fireflutter 0.2.9 copy "fireflutter: ^0.2.9" to clipboard
fireflutter: ^0.2.9 copied to clipboard


A free, open source, complete, rapid development package for creating Social apps, Chat apps, Community(Forum) apps, Shopping mall apps, and much more based on Firebase.


Fire Flutter #

A free, open source, complete, rapid development package for creating Social apps, Chat apps, Community(Forum) apps, Shopping mall apps, and much more based on Firebase.

  • Complete features.
    This package has complete features (see Features below) that most of apps require.

  • Simple, easy and the right way.
    We want it to be deadly simple yet, right way for ourselves and for the developers in the world. We know when it gets complicated, our lives would get even more complicated.

  • Real time.
    We design it to be real time. All the events like post and comment creation, voting(like, dislike), deletion would appears on all the user's phone immediately after the event.

  • I am looking for community devleopers who can join this work. Please email me at

Table of contents

Features #

  • User

    • User registration is done with Firebase Flutter UI.
  • User presence

    • To know if a user is online or offline.
  • User Profile

    • Saving & displaying user profile.
  • Chat

  • Friend map

    • To find friend easily.


Chat #

  • put many chat messages in one chat message box(balloon) if they are written in 20 minutes.

Installation #

Running the example #

Creating a new project #

Firebase installation #

iOS installation #

  • Download ios app's GoogleService-Info.plist. And save it under <root>/example/ios/Runnder, Then open Xcode and drag it under Runner.
    • Remember to update other settings like REVERSED_CLIENT_ID into Info.plist.
      • When you change the firebase project, you have to update all the related settings again.

Firebase Realtime Database Installation #

  • To install Firebase Realtime Database, enable it on Firebase console and put the security rules.

  • Note, if you enable Firebase Realtime Database, you have to re-download and update the GoogleService-Info.plist.

    • You may need to update the GoogleService-Info.plist after enabling other features of the Firebase.
  • Add the following security rules on firebase realtime database

  "rules": {
    "presence": {
      ".read": true,
      "$uid": {
        ".write": true

User #

User installation #

  • Do Firebase installation
  • Enable Email/Password Sign-In method to login with email and password.
  • Enable Google Sign-In method and add the following in Info.plist to login with Google account
<!-- Google Sign-in Section -->
			<!-- TODO Replace this value: -->
			<!-- Copied from GoogleService-Info.plist key REVERSED_CLIENT_ID -->
<!-- End of the Google Sign-in Section -->

Test users #

  • Create the following four test user accounts with password of 12345a.

Phone number sign-in #

Phone Sign In UI

  • In most cases, you want to use Firebase Flutter UI for Firebase Sign-In and that's very fine. But with the Phone Sign-In built in UI, it's not easy to handle errors. So, fireflutter provides simple service for phone sign in.

  • To use phone sign-in, enable it. (and add some test phone numbers if you wish to test with test phone numbers.)

  • PhoneService has the service code of phone sign-in.

  • Fireflutter also provides UI widgets to make it easy to use in your app.

    • Simply add PhoneNumberInput widget to your screen and on code sent, move to sms code input page and add SmsCodeInput widget.
    • See example/lib/phone_sign_in_ui foler for sample code.

User presence #

User presence overview #

User Presence

  • More often, people want to know if their friends are online or not. Use this feature to know who is online. It has three status; 'online', 'offline', and 'away'.

User Presence Installation #

class _MainAppState extends State<MainApp> {
  void initState() {

  void dispose() {
      onError: (e) => print('--> Presence error: $e'),
  • To know if a user is online, offline or away, use UserPresence widget.
  uid: uid,
  builder: (PresenceType type) => Row(
    children: [
        color: type ==
            : (type == PresenceType.offline ? : Colors.yellow),

User presence logic #

  • Run Presence.instance.activate() at start if you want to track the presence status of users.
  • If user didn't login to the device, the user will be offline by default.
  • If Presence is working, you will see the record in firebase realtime database data section in firebase console.
    • If no documents appears in firebase realtime database data section, then see the installation and issues.
  • /presense/$uid document will be written only when user logs in and out.
  • When app is closed, the user will be offline.

User profile #

  • Many apps share user name and photo. For instance, when a user chat to the other user, they shoud know each other's name and photo.

  • User name and photo are saved in /user/<uid> document of Firestore.

Displaying user profile #

  • To display a user profile(name or photo), Use UserDoc widget with the user's uid and you can build a widget based on the user profile.
    • The builder of UserDoc comes from a stream builder, which means when the user profile document changes, it will rebuild the builder widget to update realtime.
  uid: user.uid,
  builder: (UserModel u) {
    return Row(
      children: [
        Text('name: ${}'),
        Text(', profile: ${u.photoUrl}'),
  • To display a user profile, but only one time build (not automatic rebuild), use UserFutureDoc widget. The builder of UserFutureDoc is based on future builder. So, it does not rebuild even if the user profile document changes.
    • This widget may be used for forms. Like display user profile data in input fields.
  uid: user.uid,
  builder: (UserModel u) {
    return Row(
      children: [
        Text('name: ${}'),
        Text(', profile: ${u.photoUrl}'),
  • Note, to display if the user is online or offline, see user presence.

User Auth State #

  • Build and display widgets based on user's auth state changes.
   signedIn: (user) => Text('logged in'),
   signedOut: () => Text('logged out'),
   loader: Text('loading...'),

Chat #

Chat structure of Firestore #

  • /chat/messages/<uid>__<uid> is the collection of a chat room messages. Each document in this collection is the chat message documents that are handled by the ChatMessageModel. This is called message doc.

  • /chat/rooms/<uid> is the collection of a user's chat friends. The documents inside this collection are the users that he chatted. For instance,

    • /chat/rooms/<uid>/<uid> is the document of a chat room. This document has the room information. (This is called room info doc.) For instance,
      • /chat/room/A/B
      • /chat/room/A/C Then, the user A have had chat with user B and C. Note that, room info doc is also handled by the ChatMessageModel.
  • /chat/rooms/<uid>/<uid>.blocked will be true if the user is blocked.

  • /chat/rooms/<uid>/<uid>.deleted will be true if the user is deleted. So, the deleted user will not be appears on list.

Chat logic #

  • When a user is reported, the app will save the user into backend.

  • /chat/room/<uid>/<uid> must not be over-written. It must always be updated(merged) on existing document since blocked, deleted properties must remain even if other properties are changed.

    • @todo it's best to restrict by permission rule not to overwrite.

FriendMap #

  • Idea
    When someone is seeking someone and both of them are foreginers of the place, how would they find each other? Both of them do not understand the country's language. FriendMap feature send a user's latitude and longitude to the other user. So the other can navigate on the map.

FriendMap installation #

  • Follow the installation instructions in google_maps_flutter package.

    • Hybrid Composition could be an option.
  • Follow the installation instructions in geocoding package.

  • Follow the installation in geolocator package.

FriendMap logic #

  • There are two users. User A and B.

  • A sends his latitude and longitude to B on chat. (So, when B is offline, he will get push notification by the built in chat funciton)

  • B opens chat room.

  • B click the link of lat & lon to open Friend Map.

  • the app navigates.

FriendMap informing logic #

  • Use Inform feature to inform friend request to the other user.

FriendMap testing #

  • Simply update /location/<A's-uid>/ and /location/<B's-uid> manully.
    • To make it easy, update the location programatically.

Inform #

  • When A likes B's post, how the app will inform B that he has a like from A?
    • Push notification is one option. But push notification may be delayed more than 1 hour.
    • Inform functionality make the communication in realtime.

Informing logic #

Let's say the app needs to deliver friend request from A to B.

  • When User A request FriendMap to user B, it's not easy to open FriendMap by clicking the chat message. what if user B has lots of users and having difficulty to open the chat room A?.

    • The solution would be; when A request FriendMap to B, the app on B side will open FriendMap screen automatically.
    • When B is offline and got a push message of FriendMap request, the device of B will automatically run WonderfulKorea app and open FriendMap screen automatically.
    • Later; it may be an option to open FriendMap automatically or not.
  • To make it work

    • All user must listen to /inform/<uid> when app starts.
    • When A request FriendMap to B, save lat & long in /inform/<uid>.
    • So, the app of B can open FriendMap with the data.
  • When B is offline, or the app is not running,

    • B will open the app (by push notification or whatever),
    • the app of B listens /inform/<uid>
      • If there is data, then delete the doc, and open FriendMap.

Inform data #

  • type has the data type.
    • FriendMap - it's a data for FriendMap and latitude and longitude properties are found.
    • type can be customizable and can have any value and addition properties.

Use of inform #

  • To start listening the inform data, call InformService.instance.init(callback: (data) {}).
FirebaseAuth.instance.authStateChanges().listen((user) {
  if (user != null) {
    /// Re-init for listening the login user (when account changed)
    InformService.instance.init(callback: (data) {
      if (data['type'] == 'FriendMap') {
        /// If it's a freind map request, then open friend map screen.
        Get.toNamed('/friend-map', arguments: {
          'latitude': data['latitude'],
          'longitude': data['longitude'],
  } else {
  • When the app needs to inform to other user, call InformService.instance.inform(<uid>, {}).
InformService.instance.inform(, {
  'type': 'FriendMap',
  'latitude': pos.latitude,
  'longitude': pos.longitude,

For developer #

Building your app #

  • Simple add it on pubspec dependency

Building fireflutter #

  • Follow the steps
    • fork
    • clone
    • create a branch
    • update fireflutter
    • push
    • pull request.

Updating fireflutter while building your app #

  • If you are going to use fireflutter, then simply add it on pubspec dependency.
  • If you want to build fireflutter while you are building your app, then
    • fork fireflutter
    • add it as submodule in your project
    • add it as pubspec dependency with local path
    • when ever you want to update fireflutter, simple run <submodule-folder>/example/main.dart
    • after updating fireflutter, come back to your app and run your app.

Issues #

  • These are the common issues you may encount working this package.
  • If you have any issues, please create an git issue.

firebase_database/permission-denied #

Unhandled Exception: [firebase_database/permission-denied] Client doesn't have permission to access the desired data.

Firebase realtime database is not working #

  • Open GoogleService-Info.plist under ios/Runner and see if the key DATABASE_URL is present. If not, enable firebase realtime database and download the GoogleService-Info.plist again. Remember to update related settings once you download it again.

firebase_auth/internal-error #

If you see this error message while working with Firebase Auth, check the followings;

  • Check if REVERSE_CLIENT_ID is set on iOS.
  • Check if GCP credential is properly set iOS.



Weekly Downloads

A free, open source, complete, rapid development package for creating Social apps, Chat apps, Community(Forum) apps, Shopping mall apps, and much more based on Firebase.

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badges, cloud_firestore, country_code_picker, firebase_auth, firebase_core, firebase_database, flutter, flutter_polyline_points, geocoding, geolocator, google_maps_flutter, paginate_firestore, rxdart


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