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State-based animation framework that animates state changes instead of individual values.

CI pub.dev

⚠️ This package is in an early state of development. If you find any bugs or have any suggestions, please open an issue.

Fleet is an animation framework that animates state changes instead of individual values.

Getting started #

  1. Add Fleet to your pubspec.yaml:
flutter pub add fleet
  1. Add FleetBinding.ensureInitialized() to your main function:
import 'package:fleet/fleet.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() {

You need to use this binding instead of WidgetsFlutterBinding.

This step is currently necessary because of functionality that Fleet requires, but that is not available in Flutter. This step will become unnecessary if and when the required functionality becomes available in Flutter. Unfortunately, this also means that until that point, animations that use Fleet will not work in tests. The reason is that the test bindings cannot be extended in the same way that WidgetsFlutterBinding can be. You can still use Fleet in tests but animated values will immediately jump to their final value.

Now you're ready to use Fleet in your Flutter app.

Take a look a the examples or continue to the introduction to Fleet.

Introduction #

Fleet has been heavily inspired by the animation framework that comes with SwiftUI. If you are familiar with it, you will find most concepts familiar.

I'm going to walk you through adding a simple animation to a widget. Below is the unanimated version of the widget:

import 'package:fleet/fleet.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class MyWidget extends StatefulWidget {
  const MyWidget({super.key});

  State<MyWidget> createState() => _MyWidgetState();

class _MyWidgetState extends State<MyWidget> {
  var _active = false;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return GestureDetector(
      onTap: () {
        setState(() {
          _active = !_active;
      child: ColoredBox(
        color: _active ? Colors.blue : Colors.grey,

Now lets animate the state change of _active:

 class _MyWidgetState extends State<MyWidget> {
   var _active = false;

   Widget build(BuildContext context) {
     return GestureDetector(
       onTap: () {
-        setState(() {
+        setStateWithAnimation(const AnimationSpec(), () {
           _active = !_active;
-      child: ColoredBox(
+      child: AColoredBox(
         color: _active ? Colors.blue : Colors.grey,

All we did was replace ColoredBox with AColoredBox and use setStateWithAnimation instead of setState.

The AColoredBox widget is a drop-in replacement for ColoredBox that supports state-based animation. Any widget you want to animate through Fleet needs to support state-based animation. These widgets don't have any special parameters related to animation and can be just as well used without animation.

Fleet provides drop-in replacements for a number of generally useful Flutter framework widgets (all with the prefix A). Any widget can be made to support state-based animation through components provided by Fleet (see AnimatableStateMixin). Issues or PRs for adding support for more widgets are welcome!

setStateWithAnimation is from an extension on State. All state changes caused by executing the callback will be animated. Note that the callback is not immediately executed like it is the case for setState. Instead, it is executed as part of building the next frame. In practice this seldomly makes a difference.

The AnimationSpec that we pass to setStateWithAnimation specifies how to animate from the old to the new state. const AnimationSpec() is the default animation spec, which uses Curves.linear and animates for 200ms.

Animatable widgets #

The following drop-in replacements for Flutter framework widgets are provided for animating with Fleet:

  • AAlign
  • AColoredBox
  • AContainer
  • ASizedBox

Gabriel TerwestenGitHub @blaugoldTwitter @GTerwestenMedium @gabriel.terwesten

pub points


verified publishergabriel.terwesten.net

State-based animation framework that animates state changes instead of individual values.

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