flint 1.0.0 copy "flint: ^1.0.0" to clipboard
flint: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard


Because Pedantic wasn't strict enough

Flint: Because Pedantic wasn't strict enough #

Travis CI

Flint contains Forus Labs' different sets of dartanalyzer lints for Dart & Flutter.

Using the Lints #

To use the lints, add a dependency in your pubspec.yaml.

  flint: ^1.0.0  

Then, add the the set of lints to your analysis_options.yaml. The following will always include the latest version of the specified set of lints.

include: package:flint/dart/dev/analysis_options.yaml

A specific version of a set of lints can also be used via:

include: package:flint/dart/dev/analysis_options.1.0.0.yaml

The following sets of lints are available:

Lint Description
package:flint/dart/dev/analysis_options.yaml master branch of a Dart project
package:flint/dart/stable/analysis_options.yaml stable branch of a Dart project
package:flint/flutter/dev/analysis_options.yaml master branch of a Flutter project
package:flint/flutter/stable/analysis_options.yaml stable branch of a Flutter project