firestore_builder 0.1.4 copy "firestore_builder: ^0.1.4" to clipboard
firestore_builder: ^0.1.4 copied to clipboard

The easiest way to integrate Firestore into a Flutter application

Firestore Builder #


Installation #

Setup Firestore for your project #

Follow the official Firebase documentation to add Firestore to your project.

This will make you add the following dependencies :

flutter pub add firebase_core
flutter pub add cloud_firestore
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Dependencies #

Add the firestore_builder package in dev_dependencies. You can do this by running this command:

flutter pub add dev:firestore_builder
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Configuration #

Generation is based on a YAML configuration file (firestore_builder_config.yaml) that describes the structure of the database you want.

A. Use the devtools extension #

The simplest way to configure the generation is to use the devtools extension app :

  • Launch your app in debug mode
  • Open the devtool
  • Select the firestore_builder tab and enable the extension
  • Use the extension app to build the configuration file
  • You can save the configuration file directly from the extensions app, this will create the firestore_builder_config.yaml at the root of your project

B. Or manually create the configuration file #

If you master the configuration syntax, you can manually create the firestore_builder_config.yaml file at the root of your project. Here is a simple configuration file with only one collection (users)

  output: lib/firestore
  use_riverpod: true
    - collection:
        collection_name: users
        model_name: user
          - name: String
          - age: int
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Add external dependencies #

The generated code is based on external packages. Thanks @remi_rousselet for this.

  • The Freezed package to make models classes immutable and equatable.

  • (optionally) The Riverpod package. My personal favorite state management package

You need to add these dependencies :

Freezed #

flutter pub add freezed_annotation
flutter pub add dev:build_runner
flutter pub add dev:freezed
flutter pub add json_annotation
flutter pub add dev:json_serializable
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Riverpod (Optional) #

flutter pub add flutter_riverpod
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Generate the Freezed classes #

Do not forget to run the build_runner command line each time you generate new code :

dart run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
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Generation result #

With a simple configuration file, here is the result of the generation:

-- firestore
	-- models
		-- updated_value.dart
		-- user.dart
		-- user.freezed.dart
		-- user.g.dart
	-- services
		-- firestore_query_service.dart
		-- firestore_reference_service.dart
		-- firestore_stream_service.dart
	-- states
		-- user_states.dart
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  • updated_value.dart is a helper class that allows to update some properties of a document
  • user.dart is the model class of the user collection.
  • firestore_query_service.dart is the service to make API call (get, add, delete, update, …)
  • firestore_reference_service.dart is the service to easily access to the Firestore references (documents or collections)
  • firestore_stream_service.dart is the service to consume Firestore data through streams
  • user_states.dart is where the Riverpod providers are defined


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The easiest way to integrate Firestore into a Flutter application

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference


MIT (license)


code_builder, collection, dart_style, equatable, flutter, json_annotation, meta, recase, yaml


Packages that depend on firestore_builder