flame_camera_tools 2.0.0
flame_camera_tools: ^2.0.0 copied to clipboard
Intuitive tools for creating immersive and dynamic camera behaviors in Flame-based games.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flame/components.dart';
import 'package:flame/events.dart';
import 'package:flame/game.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:flame_camera_tools/flame_camera_tools.dart';
void main() {
gameFactory: FlameCameraToolsExampleGame.new,
class FlameCameraToolsExampleGame extends FlameGame
with HasKeyboardHandlerComponents {
final player = Player(position: Vector2.all(0), size: Vector2.all(50));
FutureOr<void> onLoad() {
final someComponent = RectangleComponent(
position: Vector2.all(200),
size: Vector2.all(100),
// Smoothly follow the player around
camera.smoothFollow(player, stiffness: 2);
// Shake the camera for 5 seconds with a intensity of 20
camera.shake(duration: 5, intensity: 20).then(
//after that focus the camera on 'someComponent' over a duration of 3 seconds with an easing curve
(_) => camera.focusOnComponent(
duration: 3,
curve: Curves.easeInOut,
// Zoom the camera in while the shake effect is applied
camera.zoomTo(2, duration: 2);
return super.onLoad();
class Player extends RectangleComponent with KeyboardHandler {
Player({super.position, super.size})
: super(paint: Paint()..color = Colors.red);
Set<LogicalKeyboardKey> _keys = {};
final double _movementSpeed = 300;
bool onKeyEvent(KeyEvent event, Set<LogicalKeyboardKey> keysPressed) {
_keys = keysPressed;
return super.onKeyEvent(event, keysPressed);
void update(double dt) {
final direction = Vector2.zero();
if (_keys.contains(LogicalKeyboardKey.keyW)) {
direction.y = -1;
if (_keys.contains(LogicalKeyboardKey.keyA)) {
direction.x = -1;
if (_keys.contains(LogicalKeyboardKey.keyS)) {
direction.y = 1;
if (_keys.contains(LogicalKeyboardKey.keyD)) {
direction.x = 1;
if (!direction.isZero()) {
position += direction * _movementSpeed * dt;
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