firebase_functions_interop 0.1.0-beta.1 copy "firebase_functions_interop: ^0.1.0-beta.1" to clipboard
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outdatedDart 1 only

Write Firebase Cloud Functions in Dart

Firebase Functions Interop Library for Dart #

Build Status Pub Gitter

Write Firebase Cloud functions in Dart, run in NodeJS. This is an early preview, alpha open-source project.

What is this? #

firebase_functions_interop provides interoperability layer for Firebase Functions NodeJS client. Firebase functions written in Dart using this library must be compiled to JavaScript and run in NodeJS. Luckily, a lot of interoperability details are handled by this library and a collections of tools from Dart SDK.

Here is a minimalistic "Hello world" example of a HTTP cloud function:

import 'package:firebase_functions_interop/firebase_functions_interop.dart';

void main() {
  firebaseFunctions['helloWorld'] =

void helloWorld(HttpRequest request) {
  request.response.writeln('Hello world');

Status #

This is a early preview, alpha version which is not feature complete.

Below is status report of already implemented functionality by namespace:

  • ✅ functions
  • ✅ functions.config
  • ❌
  • ❌ functions.auth
  • ❌ functions.firestore 🔥 (bindings only at this point)
  • ✅ functions.database
  • ✅ functions.https
  • ❌ functions.pubsub
  • ❌

Usage #

Make sure you have Firebase CLI installed as well as a Firebase account and a test app. See Getting started for more details.

1. Create a new project directory and initialize functions: #

$ mkdir myproject
$ cd myproject
$ firebase init functions

This creates functions subdirectory in your project's root which contains standard NodeJS package structure with package.json and index.js files.

2. Initialize Dart project #

Go to functions subfolder and add pubspec.yaml with following contents:

name: myproject_functions
description: My project functions
version: 0.0.1

  sdk: '>=1.20.1 <2.0.0'

  # Firebase Functions bindings
  firebase_functions_interop: ^0.1.0-beta.1
  # Node bindings required to compile a nice-looking JS file for Node.
  # Also provides access to globals like `require` and `exports`.
  node_interop: ^0.1.0-beta.6

  - $dart2js
  - node_interop # This transformer must go after $dart2js

Then run pub get to install dependencies.

3.1 Write a Web function #

Create node/index.dart and type in something like this:

import 'package:firebase_functions_interop/firebase_functions_interop.dart';

void main() {
  firebaseFunctions['helloWorld'] =

void helloWorld(HttpRequest request) {
  request.response.writeln('Hello world');

Copy-pasting also works.

3.2 Write a Realtime Database Function (optional) #

Update node/index.dart with following:

void main() {
  // ...Add after registration of helloWorld function:
  firebaseFunctions['makeUppercase'] = firebaseFunctions.database

FutureOr<Null> makeUppercase(DatabaseEvent<String> event) {
  var original =;
  print('Uppercasing $original');

4. Build your function(s) #

Building functions is as simple as running pub build. Note that Pub by default assumes a "web" project and only builds web/ folder so we need to explicitly tell it about node/:

$ pub build node/

5. Copy and deploy #

The result of pub build is located in build/node/index.dart.js. Replace default index.js with the built version:

$ cp build/node/index.dart.js index.js

Deploy using Firebase CLI:

$ firebase deploy --only functions

6. Test it #

You can navigate to the new HTTPS function's URL printed out by the deploy command. For the Realtime Database function, login to the Firebase Console and try changing values under /messages/{randomValue}/original.

Configuration #

Firebase SDK provides a way to set and access environment variables from your Firebase functions.

Environment variables are set using Firebase CLI, e.g.:

firebase functions:config:set some_service.api_key="secret" some_service.url=""

For more details see

To read these values in a Firebase function use firebaseFunctions.config:

import 'package:firebase_functions_interop/firebase_functions_interop.dart';
// Import 'node_interop/http' as it provides convenient HTTP client
// implementation which uses Node IO system.
import 'package:node_interop/http.dart';

void main() {
  firebaseFunctions['helloWorld'] =

void helloWorld(HttpRequest request) async {
  /// fetch env configuration
  var config = firebaseFunctions.config;
  var serviceKey = config.get('someservice.key');
  var serviceUrl = config.get('someservice.url');
  /// use HTTP client to make calls to external systems:
  var http = new NodeClient();
  var response = await http.get("$serviceUrl?apiKey=$serviceKey");
  // do something with the response, e.g. forward response body to the client:

Features and bugs #

Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.



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Write Firebase Cloud Functions in Dart



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built_value, expressjs_interop, firebase_admin_interop, firestore_interop, js, node_interop


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