flex 0.3.0+2 copy "flex: ^0.3.0+2" to clipboard
flex: ^0.3.0+2 copied to clipboard


A collection of classes, extensions and utilities to aid faster development.

Changelog #

0.3.0+2 #

  • Add comment explaining try/on block to bypass useless lint

0.3.0 - Vastly improve #

  • Fix logic in PatientStreamQueue._onCancel
  • Split PatientStreamQueue.dispose into PatientStreamQueue.close returning a Future<void>, which disposes of the PatientStreamQueue waiting for events to be processed depending on the value of named parameter wait, and PatientStreamQueue.dispose returning a void, which disposes of the PatientStreamQueue without waiting for events to be processed
  • Wrap stdin.echoMode calls in prompt and promptSync in try/catch to support platforms that don't support setting echo mode (ex. Dart-Code terminal output mode)
  • Split example into 3 files
  • Add example launch configuration

0.2.2 #

  • Fix logic in PatientStreamQueue.dispose

0.2.1 #

  • Add sendEncodedEvent() for sending Plexus encoded events

0.2.0 #

  • Add encodedEventHeader and encodedEventSeparator to constants.dart
  • Fix PatientStreamQueue.dispose, PatientStreamQueue._onListen and PatientStreamQueue._onCancel logic
  • Change typedefs to use generic function declaration syntax
  • Enable prefer_expression_function_bodies, prefer_generic_function_type_aliases and use_function_type_syntax_for_parameters in analysis_options.yaml
  • Switch expose/list.dart and expose/maps.dart to use generic typedefs instead of inline function declarations

0.1.0 #

Initial Development Release

pub points


verified publisherpfaff.dev

A collection of classes, extensions and utilities to aid faster development.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (LICENSE)


intl, io, meta, rxdart, tuple


Packages that depend on flex