fluid 2.1.3 fluid: ^2.1.3 copied to clipboard
Handle dependencies for your widgets and model output of data from them as flows of fluid
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:fluid/fluid.dart';
// Note the hide keyword in the import to avoid conficts
import 'package:flutter/material.dart' hide Flow;
void main() {
// lets create a dependency that we need later
final ourDependency = MyCoolDependency();
// Here we create our container that can hold references to instances
final container = SimpleFluidContainer();
// We register our dependency with the container
// Start the flutter app
// The fluid resolver is responsible for holding our container and creating
// [Fluids] from the [FluidBuilder] widget
container: container,
child: MaterialApp(
home: Scaffold(
// The fluidbuilder will build give us the build context and the fluid we need
body: FluidBuilder<HomeFluid>(
builder: (context, fluid) {
return Center(
child: Column(
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
children: [
// Then we can use a [FlowBuilder] to rebuild the child when
// data is emitted to the flow. This will always start with
// data from the first frame.
flow: fluid.greetingFlow,
builder: (context, value) {
return Text(value);
// We will also print out the value of flow we have mapped
// in our fluid
flow: fluid.lengthOfGreeting,
builder: (context, value) {
return Text("Length of greeting: $value");
// The fluid factory is imporant to know how to create our fluid.
// here we also provide it with data (the name Alex) from our UI.
fluidFactory: HomeFluidFactory("Alex"),
/// Factories are needed to both be able to provide data from the UI and retrieve
/// dependencies from "the outside". In [createFluid] we will get access to the
/// container we created before we started our app with [runApp].
class HomeFluidFactory extends FluidFactory<HomeFluid> {
/// We will keep the name in field so it can be used when [createFluid] is
/// called
final String name;
HomeFluid createFluid(FluidContainer container) {
// Return an instance of the [HomeFluid], we can use the container to get
// the instance of the [MyCoolDependency]
return HomeFluid(container.getInstance<MyCoolDependency>(), name);
/// This is the logical component that holds our data and has the ability to get
/// dependencies from outside the widget tree we defined in the container
class HomeFluid extends Fluid {
late final Flow<String> greetingFlow;
late final Flow<int> lengthOfGreeting;
final String name;
/// Creates a new HomeFluid, notice the dependency both on the
/// [MyCoolDependency] and the name from a String
HomeFluid(MyCoolDependency helloDependency, this.name) {
final valueFlow = ValueFlow("Hi! I'm loading");
greetingFlow = valueFlow;
// Lets create a flow that maps the greeting into the length of it
lengthOfGreeting = valueFlow.map(
(value) => value.length,
// Load the hello from our dependency in a microtask and then update
// the greeting text. The length of the greeting will automatically be updated
scheduleMicrotask(() async {
final greeting = await helloDependency.sayHello(name);
/// A generic class that has no knowledge of flutter. It might be our API,
/// a class that fetches something from storage or anything else really that
/// we don't want to have tied to our widgets/view
class MyCoolDependency {
Future<String> sayHello(String name) async {
// Simulate a delay from an api
await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2));
return "Hellooo $name";