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A Dart library to expose the File System Access Api from web platform.

File System Access API #

Pub Version Platform Web License MIT Donate

A Dart library to expose the File System Access API from web platform. You can pick files and directories from user's file system to read, write, create, move and delete files/directories from Dart web apps.

The web API (and this library) is experimental and is only supported on Chrome, Edge and Opera browsers for now. It is not recommended to use this library in a production environment.

Features #

This library reflects the web File System Access API using Dart types. See a more detailed description on MDN Web Docs or keep reading to Usage section below.

Getting started #

Install library in your Dart project:

$ dart pub add file_system_access_api

You're all set to play around with the API.

Note that in a cross-platform Flutter project, you can use this library only in a Web environment. Use kIsWeb to prevent building/runtime errors and optimize build size.

Usage #

You can reproduce example from the web API as much of the interfaces are transparent between this Dart library and the JavaScript API.

Is browser supported #

You can check if current browser supports the File System Access API with:

void main() {
  if (!FileSystemAccess.supported) {
    print("Browser does not support API.");
  print("Browser support API.");

Note that you must execute code samples below within main() as a result of a user gesture (e.g. click event) for security reason. This part is omitted for brevity.

Open file(s) #

You can ask a user to open file(s) with the method window.showOpenFilePicker() and access selected files like this:

void main() async {
  try {
    List<FileSystemFileHandle> handles = await window.showOpenFilePicker(
        multiple: true, 
        excludeAcceptAllOption: true,
        types: [FilePickerAcceptType(description: "Pictures", accept: {"image/png+jpg": [".png", ".jpg"]})],
    for (final handle in handles) {
      File file = await handle.getFile();
      print("<file name='${}' size='${file.size} bytes' />");
      // You can read content of a File using a FileReader, like any other File coming from 'dart:html'
  } on AbortError {
    print("User dismissed dialog or picked a file deemed too sensitive or dangerous.");

Save a file #

You can ask a user where to save a file with the method window.showSaveFilePicker() and write in the selected file like this:

void main() async {
  try {
    FileSystemFileHandle handle = await window.showSaveFilePicker(
        suggestedName: "awesome.dart",
        excludeAcceptAllOption: true,
        types: [FilePickerAcceptType(description: "Dart files", accept: {"application/dart": [".dart"]})],
        startIn: WellKnownDirectory.documents

    FileSystemWritableFileStream stream = await handle.createWritable();
    await stream.writeAsText(
        "void main() {"
        "  print('This is the way.');"
    await stream.close();
    // Note that data will be written on disk only after call to close() completed.
  } on AbortError {
    print("User dismissed dialog or picked a file deemed too sensitive or dangerous.");
  } on NotAllowedError {
    print("User did not granted permission to readwrite in this file.");

Open a directory #

You can ask a user to pick a directory window.showDirectoryPicker() and recursively access files and directories like this:

void main() async {
  try {
    FileSystemDirectoryHandle directory = await window.showDirectoryPicker(
        // Use readwrite to ask permission and grant write access on files instead.
    // List of handles in a directory emitted with a [Stream].
    // Listen periodically on [Stream] to reproduce a file system watch-like feature.
    await for (FileSystemHandle handle in directory.values) {
      if (handle.kind == FileSystemKind.file) {
        print("<file name='${}' />");
      } else if (handle.kind == {
        print("<directory name='${}/' />");
        // You can create, move and delete files/directories. See example/ for more on this.
  } on AbortError {
    print("User dismissed dialog or picked a directory deemed too sensitive or dangerous.");

Permissions #

You can query / request permission on files and directories from the user. It allows you to write in files, modify a directory structure, etc. Those methods are available per file/directory handle:

void main() async {
  try {
    final handles = await window.showOpenFilePicker(multiple: false);
    final handle = handles.single;
    var permission = await handle.queryPermission(mode: PermissionMode.readwrite);
    if (permission != PermissionState.granted) {
      print("Asking permission to read and write");
      permission = await handle.requestPermission(mode: PermissionMode.readwrite);
      if (permission != PermissionState.granted) {
        print("read/write access refused, either prompt was dismissed or denied.");
      print("read/write access granted. 😀");
    print("Write beautiful bytes. ✨");
  } on AbortError {
    print("User dismissed dialog or picked a file deemed too sensitive or dangerous.");

Note that current implementation of the File System Access API does not remember permissions across browser's sessions when used with IndexedDB. Star to be notified of work on persisting granted permissions.

Drag and Drop #

You can get files/directories from a drag-n-drop event:

void main() {
  final $area = document.querySelector("#area") as DivElement;
  $area.addEventListener("dragover", (event) => event.preventDefault());
  $area.addEventListener("drop", (event) async {
    final handles = await FileSystemAccess.fromDropEvent(event);
    for (final handle in handles) {
      print("<${} name='${}' />");

Remove handle #

Experimental and non-standard.

You can remove a file/directory directly from its handle, instead of using the handle of the parent directory:

void main() async {
  FileSystemFileHandle file;
  FileSystemDirectoryHandle directory;
  await file.remove();
  await directory.remove(recursive: true);

How to cast a FileSystemHandle #

DON'T test and cast using is keyword:

FileSystemHandle handle;

if (handle is FileSystemFileHandle) {
  print("will always return false");
} else if (handle is FileSystemDirectoryHandle) {
  print("will always return false");

DO test and cast using FileSystemHandle.kind:

FileSystemHandle handle;

if (handle.kind == FileSystemKind.file) {
  final file = handle as FileSystemFileHandle;
  print("handle is a file");
} else if (handle.kind == {
  final directory = handle as FileSystemDirectoryHandle;
  print("handle is a directory.");

How to compare FileSystemHandle(s) #

DON'T compare using == operator or hashCode property:

FileSystemFileHandle a;
FileSystemFileHandle b;

if (a == b) {
  print("will return false even when a and b represents the same file entry.");

DO compare using FileSystemHandle.isSameEntry:

void main() async {
  FileSystemFileHandle a;
  FileSystemFileHandle b;

  if (await a.isSameEntry(b)) {
    print("return true when a and b represents the same file entry.");

More #

See examples in example/ folder to play with fun tools.

Origin Private File System #

This is a storage endpoint private to the origin of the page. It contains files/directories within a "virtual disk" chosen by the browser implementing this API. Files and directories may be written in a database or any other data structure. You should not expect to find those files/directories as-this on the hard disk.

Get root directory #

You can get a root directory of the origin private file system with:

void main() async {
  FileSystemDirectoryHandle? root = await;

Rename a file #

Applies only within Origin Private File System for now.

You can rename a file with:

void main() async {
  FileSystemDirectoryHandle root;

  FileSystemFileHandle handle = await root.getFileHandle("some-name.txt");

  await handle.rename("new-name.txt");

Move a file #

Applies only within Origin Private File System for now.

You can move a file inside another directory and optionally rename it in the same call with:

void main() async {
  FileSystemDirectoryHandle root;
  FileSystemFileHandle handle = await root.getFileHandle("some-name.txt");
  FileSystemDirectoryHandle destination = await root.getDirectoryHandle("config", create: true);

  // Move only
  await handle.move(destination);
  // Move and rename
  await handle.move(destination, name: "new-name.txt");

Synchronous access in Web Workers #

Applies only within a Web Worker and Origin Private File System for now.

You can get an interface to synchronously read from and write to a file. This will create an exclusive lock on the file associated with the file handle, until it is closed:

// Code executed within a Web Worker
void main() async {
  FileSystemDirectoryHandle root;
  FileSystemFileHandle source = await root.getFileHandle("linux.iso");
  FileSystemSyncAccessHandle src = await source.createSyncAccessHandle();
  Uint8List buffer = Uint8List(src.getSize());;

Missing features #

It's all good for now.

Known issues #

  • You cannot store a FileSystemHandle into IndexedDB as-this. See issue #50621 for more. A workaround is implemented in LightStorage within example/ folder.

File any potential issues you see.

Additional information #

See this article on for an introduction to this API (JavaScript).

See examples and more on MDN Web Docs (JavaScript).

See specification on W3C WICG’s File System Access and WHATWG's File System.

Feel free to contribute with issues or pull-requests.

Intellectual property rights #

This library includes documentation copied and/or modified from W3C WICG’s File System Access, which is available under the W3C Software and Document License.

This library includes documentation copied and/or modified from MDN Web Doc’s File System Access, by Mozilla Contributors which is available under the CC-BY-SA 2.5.

This library is available under MIT license.




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A Dart library to expose the File System Access Api from web platform.

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