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Client SDK for FeatureHub

Dart Client SDK for FeatureHub #

Welcome to the Dart SDK implementation for FeatureHub. It is the supported version, but it does not mean you cannot write your own, the functionality is quite straightforward. For more information about the platform please visit our official web page https://www.featurehub.io/

Code Coverage

Overview #

This is the core library for Dart, and can be used for Flutter in all forms (Mobile, Desktop, Web).

It provides the core functionality of the repository which holds features and creates events. It depends on our own fork of the EventSourcing library for Dart (until the main library merges the changes in or we release our own).

This library holds a Feature Repository that you will include in your code and use to determine the state of specific features. It attempts to follow Dart based idioms.

Approaches to updating the repository #

The library includes two different ways you can get the feature states from the FeatureHub Edge Server into your feature repository:

  • GET - this does a simple HTTP GET request and will retrieve the current state of the features for one or more environments. You would use this for Mobile (e.g. Flutter) and periodically update your repository by making this API call.
  • EventSource - this provides real time updates for features by keeping a link open to the FeatureHub Edge Server, as you can imagine this is an expensive operation to do on a battery and we do not recommend it for Mobile except for short periods.

Because these two update methods are interchangeable, you can include them in the same application if you want. You could swap between GET when your app swaps to the background and EventSource when your app swaps to the foreground if immediate updates are important.

This is discussed in more detail below under the heading Mobile API.

Approaches to using the Repository #

Like the Typescript SDK, there are four ways to use this library due to the more user based interaction that your application will operate under. Unlike the Typescript library, the Dart library uses streams.

1. All the Features, All the Time #

In this mode, you will make a connection to the FeatureHub Edge server, and any updates to any events will come through to you, updating the feature values in the repository. You can choose to listen for these updates and update some UI immediate, but every if statement will use the updated value, so listening to the stream is usually a better choice.

A typical strategy will be:

  • set up your UI state so it is in "loading" mode.
  • listen to the readyness stream so you know when the features have loaded and you have an initial state for them. When using a UI, this would lead to a transition to the actual UI rendering, on the server it would make it start listening to the server port.
  • set up your per feature stream listeners so you can react to their changes in state
  • connect to the Feature Hub server. As soon as it has connected and received a list of features .
  • each time a feature changes, it will call your listener and allow your application to react.

Whether this instant reaction is ideal for your application depends. For mobile and servers, the answer is usually yes, for Web the answer is often no as people don't expect that.

final _repository = ClientFeatureRepository();

_repository.readynessStream.listen((readyness) {
  if (readyness == Readyness.Ready) {
    print("repo is ready to use");

// this will cause the event source listener to immediately start. It has a close()
// method to allow for shutdown. this is the EventSource listener and will give you immediate updates 
final _eventSource = EventSourceRepositoryListener(sdkUrl, _repository);

const featureXUnsubscribe = featureHubRepository.getFeatureState('FEATURE_X')
   .featureUpdateStream.listen((_fs) => do_something());

Recommended for: servers

2. All the Features, Only Once #

In this mode, you receive the connection and then you disconnect, ignoring any further connections. You would use this mode only if you want to force the client to have a consistent UI experience through the lifetime of their visit to your client application.

Recommended for: Web only, and only when not intending to react to feature changes until you ask for the feature state again.

3. All the Features, Controlled Release #

This mode is termed "catch-and-release" (yes, inspired by the Matt Simons song). It is intended to allow you get an initial set of features but decide when the feature updates are released into your application.

A typical strategy would be:

. set up your UI state so it is in "loading" mode (only if in the Web). . set up a readyness listener so you know when the features have loaded and you have an initial state for them. When using a UI, this would lead to a transition to the actual UI rendering, on the server it would make it start listening to the server port. . tell the feature hub repository to operate in catch and release mode. featureHubRepository.catchAndRelease = true; . listen to the new features stream. This stream will be triggered when a feature has changed. . [optional] set up your per feature listeners so you can react to their changes in state. You could also not do this and encourage you users to reload the whole application window (e.g. window.location.reload()). . connect to the Feature Hub server. As soon as it has connected and received a list of features it will call your readyness listener. .

If you choose to not have listeners, when you call:


then you should follow it with code to update your state with the appropriate changes in features. You won't know which ones changed, but this can be a more efficient state update than using the listeners above.

Failure #

If for some reason the connection to the FeatureHub server fails - either initially or for some reason during the process, you will get a readyness event to indicate that it has now failed.

enum Readyness {
  NotReady = 'NotReady',
  Ready = 'Ready',
  Failed = 'Failed'

Mobile API #

If you intend to use FeatureHub with Flutter for Mobile, we have an SDK that is based on REST API. The reason for this is that Mobile devices connection doesn't always stay on, so doing a GET request to get your features would be the right choice here.

If you are running a Dart web server or Dart command line app or any other Flutter based application - you should use the Event Source above. For Flutter for Mobile, generally you should use this API.

It is simple to use, you need to specify the host base url and the environment(s) that you wish to pull into your application. Do not have features with the same keys otherwise you will encounter issues with versioning.

Construction is fairly simple, you need a repository (as discussed above) and there is an example in example/dart_cli/get_main.dart.

final es = FeatureHubSimpleApi(sdkHost, [sdkUrl], repo);

sdkHost - this is the base address of the Edge host sdkUrl - this is the part from the admin UI that identifies your particular environment and API key.

request is an async method and it will return its content directly to the repository. A failed call is caught and a Failure status is sent to the repository, which will have an updated error status (such as FAILED, in the Readyness listener).

If the request has no data or an SDK Url that doesn't exist, that is not considered an error because they may just not yet be available and you don't want your application to fail.

Rollout Strategies #

FeatureHub at its core now supports server side evaluation of complex rollout strategies, both custom ones that are applied to individual feature values in a specific environment and shared ones across multiple environments in an application. Exposing that level fo configurability via a UI is going to take some time to get right, so rather than block until it is done, Milestone 1.0's goal is to expose the percentage based rollout functionality for you to start using straight away.

Future Milestones will expose more of the functionality via the UI and will support client side evaluation of strategies as this scales better when you have 10000+ consumers. For more details on how experiments work with Rollout Strategies, see the core documentation.

Coding for Rollout strategies

To provide this ability for the strategy engine to know how to apply the strategies, you need to provide it information. There are five things we track specifically: user key, session key, country, device and platform and over time will be able to provide more intelligence over, but you can attach anything you like, both individual attributes and arrays of attributes.

Remember, as of Milestone 1.0 we only support percentage based strategies, so only UserKey is required to support this. We do however recommend you adding in as much information as you have so you don't have to change it in the future.


The build() method will trigger the regeneration of a special header (x-featurehub). This in turn will automatically retrigger a refresh of your events if you have already connected (unless you are using polling client).

To add a generic key/value pair, use attr(key, value), to use an array of values there is attrs(key, List<String>). You can also clear().

In all cases, you need to call build() to re-trigger passing of the new attributes to the server for recalculation.

By default, the user key is used for percentage based calculations, and without it, you cannot participate in percentage based Rollout Strategies ("experiments"). However, a more advanced feature does let you specify other attributes (e.g. company, or store) that would allow you to specify your experiment on.

FeatureHub Test API #

The Featurehub test api is available in this SDK, but it is not broken out into a separate class. The purpose of the test API is to allow your SDK-URL to update features primarily when writing automated integration tests.

We provide a method to do this using the FeatureServiceApi.setFeatureState method. Use of the API is based on the rights of your SDK Url. Generally you shouldonly give write access to service accounts in test environments.

When specifying the key, the Edge service will get the latest value of the feature and compare your changes against it, compare them to your permissions and act accordingly.

You need to pass in an instance of a FeatureStateUpdate, which takes three values, all of which are optional but must make sense:

  • lock - this is a boolean. If true it will attempt to lock, false - attempts to unlock. No value will not make any change.
  • value - this is dynamic kind of value and is passed when you wish to set a value. Do not pass it if you wish to unset the value. For a flag this means setting it to false (if null), but for the others it will make it null (not passing it).
  • updateValue - set this to true if you wish to make the value field null. Otherwise, there is no way to distinguish between not setting a value, and setting it to null.

We don't provide a wrapper class for this because most of the code comes directly from the featurehub_client_api and you need to include that and its dependencies in your project to use this capability.

Sample code might look like this:

final _api = FeatureServiceApi(new ApiClient(basePath: sdkHost));
_api.setFeatureState(sdkUrl, key, FeatureStateUpdate()..lock = false ..value = 'TEST'); 

Here the sdkHost and sdkUrl have the same meaning as above.