flutter_aws_s3_client 0.6.0 flutter_aws_s3_client: ^0.6.0 copied to clipboard
A simple, unofficial AWS S3 client in dart. Supports downloading objects and listing objects in a bucket.
import 'package:flutter_aws_s3_client/flutter_aws_s3_client.dart';
void main() async {
const region = "eu-central-1";
const bucketId = "yourBucketId";
final AwsS3Client s3client = AwsS3Client(
region: region,
host: "s3.$region.amazonaws.com",
bucketId: bucketId,
accessKey: "<your access key>",
secretKey: "<your secret key>");
final listBucketResult =
await s3client.listObjects(prefix: "dir/dir2/", delimiter: "/");
final response = await s3client.getObject("yourObjectId");