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Flutter Widget that can easily create Breadcrumb in Flutter.

flutter_breadcrumb #

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Flutter Widget that can easily create Breadcrumb in Flutter.

A breadcrumb or breadcrumb trail is a graphical control element frequently used as a navigational aid in user interfaces and on web pages. It allows users to keep track and maintain awareness of their locations within applications, documents, or websites.

Flutter Breadcrumb

Show Cases #

Show Case Wrap Behavior Scroll Behavior
showcase wrap behaivor scroll behavior

Getting Start #

1. Add it to Your pubspec.yaml file as dependency:

  flutter_breadcrumb: ^1.0.1

2. Install packages from the command line

flutter pub get

3. Import it to your file

import 'package:flutter_breadcrumb/flutter_breadcrumb.dart';

4. Add BreadCrumb widget to your widget tree

	items: <BreadCrumbItem>[
	//add your BreadCrumbItem here
	divider: Icon(Icons.chevron_right),

Create Items #

for creating items you can use primary constructor or builder named constructor.

1. Primary constructor:

	items: <BreadCrumbItem>[
		 BreadCrumbItem(content: Text('Item1')),
		 BreadCrumbItem(content: Text('Item2')),
	divider: Icon(Icons.chevron_right),

2. Builder named constructor:

	itemCount: 8,
	builder: (index) {
		return BreadCrumbItem(content: Text('Item$index'));
	divider: Icon(Icons.chevron_right),

Care about Overflow #

select a right overflow behavior for your BreadCrumb widget.

1. WrapOverflow behavior: you can use this behavior when you want to your widget, wrap whenever it uses all of the main Side sizes:
	items: <BreadCrumbItem>[
		//add your BreadCrumbItem here
	divider: Icon(Icons.chevron_right),
	overflow: WrapOverflow(
		keepLastDivider: false,
		direction: Axis.horizontal,
2. ScrollableOverflow behavior: use it whenever you want to content your widget scroll if it needed.
	items: <BreadCrumbItem>[
		//add your BreadCrumbItem here
	divider: Icon(Icons.chevron_right),
	overflow: ScrollableOverflow(
		keepLastDivider: false,
		reverse: false,
		direction: Axis.horizontal,
3. Custom Overflow behavior: you can easily create your own overflow behavior. the only thing you need is to create a class and extends it from the BreadCrumbOverflow class and overwrite its dependencies.

class CustomOverflowBehavior extends BreadCrumbOverflow{
	Widget build(BuildContext context, List<BreadCrumbItem> items, Widget divider) {
		// TODO: implement build

	// TODO: implement keepLastDivider
	bool get keepLastDivider => _keepLastDivider;

	List<Widget> widgetItems(List<BreadCrumbItem> items, Widget divider) {
		// TODO: implement widgetItems
* override widgetItems method to create List<Widget> with items and divider parameters.
* override build method to create your own widget behavior. for example wrap behavior uses Wrap widget. and you can use widgetItems method in your build method to create List<Widget> items.

Contribution and Support #

Feel free for Contributing. your Pull Requests are welcome.

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Flutter Widget that can easily create Breadcrumb in Flutter.

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flutter, pedantic


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