flutter_breadcrumb 1.0.1
flutter_breadcrumb: ^1.0.1 copied to clipboard
Flutter Widget that can easily create Breadcrumb in Flutter.
(1.0.1) #
- breadCrumbItem issue resolved( #3 )
- code reformatted with dart standard line-length
(1.0.0) #
migrating with null-safety
- package dart version upgraded to 2.12.0
- package and example migrated with null-safety
- static analysis added to project
- code reformatted
(0.1.2) #
README.md updated
- README.md file bug fixed
(0.1.1) #
file optimization
- Gif files optimized
(0.1.0) #
first stable version added
- Example completed
- Readme.md created
(0.0.1) #
Initial version of the package is available include below features:
- create breadcrumb with the builder pattern
- create breadcrumb that is wrappable
- create breadcrumb that is scrollable