flexi 0.3.2 copy "flexi: ^0.3.2" to clipboard
flexi: ^0.3.2 copied to clipboard

Beside predefined breakpoint systems, such as Material, you can create your fixed and responsive layout for different grid types: Manuscript, Columns, Modular and Baseline.


Beside predefined breakpoint systems, such as Material, you can create your fixed and responsive layout for different grid types: Manuscript, Columns, Modular and Baseline.

Flutter/Dart compatibility #

Flexi Flutter Dart
Flexi 0.1.0 - newer Flutter 2.0.0 - newer Dart 2.12.0 - newer

Installing - pubspec.yaml #

  flexi: <latest-version>
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Examples #

Source code

Example 1 - Predefined Layouts #

Source code

import 'package:flexi/flexi.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() {
  runApp(const App());

class App extends StatelessWidget {
  const App({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) =>
      const MaterialApp(
        title: 'Flexi Example - Predefined Layouts',
        home: FlexContainer(
          // See also other predefined layouts:
          // BootstrapLayout, CarbonLayout, RuleOfThirdsLayout and FluidLayout
          layout: MaterialLayout(),
          child: Scaffold(body: HomePage()),

class HomePage extends StatelessWidget {
  const HomePage({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) =>
      Center(child: Text(context.flexi.breakpoint.toString()));
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Example 2 - Custom Layout #

Source code

To create your custom layout, you only need to extend Layout class. Using your custom layout is similar to previous example. You can learn more from MaterialLayout , BootstrapLayout and other predefined layouts.

import 'dart:collection';

import 'package:flexi/flexi.dart';

enum CustomBreakpointId { sm, md }

class CustomBreakpoint extends Breakpoint<CustomBreakpointId> {
  const CustomBreakpoint({
    required CustomBreakpointId id,
    required double minWidth,
  }) : super(id: id, minWidth: minWidth);

class CustomLayout extends Layout<CustomBreakpointId, CustomBreakpoint> {
  const CustomLayout();

  SplayTreeSet<CustomBreakpoint> get breakpoints =>
        const CustomBreakpoint(id: CustomBreakpointId.sm, minWidth: 0),
        const CustomBreakpoint(id: CustomBreakpointId.md, minWidth: 600),

  LayoutFormat format(double containerWidth, [
    double containerHeight = double.maxFinite,
  ]) =>
      const LayoutFormat(
        columns: 4,
        gutter: 0,
        leftMargin: 0,
        topMargin: 0,
        rightMargin: 0,
        bottomMargin: 0,
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Example 3 - Component Swapping #

Source code

In this example, each breakpoint uses a recommended layout from material guideline.

  • xs: modal drawer (app bar) + body + bottom app bar
  • sm: rail + body
  • md: rail + body + sidebar
  • lg: visible drawer + body + sidebar

Usage #

FAQs #



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Beside predefined breakpoint systems, such as Material, you can create your fixed and responsive layout for different grid types: Manuscript, Columns, Modular and Baseline.

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)


collection, flutter, meta


Packages that depend on flexi