flutter_bloc 8.1.6 copy "flutter_bloc: ^8.1.6" to clipboard
flutter_bloc: ^8.1.6 copied to clipboard

Flutter Widgets that make it easy to implement the BLoC (Business Logic Component) design pattern. Built to be used with the bloc state management package.

8.1.6 #

  • docs: fix gallery image urls (#4184)

8.1.5 #

  • feat: override debugFillProperties (#4082)
  • docs: add missing comma to BlocListener API docs (#4106)
  • chore: update copyright year
  • chore: update sponsors

8.1.4 #

  • chore: update sponsors (#4054)
  • chore: adjust example themes
  • chore: fix require_trailing_commas (#3977)
  • chore: add topics to pubspec.yaml (#3914)

8.1.3 #

  • docs: remove graphql sample references from README (#3820)
  • docs: upgrade to Dart 3 (#3809)
  • refactor: standardize analysis_options (#3809)
  • refactor: update sdk constraints and fix analysis warnings (#3809)

8.1.2 #

  • chore: add screenshots to pubspec.yaml (#3717)
  • chore(deps): upgrade to bloc ^8.1.1 (#3716)
  • chore: update example to Dart 2.19 (#3715)
  • refactor: BlocObserver instances to use const constructors (#3713)
  • refactor: remove unnecessary single child widget mixins (#3675)
  • refactor: upgrade to Flutter 3.7 (#3699)
    • remove deprecated invariant_booleans lint rule

8.1.1 #

  • chore: remove dependency overrides from example to fix pana score

8.1.0 #

  • feat: upgrade to bloc: ^8.1.0
  • chore: upgrade example to latest bloc and hydrated_bloc (#3481)
  • docs: update GetStream utm tags (#3136)
  • docs: update VGV sponsors logo (#3125)

8.0.1 #

  • refactor: use core interfaces from bloc v8.0.2 (#3012)
  • docs: update example to follow naming conventions (#3027)

8.0.0 #

  • BREAKING: feat: upgrade to bloc v8.0.0

8.0.0-dev.3 #

  • BREAKING: feat: upgrade to bloc v8.0.0-dev.5

8.0.0-dev.2 #

  • BREAKING: feat: upgrade to bloc v8.0.0-dev.3

8.0.0-dev.1 #

  • BREAKING: feat: upgrade to bloc v8.0.0-dev.2

7.3.3 #

  • fix: add missing child assertion to BlocListener and BlocProvider (#2924)

7.3.2 #

  • fix: BlocProvider explicitly default lazy to true to support avoid_redundant_argument_values (#2917)

7.3.1 #

  • fix: determine bloc reference changes via identical
    • Previously identityHashCode was used to determine if the bloc reference had changed to trigger a rebuild (#2482) however, it's possible for different bloc references to have the same hashCode as a result of hash collisions. The fix uses identical to determine whether the bloc reference has changed.
  • docs: add inline docs to library
  • docs: minor improvements to example and README
  • chore: remove unneeded imports

7.3.0 #

  • feat: upgrade to bloc: ^7.2.0

7.2.0 #

  • feat: upgrade to provider: ^6.0.0

7.1.0 #

  • feat: add BlocSelector widget

7.0.1 #

  • fix: BlocConsumer, BlocBuilder, and BlocListener depend on bloc/cubit instance
    • when a provided bloc instance changes, BlocConsumer, BlocBuilder, and BlocListener will all update to use the new instance
  • docs: update BlocBuilder and BlocListener inline API docs to include buildWhen and listenWhen

7.0.0 #

  • BREAKING: refactor: rename cubit parameter to bloc
    • refactor: rename cubit parameter in BlocListener to bloc
    • refactor: rename cubit parameter in BlocBuilder to bloc
    • refactor: rename cubit parameter in BlocConsumer to bloc
  • BREAKING: opt into null safety
    • upgrade Dart SDK constraints to >=2.12.0-0 <3.0.0
  • BREAKING: refactor: remove deprecated context.repository
  • feat: upgrade to bloc: ^7.0.0
  • feat: upgrade to provider: ^5.0.0

7.0.0-nullsafety.6 #

  • chore: bump to bloc: ^7.0.0-nullsafety.4

7.0.0-nullsafety.5 #

  • BREAKING: refactor: remove deprecated context.repository

7.0.0-nullsafety.4 #

  • chore: bump to provider: ^5.0.0

7.0.0-nullsafety.3 #

  • chore: bump to bloc: ^7.0.0-nullsafety.3
  • chore: bump to provider: ^5.0.0-nullsafety.5

7.0.0-nullsafety.2 #

  • chore: bump to bloc: ^7.0.0-nullsafety.2

7.0.0-nullsafety.1 #

  • BREAKING: refactor: upgrade to bloc ^7.0.0-nullsafety.1
    • refactor: rename cubit parameter in BlocListener to bloc
    • refactor: rename cubit parameter in BlocBuilder to bloc
    • refactor: rename cubit parameter in BlocConsumer to bloc
  • feat: upgrade to provider ^5.0.0-nullsafety.3

7.0.0-nullsafety.0 #

  • BREAKING: opt into null safety
  • feat!: upgrade Dart SDK constraints to >=2.12.0-0 <3.0.0

7.0.0-dev.2 #

  • BREAKING: revert 7.0.0-dev.1
  • BREAKING: remove context.bloc extension
  • BREAKING: rename cubit parameter in BlocListener to value
  • BREAKING: rename cubit parameter in BlocBuilder to value
  • BREAKING: rename cubit parameter in BlocConsumer to value
  • docs: update inline API docs

7.0.0-dev.1 #

  • BREAKING: remove dependency on package:provider
  • feat: add optional listen to BlocProvider
  • feat: add ListenProviderExtension
  • docs: improve inline documentation for BlocProvider and RepositoryProvider

6.1.3 #

  • feat: expose ProviderNotFoundException
  • chore: upgrade to bloc ^6.1.3
  • chore: upgrade to provider ^4.3.3

6.1.2 #

  • fix: BlocProvider.value use InheritedProvider.value

6.1.1 #

  • fix: BlocConsumer does not respect buildWhen and results in unnecessary rebuilds

6.1.0 #

  • feat: add optional listen to BlocProvider and RepositoryProvider
  • feat: add context.select<T, R>(R Function(T value)) which allows widgets to listen to only a small part of the state of T (R)
  • feat: add context.watch<T>() which allows widgets to listen to changes in the state of T
  • feat: add context.read<T>() which allows widgets to access T without listening for changes
  • deprecated: context.bloc in favor of context.read and context.watch
  • deprecated: context.repository in favor of context.read and context.watch
  • fix: rethrow ProviderNotFoundException from RepositoryProvider for external dependencies
  • docs: improve inline documentation for BlocProvider and RepositoryProvider
  • docs: update list of examples in README

6.0.6 #

  • docs: improve inline documentation for buildWhen

6.0.5 #

  • fix: BlocBuilder builder and buildWhen state mismatch

6.0.4 #

  • fix: state synchronization issue when providing a condition

6.0.3 #

  • refactor: BlocConsumer requires a single subscription
  • refactor: BlocBuilder extends BlocListener
  • refactor: MultiRepositoryProvider extends MultiProvider

6.0.2 #

  • docs: fix missing API documentation generated by dartdoc

6.0.1 #

  • docs: minor documentation fixes and improvements

6.0.0 #

  • BREAKING: upgrade to bloc ^6.0.0
  • BREAKING: BlocBuilder interop with cubit (bloc parameter renamed to cubit)
  • BREAKING: BlocListener interop with cubit (bloc parameter renamed to cubit)
  • BREAKING: BlocConsumer interop with cubit (bloc parameter renamed to cubit)
  • feat: remove external dependency on package:flutter_cubit
  • docs: inline documentation updates
  • docs: README updates
  • docs: example application updates

6.0.0-dev.1 #

  • BREAKING: upgrade to bloc ^6.0.0-dev.1
  • BREAKING: BlocBuilder interop with cubit (bloc parameter renamed to cubit)
  • BREAKING: BlocListener interop with cubit (bloc parameter renamed to cubit)
  • BREAKING: BlocConsumer interop with cubit (bloc parameter renamed to cubit)
  • feat: remove external dependency on package:flutter_cubit
  • docs: inline documentation updates
  • docs: README updates
  • docs: example application updates

5.0.1 #

  • fix: upgrade to bloc ^5.0.1
  • docs: minor documentation updates

5.0.0 #

  • BREAKING: condition on BlocBuilder renamed to buildWhen
  • BREAKING: condition on BlocListener renamed to listenWhen
  • BREAKING: upgrade to bloc v5.0.0
  • refactor: internal implementation updates to use flutter_cubit
  • docs: various improvements
  • docs: logo updates

5.0.0-dev.5 #

  • Update to bloc: ^5.0.0-dev.11
  • Minor README updates

5.0.0-dev.4 #

  • Update to bloc: ^5.0.0-dev.10
  • Minor README updates

5.0.0-dev.3 #

  • Update to bloc: ^5.0.0-dev.7

5.0.0-dev.2 #

  • Update to bloc: ^5.0.0-dev.6
  • Update to flutter_cubit ^0.0.12
  • Various Documentation Updates

5.0.0-dev.1 #

  • Update to bloc: ^5.0.0-dev.3
  • Internal implementation updates to use flutter_cubit

4.0.1 #

  • Fix ProviderNotFoundException handling (#1286)

4.0.0 #

  • Update to bloc: ^4.0.0
  • Update to provider: ^4.0.5

4.0.0-dev.4 #

  • Update to bloc: ^4.0.0-dev.4

4.0.0-dev.3 #

  • Update to bloc: ^4.0.0-dev.3

4.0.0-dev.2 #

  • Update to bloc: ^4.0.0-dev.2

4.0.0-dev.1 #

  • Update to bloc: ^4.0.0-dev.1

3.2.0 #

  • Fix type inference for: MultiBlocProvider, MultiRepositoryProvider, MultiBlocListener (#773)
  • Fix swallowed exceptions within BlocProvider and RepositoryProvider (#807)
  • Add BlocProviderExtension and RepositoryProviderExtension on BuildContext (#608)

3.1.0 #

  • Expose lazy parameter on RepositoryProvider and BlocProvider (#749)
  • Updated to provider: ^4.0.1 (#748)
  • Add BlocConsumer (#545)
  • Export bloc as part of flutter_bloc

3.0.0 #

  • Updated to bloc: ^3.0.0 (#700)
  • Updated to flutter >=1.12.1 (#700)
  • Updated to provider: ^4.0.0 (#700, #734)
  • Revert BlocBuilder and BlocListener condition behavior to set previousState to the previous bloc state (#709)

3.0.0-dev.1 #

  • Updated to bloc: ^3.0.0-dev.1

2.1.1 #

  • Fix internal analysis warnings
  • Enforce provider ^3.2.0

2.1.0 #

  • Deprecate builder in BlocProvider in favor of create to align with provider.
  • Deprecate builder in RepositoryProvider in favor of create to align with provider.

2.0.1 #

  • Fix BlocBuilder and BlocListener condition behavior to set previousState to the previous state used by BlocBuilder/BlocListener instead of the previous state of the bloc.
  • Minor Documentation Updates

2.0.0 #

1.0.0 #

Updated to bloc: ^1.0.0 and Documentation Updates

0.22.1 #

Minor Bugfixes and Documentation Updates

0.22.0 #

Updated to bloc: ^0.16.0 and Documentation Updates

0.21.0 #

Updated to bloc: ^0.15.0 and Documentation Updates

0.20.1 #

  • Minor Updates to Package Dependencies
  • Documentation Updates

0.20.0 #

  • Add Automatic Bloc Lookup to BlocBuilder and BlocListener (#415)
  • Support for BlocProvider instantiation and look-up within the same BuildContext (#415)
  • Documentation Updates

0.19.1 #

Add optional condition to BlocListener to control listener calls (#406) and Documentation Updates

0.19.0 #

Addresses #354


  • Refactor BlocProvider to extend Provider
  • Rename BlocProviderTree to MultiBlocProvider


  • Refactor ImmutableProvider to extend Provider
  • Rename ImmutableProvider to RepositoryProvider
  • Rename ImmutableProviderTree to MultiRepositoryProvider


  • Rename BlocListenerTree to MultiBlocListener


  • Inline documentation updates/improvements

0.18.3 #

Fix BlocProvider bug where copyWith does not preserve dispose value (#376).

0.18.2 #

Fix BlocListener bug where listener gets called even when no state change occurs (#368).

0.18.1 #

Minor Documentation Updates

0.18.0 #

Expose ImmutableProvider & ImmutableProviderTree to enable developers to provide immutable values, such as repositories, throughout the widget tree (#364) and Documentation Updates

0.17.0 #

Update BlocProvider to automatically dispose the provided bloc (#349) and Documentation Updates

0.16.0 #

Update BlocProvider to expose builder and dispose (#344 and #347) and Documentation Updates

0.15.1 #

Fix null initial previousState in BlocBuilder condition (#328) and Documentation Updates

0.15.0 #

Added optional condition to BlocBuilder to control widget rebuilds (#315) and Documentation Updates

0.14.0 #

Updated to bloc: ^0.14.0 and Documentation Updates

0.13.0 #

Updated to bloc: ^0.13.0 and Documentation Updates

0.12.0 #

Added BlocListenerTree and Documentation Updates

0.11.1 #

Broaden Dart version range and Minor Documentation Updates

0.11.0 #

Updated to bloc: ^0.12.0 and Documentation Updates

0.10.1 #

Invoke BlocWidgetListener on initial state and Documentation Updates

0.10.0 #

Added BlocListener and Documentation Updates

0.9.1 #

Minor Updates to Documentation.

0.9.0 #

Updated to bloc: ^0.11.0 and Documentation Updates

0.8.0 #

Updated to bloc: ^0.10.0 and Documentation Updates

0.7.1 #

Minor Updates to Documentation.

0.7.0 #

Added BlocProviderTree and Documentation Updates

0.6.3 #

Updated to bloc:^0.9.3 and Minor Updates to Documentation

0.6.2 #

Additional Minor Updates to Documentation

0.6.1 #

Minor Updates to Documentation

0.6.0 #

Updated to bloc: ^0.9.0

0.5.4 #

Additional Minor Updates to Documentation

0.5.3 #

Additional Minor Updates to Documentation

0.5.2 #

Minor Updates to Documentation

0.5.1 #

BlocProvider performance improvements

0.5.0 #

Updated to bloc: ^0.8.0

0.4.12 #

Additional Minor Updates to Documentation

0.4.11 #

Additional Minor Updates to Documentation

0.4.10 #

Additional BlocBuilder enhancements

  • BlocBuilder no longer filters out States giving developers full control

Minor Updates to Documentation and Examples

0.4.9 #

Additional BlocBuilder enhancements

  • BlocBuilder no longer has a dependency on RxDart
  • Using bloc: ">=0.7.5 <0.8.0"

0.4.8 #

Additional BlocProvider performance improvements

0.4.7 #

Minor Updates to Documentation and Examples

0.4.6 #

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug where BlocBuilder would return initial state instead of the latest state

0.4.5 #

Additional Minor Updates to Documentation

0.4.4 #

Minor updates to documentation and improved error reporting in BlocProvider

0.4.3 #

BlocBuilder performance improvements

0.4.2 #

BlocProvider performance improvements

0.4.1 #

Minor Updates to Documentation

0.4.0 #

Updated to bloc: ^0.7.0

0.3.1 #

Minor Updates to Documentation

0.3.0 #

Updated to bloc: ^0.6.0

0.2.1 #

Minor Updates to Documentation

0.2.0 #

Updates to BlocBuilder and BlocProvider

  • BlocBuilder does not automatically dispose a Bloc. Developers are now responsible for determining when to call Bloc.dispose()
  • BlocProvider support for of(context) with generics
    • Support for multiple nested BlocProviders with different Bloc Types.

0.1.1 #

Minor Updates to Documentation

0.1.0 #

Initial Version of the library.

  • Includes the ability to connect presentation layer to Bloc by using the BlocBuilder Widget.
  • Includes BlocProvider, a DI widget that allows a single instance of a bloc to be provided to multiple widgets within a subtree.
pub points


verified publisherbloclibrary.dev

Flutter Widgets that make it easy to implement the BLoC (Business Logic Component) design pattern. Built to be used with the bloc state management package.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


#bloc #state-management


API reference


MIT (license)


bloc, flutter, provider


Packages that depend on flutter_bloc