file_support 1.0.7 copy "file_support: ^1.0.7" to clipboard
file_support: ^1.0.7 copied to clipboard

File Support is plugin very helpful for different kind of file handling operations.Its used create, update, get information about file.

File Support #

File support is plugin that allow you to perform file handling operations. Like convert file to multipart.File support also help file to upload via base64.File support have most reliable compression algorithm to compress image.It also allow user to download files from any url.

Features #

  • Get file name from file.
  • Convert file to multipart file
  • Create random file for testing puroses.
  • Create random image for flutter.
  • Extract all information about file like Name,Type,Size etc.
  • Get file extension from file.
  • Add Image Compression
  • Download Files

Permission Required for purposes to download Files in Ios Info.plist


Permission Required for purposes to download Files in Android Manifest

         android:requestLegacyExternalStorage="true" <===== ADD This line
        android:icon="@mipmap/ic_launcher">   <application

android:requestLegacyExternalStorage="true" <== carefully add in appliction section of manifiest xml. If you are download file for download folder.

Also Add this :

These are following permission for download file required for android devices.

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

Get Multipart for Dio Speciallity is that no need to define mime.It simply return any file to multipart to sent multipart object on dio request

await getMultiPartFromFile(File file) ;

return object is Multipart Object

Get File Name Without Extension. It return name of file without extension.

 getFileNameWithoutExtension(File file) ;

return object is String.

Get File Name With Extension. It return name of file with extension.

  getFileName(File file)

return object is String.

Get Extension of file. It return name extension of every file that have

getFileExtension(File file) 

return object is String.

Get Base64 for any file.(Future) It used to convert any file to base64 format just sent file object in paramter.

 getBase64FromFile(File file)  ;

return object is future String.

Get File from any Base64 This method return file from base64 just pass mention parameter.Extension is required to tell in order to decode.

     {required String base64string,
      required String name,
      required String extension})

return object is Future File

Get Multipart for http module Get multipart file for http multipart request

  getHttpMutipartFile({required String field, required File file})

return object is Future http.MultipartFile

Get Image Resolution Details File support this feature help you know about image Resolution

Future<FileData>getImageReslution(File file)

return object is Future FileData contain imageheight and imagewidth paramter hold image resolution.

Get File Type File support this feature help you know about file type like image,zip etc..

getFileType(File? file)

return object is String with image type.tion.

Compress Image File support this feature help you get Compress Images in order to uplaod, File is required, quality determines image size.

  Future<File?> compressImage(File file,{int? quality,int? rotate})

return object is File. If user get null file incase of wrong file added except images

Download File to store as per custom Location This feature allow user to download file.You can replace path with path provider with getApplicationDirectory. using

  Future<File?> downloadCustomLocation(
      {required String? url,
      Function(String)? progress,
      required String filename,
      required String extension,
      required path}) 


   String? android_path = "${await FileSupport().getRootFolderPath()}/GHMC/";
    File? file = await FileSupport().downloadCustomLocation(
        url: "",
        path: android_path, filename: "Progress", extension: ".mp4",progress: (progress){

return object is File. If user get null file incase of download may not complete

Download File only Download Folder Android This feature allow user to download file.

  Future<File?> downloadFileInDownloadFolderAndroid(
      {required String? url,
      Function(String)? progress,
      required String filename,
      required String extension}) async 


 File? file = await FileSupport().downloadFileInDownloadFolderAndroid(
        url: "",
       filename: "Progress", extension: ".mp4",progress: (p){

return object is File. If user get null file incase of download may not complete

Get Download Directory

File Support this feature allow user to get download folder path of any android device and ios device application directory path

Future<String?>? getDownloadFolderPath() 

return object is String.

Features and bugs #

Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker #

pub points


unverified uploader

File Support is plugin very helpful for different kind of file handling operations.Its used create, update, get information about file.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


MIT (license)


dio, flutter, flutter_image_compress, flutter_web_plugins, http, http_parser, logger, mime_type, path, path_provider, permission_handler, plugin_platform_interface, uuid


Packages that depend on file_support