

Examples of Generated Code #

main.dart Example:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_bloc/flutter_bloc.dart';
import 'package:go_router/go_router.dart';
import 'routes.dart';

void main() {

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  const MyApp({super.key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MultiBlocProvider(
      providers: [
          create: (context) => HomeBloc(),
        // BlocProviders will be inserted here dynamically
      child: MaterialApp.router(
        title: 'Flutter Demo',
        theme: ThemeData(
          primarySwatch: Colors.blue,
        routerDelegate: createRouter().routerDelegate,
        routeInformationParser: createRouter().routeInformationParser,

Model Example:

class User {
  final int id;
  final String name;
  final String email;

  User({required this.id, required this.name, required this.email});

  User copyWith({int? id, String? name, String? email}) {
    return User(
      id: id ?? this.id,
      name: name ?? this.name,
      email: email ?? this.email,

  factory User.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
    return User(
      id: json['id'],
      name: json['name'],
      email: json['email'],

  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
    return {
      'id': id,
      'name': name,
      'email': email,

  String toString() {
    return 'User(id: $id, name: $name, email: $email)';

  bool operator ==(Object other) {
    if (identical(this, other)) return true;
    return other is User && other.id == id && other.name == name && other.email == email;

  int get hashCode => id.hashCode ^ name.hashCode ^ email.hashCode;

License #

MIT License



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A Dart CLI tool to generate features and models for Flutter apps (currently works with bloc and go router).

Repository (GitHub)


API reference


MIT (license)


args, bloc, cupertino_icons, flutter, flutter_bloc, go_router


Packages that depend on flutter_cli_tool