firebase_admin_interop 2.1.0 copy "firebase_admin_interop: ^2.1.0" to clipboard
firebase_admin_interop: ^2.1.0 copied to clipboard

Firebase Admin SDK for Dart written as a wrapper around official Node.js SDK.

2.1.0 #

Upgraded to support firebase-admin Messaging features to send cloud message payloads to device, topic, all, multicast, and subscribe/unsubscribe from topic.

  NotificationMessagePayload notification = NotificationMessagePayload(
    title: title,
    body: body,
  MessagingPayload payload = new MessagingPayload(notification: notification, data: DataMessagePayload(data: {"doc" : event.reference.path}));
  MessagingDevicesResponse result = await firestoreApp.messaging().sendToDevice(token, payload);
  // or firestoreApp.messaging().sendToTopic(topic, payload);
  • Breaking change: Updated versions of many dependencies in pubspec

2.0.0 #

Upgraded to support firebase-admin Node.js SDK 8.0.0 or greater and @google-cloud/firestore 2.0.0.

Make sure to update your package.json with following version constraints:

  "dependencies": {
    "firebase-admin": "8.5.0",
    "@google-cloud/firestore": "2.0.0"
  • Breaking change: library now requires Node.js >= 8.13.0
  • Breaking change: DocumentReference getCollections method renamed to listCollections.
  • Breaking change: Firestore getCollections method renamed to listCollections.
  • Added support for Collection Groups in Firestore

1.2.2 #

  • Fixed issue with converting to JS types in startAt/startAfter/endAt/endAfter (#45).

1.2.1 #

  • Added support for updating nested fields in Firestore (#44)

1.2.0 #

  • Added Query.on and methods (#39).
  • Added EventType namespace for list of all event types supported by Query.on.
  • Added support for FieldValue.arrayUnion and FieldValue.arrayRemove in Firestore (#42).

1.1.0 #

Upgraded to support firebase-admin Node.js SDK 6.2.0 and @google-cloud/firestore 0.18.0.

Make sure to update your package.json with following version constraints:

  "dependencies": {
    "firebase-admin": "~6.2.0",
    "@google-cloud/firestore": "0.18.0"

Other updates:

  • Added Firestore.getAll() method.

Note that 6.2.0 of JS SDK introduced several breaking changes to JS APIs:

  • QuerySnapshot.docChanges is no more a field but a method QuerySnapshot.docChanges().
  • For query snapshots returned from DocumentQuery.get() all DocumentChanges now return their type as added instead of null.
  • GeoPoint no longer exposes toString method.

1.0.0 #

No functional changes in this version, it is published to replace obsolete 0.0.1 version on the Pub's package homepage to improve discoverability.

Ongoing work will continue in 1.0.0-dev.* branch until it's considered stable and feature complete. Make sure to checkout recent dev version for latest updates.

Non-breaking changes may be published to the stable track periodically.

Other updates:

  • Brought back dependency on quiver_hashcode (2.0.0) and removed copy-pasted implementation.

1.0.0-dev.24.0 #

  • Added Firestore.getCollections.
  • Added DocumentReference.getCollections.
  • Added and CollectionReference.path.

1.0.0-dev.23.0 #

  • Fixed Firestore queries with GeoPoint and Blob arguments.

1.0.0-dev.22.0 #

  • Fixed Firestore queries with Timestamps. (#35)

1.0.0-dev.21.0 #

  • Upgraded to latest node_interop and fixed declaration of FirebaseError class.

1.0.0-dev.20.0 #

This version introduces several fixes and breaking changes related to Firestore Timestamps. It also should be compatible with latest build_runner (1.0.0) and build_node_compilers (0.2.0).

Users are encouraged to start migrating to use Firestore Timestamps instead of DateTime objects as soon as possible. Read "Firestore Timestamps migration" in for more details.

  • Added: Firestore DocumentReference.parent (#30).
  • Added: Firestore Timestamp type.
  • Added: FirestoreSettings type and Firestore.settings() method which allows to control timestampsInSnapshots option for migration to new timestamps.
  • Breaking: DocumentSnapshot.createTime and DocumentSnapshot.updateTime now return an instance of new Timestamp type.
  • Deprecated: DocumentData.setDateTime and DocumentData.getDateTime are deprecated in favor of setTimestamp and getTimestamp accordingly.

1.0.0-dev.19.0 #

  • Temporarily removed dependency and copied hash functions from quiver_hashcode until it supports Dart 2 stable.

1.0.0-dev.18.0 #

  • Fixed: analysis warnings with latest Pub and Dart SDK, prepare for Dart 2 stable.

1.0.0-dev.17.0 #

  • Added: complex types support to Firestore lists
  • Breaking: removed generic type argument from DocumentData.setList and DocumentData.getList methods. Firestore does not enforce single type to all elements in a list, so having generic type on those methods was limiting.

1.0.0-dev.16.0 #

  • Fixed: strong mode errors with latest Dart 2 SDK (dev.68).

1.0.0-dev.15.0 #

  • Added: Firestore.runTransaction
  • Breaking: Firestore DocumentSnapshot.updateTime type changed to String from DateTime. This field contains ISO formatted datetime string with nanosecond precision and can't be converted to Dart's DateTime object without loosing information (DateTime only stores microseconds). This value should be treated as opaque when passed to any transaction as a precondition.
  • Fixed: dartdevc build by upgrading to latest build_runner.

1.0.0-dev.14.0 #

  • Fixed: Firestore, fixed error calling CollectionReference.document() without arguments.
  • Fixed: Firestore, fixed error calling DocumentQuery.where() with DocumentReference as value.

1.0.0-dev.13.0 #

  • Added: Firestore, support for SetOptions and WriteBatch (#14).

1.0.0-dev.12.0 #

  • Added: Firestore, support for Blob fields (#13).

1.0.0-dev.11.0 #

  • Fixed: Firestore, QuerySnapshot.documentChanges was wrongly testing for isEmpty (#11).

1.0.0-dev.10.0 #

  • Added: Firestore, support for select, offset, startAt, startAfter, endAt, endBefore, FieldValue.delete and FieldValue.timestamp (#8).
  • Deprecated: Firestore, deprecated createGeoPoint and createFieldPath functions. These will be hidden from public API before stable 1.0.0 release.
  • Added: Firestore, Firestore.documentId() function as a replacement for the library-level documentId() function. The library-level function is now deprecated and will be removed before stable 1.0.0 release.

1.0.0-dev.9.0 #

  • Upgraded to JS sdk v5.11.0
  • FirebaseAdmin.initializeApp can now be invoked without explicit credentials, in which case the app will be initialized with Google Application Default Credentials (introduced in JS SDK v5.9.1).

1.0.0-dev.8.0 #

  • Fixed: GeoPoint treated as invalid type when used in Firebase Functions.

1.0.0-dev.7.0 #

  • Added: Firebase Database Reference.transaction method.

1.0.0-dev.6.0 #

  • Added: following methods to Firebase Query: ref, endAt, equalTo, isEqual, limitToFirst, limitToLast, orderByChild, orderByKey, orderByPriority, orderByValue, startAt, toJson, toString.
  • Added: Firebase Database Reference.update method.

1.0.0-dev.5.0 #

  • Added: Auth service implementation. See App.auth() method and Auth class for more details.

1.0.0-dev.4.0 #

  • Breaking change: CollectionReference.add now expects instance of DocumentData instead of regular Dart Map. Use DocumentData.fromMap to upgrade from previous version.
  • Fixed: Handle nested maps in DocumentData.fromMap.

1.0.0-dev.3.0 #

  • Added: Firestore DocumentData.keys and DocumentData.toMap().

1.0.0-dev.2.0 #

  • Fixed: DocumentQuery.snapshots was subscribing to a wrong stream of updates.
  • Added: DocumentQuery.get.

1.0.0-dev.1.0 #

  • Breaking change: Depends on Dart SDK >= 2.0.0-dev.
  • Breaking change: Depends on node_interop >= 1.0.0-dev.
  • Breaking change: removed built_value integration.
  • Added: Firestore support.
  • Internal: run tests in both dart2js and dartdevc.
  • Updated documentation with new instructions.

0.1.0-beta.4 #

  • Breaking: FirebaseAdmin.initializeApp() now expects new AppOptions object as the first argument and optional name argument. See documentation for FirebaseAdmin.initializeApp() for more details and example.

0.1.0-beta.3 #

  • Updated JS bindings with type arguments for Promises.

0.1.0-beta.2 #

  • New: Preliminary support for built_value models and serializers.
  • Breaking: Removed Js prefix for interface classes.
  • Breaking: Credential got split in to CredentialService and Credential. Similar changes with Database and DatabaseService.
  • Upgraded to node_interop: 0.1.0-beta.4.
  • Consolidated all JS bindings in to one file.
  • Completed interface bindings for Realtime Database.
  • Added interface bindings for Firestore.
  • Many dartdoc updates for JS bindings.

0.1.0-beta.1 #

  • Breaking change: FirebaseAdmin.initializeApp() now accepts separate named arguments for credential and databaseURL
  • Breaking change: Credential.cert() now accepts separate named arguments for service account key parameters
  • New Credential.certFromPath() method added.
  • Added DataSnapshot.forEach().
  • Many dartdoc updates
  • Updated to node_interop 0.1.0-beta.1

0.0.1 #

  • Initial version
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Firebase Admin SDK for Dart written as a wrapper around official Node.js SDK.

Repository (GitHub)
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BSD-3-Clause (license)


js, meta, node_interop, quiver_hashcode


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