flutter_blue_elves 0.1.9
flutter_blue_elves: ^0.1.9 copied to clipboard
A flutter plugin for bluetooth ble device connect and control.
0.1.9 #
Added the ability to listen device rssi change (#9).
0.1.8 #
Fixed the bug that isNoResponse param is not working in Ios side (#4).
0.1.7 #
Fixed the bug that the ios terminal crashed when calling the destroy method during the connection process.
0.1.6 #
- Added measures to cope with connection error 133 on the android side.
- Fixed the bug that the Android device cannot be directly connected to the device after Bluetooth restarts.
0.1.5 #
- Fixed the bug of could not automatically stop scanning over time on the Android side.
- Added the ability to obtain devices that cannot be scanned because they are connected by other apps on the phone.
0.1.4 #
Fixed the bug of incomplete Bluetooth defect acquisition on the Android side.
0.1.3 #
- Adapted to Android 12 Bluetooth permission modification.
- Added the ability to negotiate mtu with the device(#2).
0.1.2 #
Fix the bug don't get disconnected notify when connected a device and turn off the bluetooth(#1).
0.1.1 #
Modified the wrong comment information.
0.1.0 #
Support Null safe.
0.0.6 #
Fixed the bug that isNoResponse param is not working in Ios side (#4).
0.0.5 #
Fixed the bug that the ios terminal crashed when calling the destroy method during the connection process.
0.0.4 #
- Adapted to Android 12 Bluetooth permission modification.
- Added the ability to negotiate mtu with the device(#2).
- Fixed the bug of could not automatically stop scanning over time on the Android side.
- Added the ability to obtain devices that cannot be scanned because they are connected by other apps on the phone.
- Added measures to cope with connection error 133 on the android side.
- Fixed the bug that the Android device cannot be directly connected to the device after Bluetooth restarts.
0.0.3 #
Fixed the bug of incomplete Bluetooth defect acquisition on the Android side.
0.0.2 #
Fix the bug don't get disconnected notify when connected a device and turn off the bluetooth(#1).
0.0.1 #
Completed the plugin development,officially released as 0.0.1.