float_column 2.1.7 copy "float_column: ^2.1.7" to clipboard
float_column: ^2.1.7 copied to clipboard

Flutter FloatColumn widget for building a vertical column of widgets and text where the text wraps around floated widgets, similar to how CSS float works.


[2.1.7] - August 7, 2024 #

  • Updated to compile with Flutter 3.24.0

[2.1.6] - June 27, 2024 #

  • Updated TextRenderer to handle the case where _painter.text is null to avoid a possible exception.

[2.1.5] - February 16, 2024 #

  • Another update to try to fix static analysis issues.

[2.1.4] - February 16, 2024 #

  • More updates to try to fix static analysis issues.

[2.1.3] - February 16, 2024 #

  • Updated to fix static analysis issue.

[2.1.2] - February 16, 2024 #

  • Fixed compile issue with Flutter 3.19.0 and other bug fixes and updates.

[2.1.1] - August 17, 2023 #

  • Fixed bug where if a Widget in a WidgetSpan changes its size, FloatColumn was not updating properly.

[2.1.0] - August 16, 2023 #

  • Updated so it builds with Flutter 3.13.0.

[2.0.1] - May 27, 2023 #

  • Fixed bug related to maxLines being set to a value greater than 1, and overflow being set to TextOverflow.ellipsis, where the text would not be layed out correctly.

[2.0.0] - May 11, 2023 #

  • Updated to support Dart 3 and Flutter 3.10.0.

[1.4.1] - February 8, 2023 #

  • Updated how text renderers are cached for quicker access.
  • Some code cleanup to RenderFloatColumn hitTestChildren and other code cleanup.

[1.4.0] - February 6, 2023 #

  • Added support for Flutter's selection functionality.

[1.3.3] - January 17, 2023 #

  • Added a copyWithTextSpan parameter to the defaultSplitSpanAtIndex extension method on the InlineSpan class.

[1.3.2] - January 17, 2023 #

  • Added optional an bool ignoreFloatedWidgetSpans = false parameter to the splitAt and splitAtIndex methods of SplittableMixin.

[1.3.1] - December 10, 2022 #

  • Updated to remove warnings related to latest Flutter version.

[1.3.0] - July 7, 2022 #

  • Updated FloatColumn to support children of type TextSpan, Text, and RichText.

[1.2.4] - July 6, 2022 #

  • Added TextOverflow overflow and int? maxLines to WrappableText class.

[1.2.3] - June 28, 2022 #

  • Fixed bug in the RenderObject extension method visitChildrenAndTextRenderers. It would not recursively visit children with VisitChildrenOfAnyTypeMixin. Now it does.

[1.2.2] - June 2, 2022 #

  • Code updates to fix warnings related to Flutter 3.0 release.
  • Fixed bug related to when markNeedsSemanticsUpdate is called. Since it can immediately result in a call to describeSemanticsConfiguration, it needed to be moved outside of the loop updating the cached WrappableTextRenderer list.

[1.2.1] - November 15, 2021 #

  • Fixed bug in RenderFloatColumn assembleSemanticsNode, it was using the [] operator of WrappableTextRenderer, when it should have been using the renderers getter.

[1.2.0] - November 15, 2021 #

  • Fixed #3 "WrappableText objects that contain TextSpans that have a recognizer (e.g. TapGestureRecognizer) aren't handled correctly, i.e. the recognizer is ignored for hit tests."
  • Updated RenderFloatColumn to support standard describeSemanticsConfiguration and assembleSemanticsNode methods.

[1.1.2] - November 13, 2021 #

  • Fixed bug in RenderFloatColumn visitChildrenOfAnyType.
  • Added example Mac app, and updated examples.

[1.1.1] - September 9, 2021 #

  • Updated to use flutter_lints_plus package and fix Flutter 2.5 lint warnings.

[1.1.0] - July 5, 2021 #

  • Added support for floated inline widgets using WidgetSpan with Floatable child.

[1.0.2] - July 4, 2021 #

  • Added code that shows overflow area and size in case of height overflow.

[1.0.1] - July 4, 2021 #

  • Fixed bug where the layout was incorrect in some cases if line-feed characters were in the text.

[1.0.0] - June 27, 2021 #

  • Updated README.md and released 1.0.0 version.

[0.1.5] - May 7, 2021 #

  • Updated so the textAlign parameter of WrappableText works correctly.

[0.1.4] - May 7, 2021 #

  • Updated so negative indent values work correctly.

[0.1.3] - May 2, 2021 #

  • Added RenderBox get renderBox and Offset get offset to RenderTextMixin.

[0.1.2] - May 2, 2021 #

  • Added support for visiting the children (render objects and text renderers) of a RenderFloatColumn, via the visitChildrenOfAnyType function.
  • Added support for getting detailed info about each text renderer child (via the RenderTextMixin), similar to RenderParagraph.
  • Fixed a bug relating to WrappableText and unique keys.

[0.1.1] - May 1, 2021 #

  • Added support for margins and padding to WrappableText and Floatable.

[0.1.0] - April 26, 2021 #

  • Removed debug print statements, added more examples to readme file.

[0.1.0-dev.3] - April 26, 2021 #

  • Fixed a bug where a child widget with a width of zero would cause an exception.

[0.1.0-dev.2] - April 26, 2021 #

  • Fixed a bug where a child widget with an unconstrained width would cause an exception.

[0.1.0-dev.1] - April 25, 2021 #

  • Prerelease version with basic functionality, and probably a lot of bugs.
pub points


verified publisherronbooth.com

Flutter FloatColumn widget for building a vertical column of widgets and text where the text wraps around floated widgets, similar to how CSS float works.

Repository (GitHub)
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MIT (license)




Packages that depend on float_column