fleather_mention 0.0.5
fleather_mention: ^0.0.5 copied to clipboard
Mentions for the Fleather rich text editor
Fleather Mention #
It's under development and not production ready yet.
Fleather Mention is a plugin to provide @mentions or #hashtag functionality for the Fleather rich text editor.
Features #
- Easy to use
- Customizable trigger characters
- Async suggestion list builder
- Navigation between options with keyboard
Getting started #
Add it to your dependencies.
sdk: flutter
fleather: ^1.12.0
fleather_mention: ^0.0.5
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Usage #
Wrap FleatherEditor
with FleatherMention.withEditor
and FleatherField
with FleatherMention.withField
triggers: ['#', '@'],
optionsBuilder: (trigger, query) {
final List<String> data;
if (trigger == '#') {
data = ['Android', 'iOS', 'Windows', 'macOs', 'Web', 'Linux'];
} else {
data = [
return data
.where((e) => e.toLowerCase().contains(query.toLowerCase()))
.map((e) => MentionData(value: e, trigger: trigger))
child: FleatherEditor(
controller: controller,
focusNode: focusNode,
editorKey: editorKey,
embedBuilder: (context, node) {
final mentionWidget = defaultMentionEmbedBuilder(context, node);
if (mentionWidget != null) {
return mentionWidget;
return defaultFleatherEmbedBuilder(context, node);
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