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Simple solution to handle environment variables using `.json` or config in entrypoint file.

Flutter App Environment #

A simple solution to manage environment variables using .json files or configuration in the entrypoint file.

  • See CHANGELOG.md for major/breaking updates.
  • Check out the Example for a detailed explanation of all features.

Installation #

To install the package, run the following command:

flutter pub add --dev flutter_app_environment

Managing Environment Variables from a .json File #

Requirements #

Before initializing the environment, ensure the following:


Add the configuration files path to pubspec.yaml:

    - res/config/
  • For EnvironmentType.development, use development.json as the configuration file.
  • For EnvironmentType.test, use test.json as the configuration file.
  • For EnvironmentType.production, use production.json as the configuration file.

Usage: Three Simple Steps #

  1. Create the Config

    @JsonSerializable(createToJson: false)
    class EnvironmentConfig {
      const EnvironmentConfig({
        required this.title,
        required this.initialCounter,
      factory EnvironmentConfig.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
      final String title;
      final int initialCounter;
  2. Initialize the Environment

    await Environment.initFromJson<EnvironmentConfig>(
      environmentType: EnvironmentType.development,
      fromJson: EnvironmentConfig.fromJson,
  3. Use the Config

    home: HomePage(
      title: Environment<EnvironmentConfig>.instance().config.title,

Managing Environment Variables from the Entrypoint File #

Usage: Three Simple Steps #

  1. Create the Config (same as the previous example)

  2. Initialize the Environment

      environmentType: EnvironmentType.test,
      config: const EnvironmentConfig(
        title: 'Test environment title',
        initialCounter: 0,
  3. Use the Config

    home: HomePage(
      title: Environment<EnvironmentConfig>.instance().config.title,

Managing Environment Variables with Custom Types #

  1. Create a Custom Environment Type

    enum CustomEnvironmentType { dev, stage, prod }
  2. Initialize with a JSON Config

    await Environment.initFromJsonWithCustomType<EnvironmentConfig, CustomEnvironmentType>(
      environmentType: CustomEnvironmentType.stage,
      fromJson: EnvironmentConfig.fromJson,
  3. Initialize from the Entrypoint File

    Environment.initWithCustomType<EnvironmentConfig, CustomEnvironmentType>(
      environmentType: CustomEnvironmentType.dev,
      config: const EnvironmentConfig(
        title: 'Custom environment title',
        initialCounter: 0,

Example Project Structure #

For a better understanding, here's an example of how your project structure might look when handling environment variables:

├── res/
│   └── config/
│       ├── development.json
│       ├── test.json
│       └── production.json
├── lib/
│   ├── main.dart
│   └── environment_config.dart
└── pubspec.yaml

In this example, JSON configuration files are stored in the res/config/ folder and declared in pubspec.yaml. The environment configuration is loaded in main.dart and used throughout the app.

Notes #

  • Make sure to call WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized() before initializing the environment.
  • The EnvironmentConfig class should match the structure of your .json files or entrypoint configurations.
  • You can switch between different environment types depending on your build (development, test, production) or create custom environment types.

Contribute #

Feel free to fork, improve, submit pull requests, or report issues. I’ll be happy to fix bugs or enhance the extension based on your feedback.

License #

This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.



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Simple solution to handle environment variables using `.json` or config in entrypoint file.

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MIT (license)


flutter, json_annotation


Packages that depend on flutter_app_environment