flutter_callouts 0.0.3 copy "flutter_callouts: ^0.0.3" to clipboard
flutter_callouts: ^0.0.3 copied to clipboard


Point stuff out for your users => Target, Transform, Configure Callouts, Record to JSON in Dev, and Play in Producton

flutter_callouts #

Table of Contents #





simple example
animated gif of a *simple* demo, illustrating:
  • a yellow, draggable, callout pointing to a button (target)
  • a black, draggable, toast, positioned topCenter, but can have any of 8 positions
  • the appearance of a callout or toast is animated
  • the callout arrow is animated
  • even when scrolling occur, or window resized, the pointer refreshes
  • the toast has been configured to have a red close button
  • visit the web demo

Motivation #

We wanted to create a single package that would allow communication with the user in a multitude of scenarios.

  • pop up a callout that points to a target widget
  • pop up a callout that has no target, but can be positioned on the screen
  • pop up a callout as a Toast in a variety of positions (using an Alignment properyy)

Features #

The Callout API makes it easy for you to point out target widgets by showing callout widgets.

How a callout appears, and interacts with the user is highly configurable.

Simple API

  • the target must have a GlobalKey.

  • the callout must be given a string cId.

  • the callout requires you to supply the content widget.

  • decoupled from your UI A callout, or toast, is shown in a Flutter Overlay, so does not interfere with your UI.

Extremely Configurable

  • Every aspect of showing a callout is configurable, in terms of styling, pointing style, draggability, resizability, animation, duration on screen, and more...

    • Callout and pointer styling

      Color, shape, decoration, border of callouts is configurable. You can configure how your callout points to its Target, such as line with arrow, or bubble shape, and the distance it should be separated from the Target.

    • animated

      Appearance is animated, and the pointer to the target can be animated

    • user draggable

      Callouts can optionally be dragged. You can assign just part of the callout as a drag handle.

    • user resizable

      A callout can optionally be surrounded by 4 corner and 4 side resize widgets, i.e. the user can resize a callout by dragging a corner or a side.

    • tappable barrier

      A callout can have an optional tappable barrier behind. (tap off the callout to close it, otherwise you can configure a close button)

    • close button

      A close button is optional. Its callback, and appearance are configurable.

      A callout can also be dismissed, hidden/unhidden using the API.

    • got it button

      A callout can be configured to show a "got it" button.

      The tap will get recorded in the Browser or App's local storage (using the callout's id).

    • scroll-aware

      If you pass your ScrollController to the API, a callout can continue to point to its Target even when scrolling occurs, the window is resized.

    • decoupled, non-intrusive API

      Any widget can be a Target: simply give it a GlobalKey.

      No need to insert wrapper widgets in your UI.

      Each callout gets shown in its own Overlay.

    • useful callbacks

      Every possible callback is provided to allow your app to react to a callout's activity:

        ValueNotifier<int>? movedOrResizedNotifier; // bumps every time callout overlay moved or resized
        Function? onGotitPressedF;
        VoidCallback? CalloutBarrier.onTapped;
        VoidCallback? onCloseButtonPressF;
        ValueChanged<Offset>? onDragF;
        VoidCallback? onDragStartedF;
        ValueChanged<Offset>? onDragEndedF;
        ValueChanged<Size>? onResizeF;
        VoidCallback? onDismissedF;
        VoidCallback? onHiddenF;
        VoidCallback? onAcceptedF;

Quickstart #

1. Install or update flutter_callouts:

flutter pub add flutter_callouts

Usage #

In the simple example demo, a callout and toast are created inside the initState() method.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_callouts/flutter_callouts.dart';

void main() {
  runApp(const MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  const MyApp({super.key});

  // This widget is the root of your application.
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return const MaterialApp(
      title: 'flutter_callouts demo',
      home: MyHomePage(),

class MyHomePage extends StatefulWidget {
  const MyHomePage({super.key});

  State<MyHomePage> createState() => _MyHomePageState();

/// it's important to add the mixin, because callouts are animated
class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> with TickerProviderStateMixin {
  int _counter = 0;

  late GlobalKey fabGK;

  ScrollController controller = ScrollController();

  /// the CalloutConfig object is where you configure the callout and its pointer
  /// All params are shown, and many are commented out for this example callout
  CalloutConfig basicCalloutConfig(ScrollController controller) =>
        cId: 'basic',
        // -- initial pos and animation ---------------------------------
        initialTargetAlignment: Alignment.topLeft,
        initialCalloutAlignment: Alignment.bottomRight,
        // initialCalloutPos:
        finalSeparation: 100,
        // fromDelta: 0.0,
        // toDelta : 0.0,
        // initialAnimatedPositionDurationMs:
        // -- optional barrier (when opacity > 0) ----------------------
        // barrier: CalloutBarrier(
        //   opacity: .5,
        //   onTappedF: () {
        //     Callout.dismiss("basic");
        //   },
        // ),
        // -- callout appearance ----------------------------------------
        // suppliedCalloutW: 280, // if not supplied, callout content widget gets measured
        // suppliedCalloutH: 200, // if not supplied, callout content widget gets measured
        // borderRadius: 12,
        borderThickness: 3,
        fillColor: Colors.yellow[700],
        // elevation: 10,
        // frameTarget: true,
        // -- optional close button and got it button -------------------
        // showGotitButton: true,
        // showCloseButton: true,
        // closeButtonColor:
        // closeButtonPos:
        // gotitAxis:
        // -- pointer -------------------------------------------------
        // arrowColor: Colors.green,
        // arrowType: ArrowType.THIN,
        animate: true,
        // lineLabel: Text('line label'),
        // fromDelta: -20,
        // toDelta: -20,
        // lengthDeltaPc: ,
        // contentTranslateX: ,
        // contentTranslateY:
        // targetTranslateX:
        // targetTranslateY:
        // scaleTarget:
        // -- resizing -------------------------------------------------
        // resizeableH: true,
        // resizeableV: true,
        // -- dragging -------------------------------------------------
        // draggable: false,
        // draggableColor: Colors.green,
        // dragHandleHeight: ,
        vScrollController: controller,
        vsync: this,

  void _incrementCounter() {
    setState(() {

  void initState() {

    /// target's key
    fabGK = GlobalKey();

    fca.afterNextBuildDo(() {
        calloutConfig: basicCalloutConfig(controller),
        calloutContentF: (context) => const Padding(
          padding: EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
              Text('Tap this floating action button to increment the counter.'),
        targetGkF: () => fabGK,
        () => _showToast(Alignment.topCenter),

  void _showToast(Alignment gravity,
          {int showForMs = 0, VoidCallback? onDismissedF}) =>
        removeAfterMs: showForMs,
        calloutConfig: CalloutConfig(
          cId: 'initstate-toast',
          gravity: gravity,
          initialCalloutW: 500,
          initialCalloutH: 90,
          fillColor: Colors.black26,
          showCloseButton: true,
          borderThickness: 5,
          borderRadius: 16,
          borderColor: Colors.yellow,
          elevation: 10,
          vScrollController: controller,
          vsync: this,
          onDismissedF: () => onDismissedF?.call(),
        calloutContentF: (_) => Center(
          child: Text(
            'gravity: ${gravity.toString()}',
            textScaler: const TextScaler.linear(2),
            style: const TextStyle(color: Colors.white),

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    Size screenSize = MediaQuery.of(context).size;
    return NotificationListener<SizeChangedLayoutNotification>(
      onNotification: (SizeChangedLayoutNotification notification) {
        // Callout.dismissAll(exceptFeatures: []);
        FlutterCallouts.instance.afterMsDelayDo(300, () {
        return true;
      child: SizeChangedLayoutNotifier(
        child: Scaffold(
          body: Center(
            child: SingleChildScrollView(
              controller: controller,
              child: Column(
                mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
                children: <Widget>[
                    height: screenSize.height - 200,
                    child: Column(
                      mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
                      children: [
                        const Text(
                          'You have pushed the + button this many times:',
                          style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.headlineMedium,
                    width: double.infinity,
                    height: 100,
                    child: Align(
                      alignment: Alignment.centerRight,
                      child: Padding(
                        padding: const EdgeInsets.all(18.0),
                        child: FloatingActionButton(
                          key: fabGK,
                          onPressed: _incrementCounter,
                          tooltip: 'Increment',
                          child: const Icon(Icons.add),
                    height: 1000,
                    width: double.infinity,
                    color: Colors.blue[50],
                    child: const Padding(
                      padding: EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
                      child: Text('Scroll to see that the yellow callout is Scroll-aware.\n'
                      'Resize the window to see the pointer refreshing.'),

Table of Contents #





Issues & Feedback #

Please file an issue to send feedback or report a bug. Thank you!

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verified publisherbiancashouse.com

Point stuff out for your users => Target, Transform, Configure Callouts, Record to JSON in Dev, and Play in Producton

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API reference


unknown (license)


bh_shared, flutter, pointer_interceptor


Packages that depend on flutter_callouts