flutter_app_environment 1.0.1
flutter_app_environment: ^1.0.1 copied to clipboard
Simple solution to handle environment variables using `.json` or config in entrypoint file.
Flutter App Environment #
Simple solution to handle environment variables using .json
or config in entrypoint file.
Links #
- See CHANGELOG.md for major/breaking updates
- Example with explain all features
Installation #
$ flutter pub add --dev flutter_app_environment
Requirements for handle environment variables from .json config #
Call before initialize the environment
to pubspec.yaml assets. This folder contains json files with environment variablesflutter: assets: - res/config/
For EnvironmentType.development use name development.json for configuration file
For EnvironmentType.test use name test.json for configuration file
For EnvironmentType.production use name production.json for configuration file
Usage for handle environment variables from .json config #
Easy three steps #
Create config
@JsonSerializable(createToJson: false) class EnvironmentConfig { const EnvironmentConfig({ required this.title, required this.initialCounter, }); factory EnvironmentConfig.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$EnvironmentConfigFromJson(json); final String title; final int initialCounter; }
WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized(); await Environment.initFromJson<EnvironmentConfig>( environmentType: EnvironmentType.development, fromJson: EnvironmentConfig.fromJson, );
Use it
home: HomePage( title: Environment<EnvironmentConfig>.instance().config.title, ),
Contribute #
Please feel free to fork, improve, make pull requests or fill issues. I'll be glad to fix bugs you encountered or improve the extension.