flamingo 3.0.0
flamingo: ^3.0.0 copied to clipboard
This is Firebase Firestore Model Framework Library. Can be manage document reference and collection reference. And provide Firestore and Cloud Storage interface.
3.0.0 #
Updated Plugins and modified example code.
2.18.0 #
Updated Plugins and modified example code.
2.17.0 #
Updated Plugins.
2.16.0 #
Updated Plugins.
2.15.0 #
Updated Plugins.
2.14.0 #
Updated Plugins.
2.13.0 #
Updated Plugins.
2.12.0 #
Updated Plugins.
2.11.0 #
Updated Plugins.
2.10.0 #
Updated Plugins.
2.9.0+1 #
CHORE: solved lint.
2.9.0 #
Supported Web.
2.8.0 #
Added defaultValue in valueFromKey. Updated example code.
2.7.0 #
Updated Plugins.
2.6.0 #
Updated Plugins.
2.5.1 #
Updated Plugins and added loadCacheOnly in DocumentAccessor.
2.5.0 #
Added loadCache and fromCache in DocumentAccessor. Added fromCache in CollectionPaging.
2.4.1 #
Bug fix => Removed onCompleted call in DocumentAccessor.
2.4.0 #
Updated Plugins.
2.3.0 #
Updated Plugins.
2.2.1 #
Bug fix.
2.2.0 #
Updated Firestore Plugins 2.0.0. Added generics types.
2.1.1 #
Upated pubspec.yaml
2.1.0 #
Updated Plugins.
2.0.0 #
Migrate this package to null safety. Sdk constraints: >=2.12.0-0 <3.0.0 based on beta release guidelines.
1.15.3 #
Refactored model.
1.15.2 #
BREAKING: Added ref, getData, getDataWithPath, deleteWithPath in Storage. Changed Storage Parameter. getDownloadUrl func and delete func. Changed StorageFile immutable.
1.15.1 #
Revert 1.15.0
1.15.0 #
BREAKING: Changed Storage Parameter. File => Uint8List.
1.14.1 #
Added getDownloadUrl and getDownloadUrlWithPath
1.14.0 #
Updated Plugins.
1.13.0 #
Added no limit feature in CollectionPaging and CollectionPagingListener.
1.12.0 #
Updated Plugins. Added getEmulatorSettings to use Firebase Emulator.
1.11.0 #
Updated Plugins.
1.10.0 #
Modified modelName and Refactored Storage.
1.9.0 #
Updated Plugins.
1.8.1 #
Modified CollectionPaging.
1.8.0 #
Modified to set Collection Reference by Snapshot.
1.7.0 #
Updated Plugins.
1.6.0 #
Modified Increment Bug. BREAKING CHANGE: Change the implementation of Increment method.
1.5.1 #
Changed docChanges data type in CollectionPagingListener. Updated plugins.
1.5.0 #
Added CollectionPagingListener.
1.4.1+2 #
Update README. => [WIP] Unit Test.
1.4.1+1 #
1.4.1 #
Modified initializeApp.
1.4.0 #
Upgrade Firebase Plugins. Renamed "configure" name to "initializeApp" name.
1.3.0+3 #
Updated README.
1.3.0+2 #
Updated README about build.yaml.
1.3.0+1 #
Updated pubspec.yaml
1.3.0 #
Updated cloud firestore plugin.
1.2.1 #
Added CollectionPaging. Removed CollectionRepository and CollectionDataSource.
1.1.1 #
Added Unit Test description to README and added sample code.
1.1.0+1 #
Updated README.
1.1.0 #
Added interface classes. Added CollectionDataSource for getting collection documents.
1.0.0+1 #
Updated README.
1.0.0 #
Added feature of automatically generate code.
0.5.3+1 #
Removed base.dart export.
0.5.3 #
Updated static document path function. Added override parameter to set key of "createdAt" and "updatedAt". Modified README.
0.5.2 #
Fixed environment.
0.5.1 #
Updated environment and README.
0.5.0 #
Added documentPath and collectionPath parameter in Document class.
0.4.0 #
Modified modelName and collectionRootReference.
0.3.0 #
Updated flamingo root and Batch interface.
0.2.6 #
Bug fix.
0.2.5 #
Fix: Save empty data of storage in writeStorage feature.
0.2.4 #
Fix: Add empty List during updation(Thanks huma11farheen-san).
0.2.3 #
Set default values for metadata and additionalData(Thanks kikuchy-san). Updated plugin and modify document.
0.2.2 #
Remove path_provider plugin adn updated plugin.
0.2.1 #
Update plugin.
0.2.0+1 #
Deleted unnecessary files.
0.2.0 #
Update plugin and bug fix for collection reference.
0.1.16 #
Bug fix.
0.1.15 #
Bug fix.
0.1.14 #
Bug fix.
0.1.13 #
Modified property access.
0.1.12 #
Modified mapping timestamp for algolia.
0.1.11 #
Remove dependency on json_annotation #2
0.1.10+1 #
Update example's pubspec.yaml.
0.1.10 #
Update environment version.
0.1.9 #
Rename function. saveStorageAndDoc => saveWithDoc, deleteStorageAndDoc => deleteWithDoc.
0.1.8 #
Add function of raw values for document. Add function to save and delete storage and document.
0.1.7 #
Update firestore plugin.
0.1.6 #
Update environment sdk.
0.1.5 #
Update dependence plugin.
0.1.4 #
Modified batch.
0.1.3 #
Bug fix.
0.1.2 #
Add function of raw values for batch. Add Increment model. Add override method of onCompleted.
0.1.1+2 #
Modified pubspec.yaml.
0.1.1+1 #
Updated document.
0.1.1 #
Rename transaction interface.
0.1.0+1 #
Updated document.
0.1.0 #
Format source code.
0.0.10 #
Add model class of map object. Updated and README.
0.0.9 #
Updated load of DocumentAccessor and README.
0.0.8 #
Added write function. Added path parameter of storage file. Updated firebase packages. Updated README.
0.0.7+1 #
Added additionalData parameter of storage file.
0.0.7 #
Added function for mapping list and modified mapping json of storage file.
0.0.6 #
Added function for mapping map objects and added metadata to storage file.
0.0.5 #
Update initialize spec.
0.0.4+1 #
Update document.
0.0.4 #
Update plugin of firebase.
0.0.3+2 #
Update CHANGELOG.md.
0.0.3+1 #
Update README.md.
0.0.3 #
Bug fix for Android.
0.0.2 #
Bug fix.
0.0.1 #
First release.